I'm only 22 but I'm in love with a mexican citizen and the only way for us to be together is if I marry her so she can...

I'm only 22 but I'm in love with a mexican citizen and the only way for us to be together is if I marry her so she can obtain legal status and live with me in the USA.

Is it worth it?

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I think she probably just loves your green card.


come on Juan, give me something here

Post pics of her ass and we'll be able to tell you.

Let's just say I doubt it and am willing to take the risk.

I had to convince her why living in USA is better

I don't have any, shes too pure and catholic for lewds.

I fail to see the issue if you want to get married to her.

How long have you lived together?

You're fucking 22.

We've never lived together, we met this year and both fell head over heels. Shes in the USA on a temporary visa that will expire within the next 5 months.

Live together for 5 months then get married if you don't want to kill her after that?

Why is she there temporarily?

She just wants a green card
Where does she reside in Mexico?

See this is troubling me too, but I've always wanted to get married and have a family.

The reason why it is rushed is because she has to go back in five months, the visa she would have to apply for takes around two years to become legitimate for her current situation, and she will not accept being an illegal (even for just a year or two while we wait for the visa)

basically the only option left is to marry her or never see her again.

never see her again
you will make the same decision later but older

She currently has a J-1 visa to stay for a year working as a live in nanny with some rich family

she's under contract so she can't leave the family shes obligated to

I would say that too but she is the one trying to talk me out of going through the trouble to help her obtain legal status.

>marrying a servant
Are you an idiot.

What do you mean the same decision Kevin?

If she lives on a nice city/area or magic town go live with her

What's wrong with that?

She loves her father, her family, children, and wants to have a family and be a mother, what's there to not love?

Maybe she dump you after obtaining the American citizenship. It's an usual story.

You're fucking 22. Get a proper education and job before even thinking of marrying a random Mexican.

And, love is blind, you know.

She doesn't. She lives in a cartel route town right on the border. A lot of people die where she lives, it's by no means a nice part of Mexico

I think you're rushing into things. Can't you just cross the border every week to see her and then get married when you're ready?

Sorry Takahashi but I'm going to refrain taking love advice from anyone with that flag

>I'm 22 and I want to get married

I live in the northeast. The host family she lives with lives in the same general area as me, that's how we met.

I know we are rushing, but she inspires me and gives me motivation.

Not in Chump's Amerikkka.

This. You should make yourself capable of make a living alone. Your dearest beloved isn't as reliable as you think. Love is fragile and ephemeral.

In another circumstance I would take it slower but these current set of variables make that impossible so it's marry or never see again

I know I'm young but I was never about fucking cheap sluts, I've literally always wanted to be a dad.

>she inspires me and gives me motivation
Oh in that case it's meant to be.

>You're fucking 22. Get a proper education and job before even thinking of marrying a soulless western woman who will divorce you and take half your shit.


My ex was a catholic mexican qt on temporary stay here too. She was rich as fuck and hated canada though. I toyed with moving to mexico to be with her but she told me not to come basically. I wanted to die for months, she was my first.

I mean she probably does see you as a ticket, but if she also loves you why not? Intercultural relationships are the best anyway.

dude don't listen to these degenerates.

But be honest, are there issues with the relationship? She might immediately want kids you know.

What does she think about sex? I turned my gf into a cock hound after a while, but she still freaked out after we did it sometimes.

>a soulless western woman who will divorce you and take half your shit.

this was literally the first appeal, I fucking hate western women with such a passion and she is just so traditional and submissive

none of that anti man shit

not trying to say shit but follow your hearth, if you fuck up or she just wants a visa, then it'll end. But if you do nothing and let her go you'll forever regret it, there's no doubt about it.
I think marring her at your age is completely insane, just stay more time with her even though her visa expires, at the first sign of trouble from a migration agency marry her, simple as that.
I have done really crazy shit for love, people will say shit about it but I know what it feels to fall for someone.

