Tell a Norwegian I use a knife to slice my cheese

>Tell a Norwegian I use a knife to slice my cheese
>He starts crying

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It's like using stone age tools in the modern world. Why would you do that.

what the fuck do you use?

>make a norwegian cry by telling him I cut my cheese with a knife
life is gud diarrhy

>not buying your cheese pre-sliced
lol europoors

Did you apologize to him?

the greatest invention of all time

>american slices

Osthyvel is great

How do you people eat these things? they taste horrible

first time i saw that, i used it to flip over bacon tabs i was frying


What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?

>Tell a Brit I use a knife to slice my cheese
>Bobbies arrest me for possession of a deadly weapon

American "cheese" is terrible and disgusting

Fucked. People can't use a knife. Holy shit! Big fucking knives is everything you need.

I buy my cheese sliced, Norway purpose is moot

I hope you have a license for that.

What does it do that a knife doesn't? It just looks so specific, like having a tool specifically for cutting bananas, or a spoon for vanilla icecream

Citizenship revoked

>Tell a Frenchman I use a knife to slice my cheese
>He asks why I'm not just eating it straight in wheel form

your savagery is showing
brutes all of you

In my kitchen table, there are 10 knives and 1 axe. Two knives longer than 6 inches. Interestingly, in England I would have been "the weapon Baron"?

>Tell an Aussie I use a knife to slice my cheese
>His data caps out before the whole message loads
>Will never know what his reaction was
feels bad man

go find a tool to fuck yourself man

disgusting as fuck

>Drink win from wine bottle
>He starts asking why I'm sucking on his wound.

The best cheese you eat with a spoon anyway.

I truly believe Australians do not shitpost, they just have limited data in order to send messages and can either never complete their sentences or they have to put them together to save room. For instance.

'Fuck off were full''
What it could really meme was ''Fuck, off we're full''. Meaning they got full of a good Vegemite sandwhich.



This is physically possible?

Man I don't know if Portugal is Extremadura or Extremadura is Portugal

It is from the border.

Disgusting. Why do Americans keep posting shit like this? There are good quality REAL American cheeses out there

Pretending it's always bad is just as much of a meme.

It's good on burgers and for grilled cheese with tomato bisque, however that is about it.

Real Americans squeeze their cheese from a tube

wtf jzg hatar ost nu

I agree it's top tier on burgers and grilled cheese.

Even worse

When you're raised on it it becomes delicious cheese paste.
Shits great for sandwiches and shit. But most people also have shredded cheese too for soup and shit.

The 50's were a culinary mistake.

Simple. Everything is expensive there.
So is cheese. So they need to slice really tiny pieces to make it last longer. You can't slice that thin with a knife.

Does anyone really feed their kids this garbage?

It's always what I had as a kid. Now I have better cheeses too but kraft singles are alright and I have them once in a while. They're especially good if you just want to make a dish super cheesy, real cheese isn't as good for that.

Nothing wrong with sliced cheese as a quick bite. It is not delicious but it is not disgusting either. These pretentious retards are full of shit . Even in the developed world most people eat junk food and mcdonalds on a regular basis. And I don;t even want to know what they eat in the 3rd world.

>>He asks why I'm not just eating it straight in wheel form
Well he's asking the real question

>American education

t bh wheel form cheese confuses and scares me.
Do I just bite into it? Do I cut it open? Where is the wax? It's just very stressful and I'd rather avoid it.

Good only for cutting cheese in a certain way. At least with an actual cheese knife you can choose how big the piece is, as well as pick it up too.

>Even in the developed world most people eat junk food and mcdonalds on a regular basis

No, most people aren't eating McDonald's daily outside of the US

Have you never eaten a pizza?

>Have you never eaten a pizza?
Is that how I'm supposed to consume the wheel? DO I cut it into slices and just eat the inside?

>he actually believes people in America eat McDonald's everyday

i said junk food in general. of which mcdonalds is the most popular example. i also said on a regular basis, not daily. nice reading comprehension.

literal edible plastic

You joke but this shit is delicious

>Even in the developed world most people eat junk food and mcdonalds on a regular basis.
This is what burgers actually believe.

el spatulANO

Shitty engineering, you get uneven slices and end up with a mountain of cheese.

This is the superiorer design

It looks like something my grandpa would have rigged up to keep a door closed in the basement

I use that for pickles in my sandwich

it is called statistics. look it up. mcdonalds is the most popular "restaurant" in europe.

Cheese Knife ?

I eat it by the block.


ofcourse it is. chain "restaurants" isn't a thing besides american junk

you cut it like a pizza (there's technique and all that shit but fuck it) you remove the rind and after you can just bite into it or cut it in smaller piece if you want, ain't that easy