Can she pass as local in your country?

Can she pass as local in your country?

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She could pass as a local in my bedroom

Diana what
Source? IG? Anything?


Somewhere in Tatarstan may be


Of course she could


She can pass as sweetheart in my heart


>tfw ywn go to ukraine and bring back the Crimean khanate with harem of Ukranian qts
what's the point of life

What's with her eyebrows

Gorgeous eyebrows. Could they be more wide than these when she's getting old?

Definitely not.

Because now you need to go to Russia for it

Thought the exact same thing when I saw it.

Can I travel to Russia and ask putin to give me Kazan so I can form my khanate with my harem full of Russian and Tatar qts ?


called make up user. they use brow crayons.

probably not, she's too pretty and nobody uses scarf like that here, we use scarf like pic related

I literally can not tell if the right one is a girl with meme hair or a guy

4 years ago:


wtf I love Ukraine now!

Ratify the EU-Ukraine association agreement, open the borders!

>tfw she will never marry you because you cannot provide visa to west to her

>ywn get a girl like her

Is Diana-chwan our new super waifu?

>all those westerners waifuing the generic i'm so cool bitch
Niggers do you realize how low you've fallen


this guy lmao, no wonder i read every other day in the news 'girl fucked a shitskin in sweden or norway and gets killed' , cause if that is your average male there...

>yfw she's the Ukrainian poster

Also yes

Her eyes terrify me. She looks possessed. And yes, with all the slavshits coming here, she probably could

She is Turkmen from Tataristan region,same town where 3 guys 1 hammer guys come from.


Not brown enough

Her ig

Saw a girl who looked just like that in the gym today so yea, she had a 10/10 ass aswell. I tried to impress her by lifting heavy but failed my 5th rep and Buddy had to take the bar off me. She saw it all. JUST

Height: 165
Weight: 45

I want to facefuck that nordic/inuit qt hybrid

It's just in Stockholm (and Oslo I guess) that guys are like that. Rural/smalltown there is no cuckery.


such a shame

>black hair, brown eyes, swarthy like a turk

Probably somewhere in Caucasus or Tatarstan she could pass as local, but definitely not in my region.

t. pale-skinned person with fair hair and blue eyes



yes, we are full of hohols


lel, he's definitely handsome and probably model tier compared to you two neckbeards

You can just go to the first hotel on your way and pick up at least 3 russian NaTaShAs.

Everyone can pass as local here.

What is her age?

17 or 18 idk




What did she mean by this?

That eyebrows

The American dream isn't dead!

I can't believe that's real. How does she not break?

omg I wish I was that skinny, if i had a printer, i would have printed it and put it on my fridge to remember myself that being bored is not the same as being hungry

don't forget do fit


No. Too cute

Our women are the biggest whores and traitors.

gross looking skinnybitch

ukraine please, if you ever gonna be first world, you have to acknowledge that girls have the right to do what they want with their own bodies without being called whores

fuck off, ahmed. We don;t need more "i wan to fuk ur nice pussy" comments from arab dudes on instgram

This is what you get for bordering with Sweden

>tfw you won't marry her.

Being the Nice Guy (tm) wont get you laid.

Just so you know.

joke's on you, i'm gay lol and i have probably fucked more guys than the grill ITT

I doubt it, maybe in some areas, but mostly not.
So true.

Nothing to be proud of. Just for the records, are you a swede?

>Nothing to be proud of
why not? because the bible or mein kampf says you shouldn't?

i'm gonna marry and have kids when i'm getting older, but now is the time for fun and i don't regret anything

>and have kids

Holy crap, she's got a literal 90s comicbook heroine body.

She lacks cuteness and looks like basic insta bitch. Not good.

Anyone can pass as a local here.

No, looks too much like a Turk.

>Thick and unnatural eyebrows

Yes, but she would stand out a bit

How much are you being paid to shill for her? I consider doing this myself 2bh but I don't know how to contact the skinny desperate bitches . Do you text them saying you'll get her more followers or is there a website where you can advertise

>i'm gonna marry and have kids

Nah, enough with your Jewish tricks you schlomo swallowing faggot
