Mfw can't decide if I should go to Japan or Korea for my long-awaited Asian vacation

>mfw can't decide if I should go to Japan or Korea for my long-awaited Asian vacation
>the tiny weeb in my yells "Nippon ichi!"
>the man in me yells "Korean girls are hotter bro"

I am confused.

Which one is better to go to if I like hot girls(will go to clubs and pubs), old buildings, exotic food, interesting culture and friendly people I can get to know and keep in touch with after I go back home.

Keep in mind I'm not your normal tourist, I like to move around and mix in with the locals.

So Sup Forums which county is better to go to? Anyone been to both? Maybe Korean and Japanese anons can help?

Kazakhstan or Philippines

Korean women are superior to Nip women

Also Korea is just a better country imo

Koreans look better only after surgeries

Go to Japan. Japan is much friendlier to foreigners than Korea.

East Turkistan or Tibet or North K.

Korea sounds more your type.

Do you prefer coke or pepsi?

Considering Korea was only built in the early 20th century, by Japanese people no less, you should visit Japan if you care about history and culture at all.

>Japan is much friendlier to foreigners than Korea

come to israel we are like japan but with shawarma

This, Xinjiang has the hottest girls

Mineral water.

I see. So there are no palaces and castles in Korea? I come from a historical region rich in castles and palaces so I got a thing for them.


I know, but that's what women do, they make themselves look better. I doube I find long lasting love there but I might as well have a good time with some random cute girl who will like me so we can make some good memories together..

Koreans aren't friendly to non-american whites? Mind you, I know good manners.

In which month are you going to have the trip?

Moshe my friend, I've already been to Israel, luckily I visited Egypt and SA before that because now I can't go to like 1/3rd of arab countries because of the visit. It was totally worth it and very nostalgic, Israeli jews who are of Polish origin were great.

Late july or early august. That's why I'm planning it now, to have it all booked.

It will be a 2 week trip.

Baically we are japnese in denial. And nothing to see here like remarkable sightseeing. thus you better get go to japan instead us.

In late July, it's rainy season here. In early August, it's hot and humid. Summer heat and humidity of Japan seem to be unbearable for people from other countries.

But August is also the season of summer festivals. I've visited a summer festival held in medieval castle few years ago. It was good.


Late July might be not rainy season. It ends around mid to late July in Honshu.

By the way, people around me who visited Korea said it was a nice country and the local people were kind.

this. Filthy nips are subhuman
Korea is recommended to all tourists
It's full of hotties and handsome guys

Thanks for the info, I want to spend like 2-3 days in a few different cities.

Traveling from one city to other via train might be a problem from what I know because I don't know japanese or english while in Korea, from what I know, people do know english.

This is list of welcomed peoples:

rest fuck off we are full.

My dream, I'm curious about nice things in these countries, the women would be only a plus and hard to get since i don't know how to attract them.


what about qt Taiwanese? :3


if you can blend in with a sea of yellow people i see no problem.



Imagine yourself going to japan or korea and having her.

gimme sauce right now monkey

I'm white. Brown indio.

I want to see stuff as well. If I meet a girl - fine, if I don't - fine as well, I'm not a virgo.

The main reason of my trip is culture, sights, food, people.

>Summer heat and humidity of Japan seem to be unbearable for people from other countries.
this x 10. OP should know that humidity kills Poles. Korean is much worse than japanese

I hate japan and korea