That's unfortunate. You seem a little lovestruck but if you have her parents blessing and your own parents, then I think you can choose whether or not you want to move forward with this. I suggest making her sign a prenup though, no matter how sweet and innocent she seems.

> traditional and submissive

you know that isn't everything though. She could be like that with any guy. You have to make sure she actually likes you.

I mean it's pretty obvious when a girl just likes you for your shit IMO. 3rd world women are attracted to me like a moth to light for some reason but it's pretty easy to seperate the genuine from non-genuine in my experience.

Is she hot?

Ok champ let me tell you a little secret about brain development. It doesn't finish until you're 26-27. You don't know who she'll be at 30. You don't even know who you will be.
Conversely, the younger you are when you get married the shorter the marriage will be.

Alimony is real and so is child support. That shit isn't adjusted according to your age when married.

Aren't you responsible for her if she goes on welfare after leaving you?

and there are plenty of happy life long marriages from young couples. This is typical advice I hear all the time yet all I see are loveless marriages and 3 dogs instead of kids. fuck off.

I'm her 2nd, and she is basically my sex slave at any of my whims at this point. We fight about some shit, I'm a hardcore conservative (from Sup Forums) and we butt heads sometimes on humanitarian issues, but nothing too serious when it comes to our minds.

She loves to travel, I figured it is out of a distaste for Mexico which is why she is here in the first place, her biggest bobby is to travel the world, she was a live in nanny in 3 very different geographical locations around the USA for years and one of our biggest problems is me trying to convince her that her dreams aren't going to allow to her to build up the savings for a stable life like place of living, and family. We had our biggest fight the other day because she wants to go to New Zealand and just "find a job and live there" and she tried dragging me along with her but I basically said no that's fucking stupid. I was able to convince her in the end that stability is more important, but now her legal status is the issue and I can't explain that problem away.

Go ahead and roll those dice, buddy. I'm sure you've got yourself a real keeper and not just a case of confirmation bias.

You remind me of me.

oh so you're already having huge arguements about where life should take you.

You're gonna end up like me lmao, exact same thing.

Maybe we're just jerks desu.

>from Sup Forums
What's the hispanic version of elliot rodgers? Because that's what your kids would be.

so, what did you do? How is your life working for you?

At any rate taking love life advice from a westerner is shit.


They are extremely seductive. It happened to one of my friends too.

I am also sort of a Sup Forumstard yet all of my romances have been brown. Hrm.

You sound like a retarded faggot, and you can both get fucked for all I care. I regret reading this thread.

she is 26

I'm not paying anyone alimony or child support, I'll tell you that! My life is rock solid. Getting married is a giant prisoners dilemma with long lasting repercussions.

Fuck off white boi


nah, but srsly she sounds like a girl with a wild soul, excellent taste fa m.

Because they're idiots who can't make it with white women. It's basically yellow fever.

If you really think your love is eternal then wait 4 years. If you want to spend your life together it shouldn't matter, right?

Please explain in what ways are they seductive and how do they seduce? For uhhh... research purposes.

ah, so you likely have a loveless life without kids.

I know she likes me for me, she isn't drop dead sexy she is cute as fuck

Se tried to keep a good relationship with her last boyfriend after they split and she tried as hard as she possibly could and he ended up being a feminine manipulative french prick but for a while she spoke good things about her ex and I know that is a rare and good find with women.

Bro, I've seen kids. They fucking suck.

The problem is she is leaving in five months and I cannot be sure she is willing to wait a few years in Mexico while working her ass off to pay for and carry out the legalization process just to see me when shes finally done, a big part of this is she had no intention of living in the united states, I'm her only reason

pls send more

random shit like texting on the phone, but bumping her ass into your junk to get you hard just for fun.

Once we interupted sex so she could talk to her parents who were calling. Then I got bored cause it was taking forever... then she looked at me and just started jacking me off all the while she was talking about her day with her parents.

Generally just sitting on my dick too. Never had sex with a white girl because they literally just wait for you to abuse them while pretending you're not gonna have sex or something until you basically force yourself on them. There's no communication I really don't get it.

