Would you racemix with a Brazilian girl?

Would you racemix with a Brazilian girl?

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No but rape some brazilian girls I say yes

i would mix her race if you catch my drift :^)

100% sure ?

No, but I would put my penis in her bangina without protection.

>HER race

you mean yours

She looks like a guy, I can almost see her mustache

seguro segurísimo, zoofilía está penado con la carcel aqui.

Yes, id love to have intimate sweaty body fluid sharing sex with a Brazilian girl

that ass

This Guy sweats during sexual rapport, lol.

lying on the back master race



depends. Do they like tall white guys?


>he doesnt like being on top of a women pressing his weight and cock into her soft butt cheeks

lmao what a faggot


also eating your gf's pussy and ass is literally 101 healthy relationship

why not

Too tiring



Just to spread genes and make this



poast more grande bundas


que pena que los portugueses llevasen tantos negros, brasil seria un paraiso si no fuera por eso.

No entiendo por que no hubo genocidios contra los negros cuando se abolió la esclavitud, hubiesen hecho un favor a la humanidad.

they CRAVE for suomi cock

even the dog is embarrassed


i'm already racemixing with an ecuadorian sure why not

would you make tender love with her?

It's weird how favelados are only 4% of our population yet they account for 80% of whores and internet porn in this country. I think even european gypsies have higher standards.

Yes I would if she is cute.

I would impregnate her and go back to portugal
Wait a second,I just had a deja vú

You would cuddle her after piledriving her tight monkey pussy?

not with that one

but i love Brazilian girls, would definitely procreate with one

I would definitely fug a brazilian girl. Not so sure about marrying and settling down with one.

I used to be 100% againt racemaxing, but then you fuckers intoxicated me with kuruminha and I got a BR waifu fetish.


This is a 15 years old brazilian girl. Thoughts?


good taste too bad you country doesn't have this
ib4 anyone says anything i know

Only met one Brazilian girl
She had really bad skin

Why are Brazilians so perfect?

most powerful race in the world


nope this.
kinda monkey is that?




I'd give her hard shagenings
Dirty whore

that's allowed

but you'll have to cuddle and tell that you love them afterwards, or else you'll hurt their fragile little monkey hearts

yes but i'm already mulatto so that doesn't make any sense, but give me one of them brown Japanese Brs please

> i'm already mulatto

they're for white men only, kiddo

But then how do Brazilians reproduce?

more than 20% of the Brazilian population is white

Hell yes

not true was just in Rio and the girls definitely liked me I'm far better looking than the average br guy and i have nice facial hair

>I'm far better looking than the average br guy

lel, did you stay in a favela or something?

Please post more faveladas, OP. I beg of you.

Stop posting faveladas you shit taste faggot

white cock ONLY

Ah yes, lad. Keep them coming. Have a qt megane in exchange.

No i was in centro also went to copa but just got hit on by men there and i mean actual guys.I avoided going into favelas no tours i'm not a currious white 1st worlder so none of that for me i lived in shit ghetto areas here why would i want to go to a favela?
lots of faveledos everywhere you can tell for sure

Girls check me out in the USA but it's way higher in Rio and I got lots of matches on tinder
Everyone thought i was Brazilian of course until i could barely communicate with them
one girl asked for nudes in the 1st message
the white ones are the ones who like foreign black and brown guys the most it seems

Stop posting subhuman faveladas, OP

Interspecieal relationship? I don't even know if it's legal.

> lived in shit ghetto
>I got lots of matches on tinder

you're BMWF aren't you?

those integers

>you're BMWF aren't you?
no I don't actually like white girls, they do like me though including 40+ year olds
I like the stereotypical Brazilian or Colombian girls
I prefer brown girls of every single culture
I like arab qts too

Omg my first quints is about brazilian ghetto bitches

I asked if your dad is black and your mom white

No they are both "pardo"
Dad's mom is white and mom's mom is white

>double coal burner grandmas

wow dude

Post more of this.

The robots would

What do i win?

not meeting your grandfathers

>Would you racemix with a Brazilian girl?
Yes, but not any trash with tatoos

is she brazilian?

How many IP addresses do you have?

what would you do with this bunda

Why are faveladas such whores?

Seriously, who would marry these whores?

foreigners mostly

Cuck, they will betray you in just one month.

>only 20% of brazilian males reproduce

lel, whatever you need to tell yourself buddy.

>drinking whisky in brazil

not even once


stay mad black boi

if brazilian girls are such whores, why am I still a virgin?


you have to leave your house first, user

If I wanted to fuck an animal I would go to a zoo


Non-br lads. Let's play spot the trannies itt. Several have been posted already. Can you guess which ones?

Yeah, probably


These ones for sure