Hometown thread

We post pictures that we like from our cities and share a little of our lives.

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I didn't know that such the nice place exists in Brazil.

It only looks nice in the picture, because of the angle.


Cool :D
Do you have a picture during the winter?

Lithuania looks shitty from any angle though

Sorry lad, I'm out of it, except mb a few wanky shots with my chavish "friends"

That's the purpose of this thread, to impress you. 90% of Brazilian posters are here to try to impress gringos and prove that Brazil is rich and first world.

I come from a small village

I find that hard to believe considering most hues here are self-haters (like you).

>everyone are self-haters

Why everything have to be a fucking argument of who hates or not.

The thread it's just to show pics of their hometowns ffs. You guys are fucking neurotic.

what part of my life are you interested in hueanon?

Which departement is it ? I'd say Gard, but could be pretty much anywhere in Languedoc or Provence
Here's mine

why the proxy NSA

but anyway i didn't/don't live in a town but a city
this is my suburb though

Love this place :3

Such comfy place *-*
Nope, I just wanted to share pictures from my city, that's all.
Anything really, just sharing pictures from your cities already fires my imagination :)
>Carioca working for the NSA
Ain't such a thing homie.
It's okay tho, looks nice :D

Normie beach city

Here's a picture of the yearly winter swim. It's usually around -20° C maybe but it could get as low as 30 or lower.
The water is just above freezing of course

Grew up on a farm in southern Ontario, used to go out for walks to see the scenery but now I live in Hamilton so all I see is shitty rundown stores and garbage.

view of downtown indy

Kek, reminds me of this:
wow, that's cool, I hope you enjoy the beach now and then :)
Maybe later you will go back to there and raise your children.
>endless plains

Sudbury, (Northern) Ontario, Canada. It's the largest city in Northern Ontario with ~165 000 pop.

Nothing too interesting to say about it. It's a major nickel mining city, lots of exposed rock. There's a mountain that cuts through the middle of the city, which makes the general road layout a bit weird. Some old tunnels under downtown which make for good exploring. We have the second tallest structure in the country (Inco Superstack). And...that's about it. Pretty standard small city experience.


I don't really live in the city, but i'm often there

The city is called "Karlskrona", it translates as "Charles crown" after Karl XI/Charles XI

It was designed to be a new capital during the empire times, and was once one of the biggest cities in the country. Nowadays you find the main base for the Swedish navy there.



looks sooo comfy :^)


Ah yes, we've talked before. Your city was designed to defend Sweden against the Russians.

It's not to bad.

We did the right thing throwing the guy who owned the land in prison :^)



At night

>yfw Guatemala has the moon during the day and the sun during the night.


Canadian cities are so small

nothing special, at least we have no refugees