Your cunt

>your cunt
>how often you brush
>do you think your dental hygiene is better than your country's average?

once a day
probably right in the middle

>once a day

Is this normal in United States of The USA?

>at least 3 times a day(morning, after lunch, before sleep)
>meh, is the average

nobody on the east coast brushes there teeth, so averaged with the rest of the country, yeah

It is actually not healthy to brush more than 2-3 times a day. Better hygiene is going often to the dentist to really clean up your teeth and use dental gel regularly, using the right toothbrush + paste, not brushing after meal(thats really stupid), etc.

Once per day and mouthwash a couple times a week

Once a day, at bedtime
the middle

I usually brush my teeth 2 times a week for 30 minutes each time, I'm too lazy to brush my teeth everyday.

I do it before I go out and also right before bed.
I'll also autistically brush briefly with only water every time I go to the bathroom.
If I don't leave the house then I will skip the morning.
I cannot sleep without brushing though and will sometimes stay up all night if I'm too lazy to do it.
The idea of falling asleep with dirty teeth makes me too anxious.

>dental hygiene
No such thing


Usually once a day before going to sleep because I wake up too late for it and have to go to work right away

If I wake up properly (half hour before having to go) then I brush at the morning too

Probably way below average as I haven't seen a dentist for a few years now, hate those fucking people

>There teeth

every day

I get that the you're supposed to do it twice daily but I really can't be bothered, if it sends my dental hygiene to an early grave then so be it


I haven't brushed my teeth since I learned there was fluoride in the water. Now it seems kind of redundant.

Once a day when i wake up.

>white people brush their teeth once a day
>white people take a shower 1 a week
>they don't wear deorodant
>they don't clean their ass with water and soap after a poop, they just wipe with paper instead

I swear spics are more hygienic

Haven't in probably 12 years now

Two to three times a day
Probably better but I guess my teeth are genetically weak, had 3 holes

At least five times a day.

After wakeup, before bed and after all my meals (breakfast, launch, dinner).

Twice a day, but my teeth are fucked up (little white stains on my teeth)because I didn't use the fucking gel when I had my braces. Doctor only told me once, but didn't say anything about consequences when I won't use them. Now I have a higher risk to get holes, hence I have to clean them properly.

>your cunt
New Zealand
>how often you brush
Twice a day
>do you think your dental hygiene is better than your country's average?

What gel are you talking about?
I have braces right now and I've never been told about a gel?
Also is brushing teeth twice a day enough when you wear braces?

>not brushing after meal(thats really stupid)
Wait what?
I brush after breakfast and brush after tea and before bed
Is that bad?

Pretty embarrassing.


>once a day
>bad on of my teeth is half missing and I have like 5 cavities lmao

>your cunt


>how often you brush

two times, in the morning and before bed

>do you think your dental hygiene is better than your country's average?

I guess it's normal, some people go for once a day but they belong in the older generation.

Like 4 times a day?

Twice a day unless I forget.

Dentist just told me I have very healthy teeth, so I'm sure I'm better than most burgers.

>how often you brush
only when I go outside, which is like once a month

>they don't wear deorodant
>they don't clean their ass with water and soap after a poop
this is so unnecessary

All these >once a day

LAND OF FREE, Thailand
2 times a day, one in the morning and one before bed.
Yep, unfortunately my parents are dentists.

When I wake up and before I go to sleep. The problem is I awoid the dentist as much I can. Didnt visit him for years.

>four times a day

You guys are fucking nasty, goddam.

Once a week

Stupid yank, you brush your hair not you teeth

I didnt have to use a gel when I had braces.