Do you like canadians?

do you like canadians?

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>honhon we wuz musketeers


Yep, my grandfathers Canadian, and I've never had a bad experience when I went there.

I feel that we're much closer to you guys than we are to america so yes.
It seems like such a comfy country and if it weren't for the shit economy i'd want to live there.

Yes. Slava Kanade!

*gives you a leaf*

the only peruvian i know is jynx maze

Canadians seem like good people. Get a bit tired of everybody slagging on "Americans" like we're all the same and we're all in charge of our government. Then again, I'm sure you're tired of the noise upstairs from us. :/

Trudeau is one of the best looking men I've ever seen, and I'm a straight guy. N-n-nomo. But seriously I think anyone can see the guy is what a man is supposed to look like.

Then he opens his mouth and stupid male feminist shit pours out and I wonder where his brain went.

This page makes it seem she's a Peru-ana.

No, but I like them better than everyone else.

The male feminist shit that he spouts is to keep the big cities voting Liberal instead of the NDP. So far everything that he's doing in practice is rather centrist.

>tfw we had to get a retard Lib with Wynne instead of a centrist Lib

Not looking forward to the Conservative backlash vote and have Toronto get shafted for it.

If i knew a retard and i do. Its canadain people.
Ive never met a more fucking retarded nationality.
She was laughing like a dickhead for no fucking reason, had no fucking manners. I just wanted to punch her the fuck out.

They're alright


"like" and "Canadians" can only go in the same sentence if there's also "kill" in it

canadians are literal retards, even worse than brits

oi fuck off turkboy

Like Canadians kill
Like kill Canadians
Kill like Canadians
Kill Canadians like
Canadians like kill
Canadians kill like

you people are disgusting, old fags walking around with asian twinks who look like boys, always the brits

>you people are disgusting

i can taste the irony

I don't believe you.

I need pictures of these twinks to verify

"I want to kill those who don't like Canadians"

Ahh c'est vrai

at least it's an alternative to the cum you taste every day
idk most twinks look like skinny monkeys and the brits usually look like bilbo from lotr

still canadians are way worse and should immediately jump off from any bridge that could kill them


Have you ever met a Canadian?

more than once

Canada is one of the worst countries in the world behind Germany, Brazil and Sweden.

Canadians like to kill the invaders in France.

Frenchfag, do you not know who rests in your war cemeteries? Us leafs freed your asses twice