What happens here?

What happens here?

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Russians in rightful Manchu clay

Ideal scenario is for Eastern Russia to restore its asian culture and language. The slavs can stay but must assimilate.

It will be a land of nomadic QT halfies

is that where slavs got btfo by japs?

Russians live there.

Snow tigers and shiet. It's probably one beautiful coastal forest desu.

Right-wheel cars
Korea-tier weather
Shitload of japanese products

>Korea-tier weather
What's that supposed to mean?

I heard Ukrainians also live there.
In the era of Soviet Union, anti-government of Ukrainians were moved to the area forcibly.

Windy, smoggy air, fogs.

its probably like North Korea
cold and windy

How would Korea be windy when it has a mountainous spine to block the winds... occasional storms don't count as being windy.

>american education

I already looked it up and that whole region barely qualifies as windy. Time for you to go squat in the corner kid.

>squatting maymays
literally monkey lmao

most atheistic and most protestant region in Russia
There's coal in mountains
Supposed to be pipeline from Sakhalin or Siberia whatever for liquefaction station (dunno wuts up in this issue)
Main Russian navy base
I do live there

>most atheistic and most protestant region in Russia

Hey now, I could store a 1000 commies just on my little bit of land in a major 1st class city. It's even on a lake so you could taste clean water for the first time in your life. Play ice hockey on something that isn't radioactive.

% of atheists is large than average Russian level
One of the biggest number of registered protestant congregations in Russia.

Russians where they don't belong

>I heard Ukrainians also live there.

Yes, the blue territories on the map are populated almost exclusively by ethnic Ukrainians.

Center of Vladivostok City
pic related

Forced assimilation, like if you have ukranian background you probably will describe yourself as Russian.
Saw while census that half-Ukranian half-Ossetian dude write himself in as Russian, his parents were there.
another dude write his half-Chinese daughter as "Rossiyanka" but I think it was counted as Russian after all.

I live here.

good old days ruski :---D

There is free trade zone.