I too, realize the irony in this, but western women are trash. The meme is real. And she is white, no joke she's a lighter shade of white than I am.

>I'm willingly going to erase my culture from the world and have no succession

Literally the only reason to live is to breed and you fucked it up because your culture is dysfunctional. This only proves me right. You're a dying breed we don't even need to debate anymore.

Ok I got another truth bomb for you. being with someone who's only reason for even being in the country is you is not a healthy place to be.
If she doesn't like America now, she'll like it even less once the honey moon is over and either A) she'll resent you or B) she'll pull stakes and go back to Mexico after your relationship hits it's first speed bump.

Here's another truth bomb on the house: You want to be a dad right? Well mothers get custody and if your kids are living with their mother in fucking Mexico it's going to put a serious damper on your quality bonding time.

She's amazing amigo, I wouldn't be considering this with any other women.

The fact that you feel the need to namefaggot already tell me you are scum.

>I'm going to put up with 18+ years of bullshit and pay FAR out the ass for it because it's my biological imperative.
Have fun with that. I'll be over here enjoying my money and free time.

Fuck Brian, you're right.

She doesn't like this country.

The giant loveless apathetic orgy cesspit of failures is what she has seen and she has taken notice. The family she lives with is a white family, extremely rich, multiple seasonal homes, 3 kids, and every adult she spends time with literally complains about being poor and being depressed. They are all on drugs and since she is a nanny she sees first hand how little the actual mother wants to do with her kids while she runs her pathetic meaningless housewife dreams of becoming a famous organic food chef that don't need no salt, and basically lashes out at her and treats her like a slave.

Its driven her to think you can't be happy in America even with a successful life, and that wealth in itself will cause more unhappiness. She thinks the American dream is bullshit and frankly after the past several years I don't blame her. But I love America and could never leave it. Honestly this has been something I've feared but I figured America by default is better than Mexico but maybe it just isn't where she will be happy

I fucking despise Sup Forumsacs but right now I truly wish you the best lad, just treat her well and take the choice that makes her the most happy.

Just for this thread you autist, there are a lot of different posters

that's the point of their being a name field

Dude why don't you just both move to some third country? Cost of living is lower and Mexican will be perceived as white if you move somewhere on another continent.

Cost of living may be lower but so will the wages. I love America too much anyway, I couldn't handle living in another country, and I don't to risk it not working out in a foreign nation.

I agree with this guy, perhaps New Zealand since it's her dream?

If she truly loves you then you hould get Mexican citizenship and move in with her instead of the other way around

I want my kids to grow up in a safe place. Not worrying about what parties they go too or whether or not they end up in the cartels

A complete downgrade is not the idea

As long as you get a prenup do whatever the fuck you want.


In America prenups aren't what they used to be. A judge can throw them out for any number of reasons.

>kids get killed in school shooting

averages santiago, averages

Make sure you talk with your lawyer properly then Jerome


I don't think you understand.


For anyone that still cares

We just spoke, I told her we cannot be together, that I support her happiness. I cant make her live in a country she does not want to live. She is crying, but she understands. Perhaps there is hope, but for another day. She wants to keep seeing me until she has to go back, i guess we will ride this train knowing it will crash. Thank you for the advice Sup Forums, I love you guys.

Why is life suffering.

Stop thinking with your dick user

I think you did the best thing for both of you.

i hope this isnt real

i wish it wasn't

good night guys, I really do appreciate the solid advice.

She will dump you as soon as she gets her citizenship. What a dumbass.

She's just gonna find another guy now, perhaps go back with her ex that she still speaks so fondly of.

damn. these are some sad feels.

Are you crazy gringo ? She is doing for thy shekels !


Good for you user. You're 22. You're not suppose to think of falling in love. You're suppose to think about education, work and cheap pussy.

No. She will divorce you as soon as she gets her citizenship, and take half your shit too


God ahead do it while you can, who cares if she fucks half your shit in the future, dont ask us about this, we are already on slow dead here