How does your country deal with killer sky penises?

How does your country deal with killer sky penises?

>inb4 muh stone houses

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I like the Australian approach

stone houses

That video is faker than Kim Kardashian's ass.

>tfw outbreak in southeast right after Trump is sworn in

They are peaceful.

Never seen one of those

Nobody else gets giant tornadoes like the midwest.



With what?

25 june 1967
Never forget

According to a VICE video, We are getting Tornadoes daily because god punished us for bombing Serbs in the 90s.

Not having paper mache houses

By using different materials than cardboard.

>killer sky penises

I dont think we have those over here, but the way you put it makes it sound really sexy.

>Even their tornadoes are black

>killer sky penises

Might also add we don't because we don't get them.

The solution is to move out of your flyover state

>inb4 muh stone houses

Yes because stone houses actually won't fall when a tornado hits like the carboard pieces of shit you have you retarded whoreson

t. Never experienced a tornado

Pic related. Also given the choice between the occasional tornado and the constant threat of being murdered by some nog I'll choose the tornadoes

worst thing it can do is break my windows and ruin my trees/plants

worst thing it can do in USA is uproot the entire little faggot cardboard house and carry it away like a piece of paper

It's not fake, it's just a big dust devil, and those aren't dangerous at all.

Pic is from an F4 around 50 years ago. Yeah a few roofs are missing but that's about it
>inb4 F5s
How big is the chance of a random point being hit by one even in the worst Kansas alley? 0.1% per century?