
Canada USA Mexico

Sexy lingerie edition

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Death to namefags!

business idea


>midwesterners mingle with north coasties and border casGAYdia
Pulling the money out

Great edition


You are now posting in a french thread

TMZ is more reputable that CNN.

Chew on that for a moment.



Si tu peux lire ce tu aimes les bites

What the hell could we even do as a little country like that?


Muh gawd, Trump left up the drapes Hillary chose. Surly this is the end of Drumpf.



>How often do you come shopping up here?
I haven't been in California nor any other part of the US during the last days desu.

It's been a while since the last time I bought something from there.

idk someone just got mad at me for including eastern ontario with southern ontario so i made it it's own country

are these int posters?


the lingerie is retarded, stylistically simple, single color frills and contours with "hole" etc
it is the shape that is defined that is aesthetic or rather the whole is taking with the bum as the subject and the lingerie is the background
so a definition in the negative

it is basically a play on those mind tricks with the negative being a thing like that lamp one except the bum is the negative-positive, you don't need to figure out the negative space it's staring right at you, what you want to know is that the lingerie is only sexy because the bum it shapes is sexy or rather it does it's job of by not being itself

That was me.

I just didn't like you calling us Yankeeland

I really hate being alone but talking to people always gets me anxious and annoyed

Lingerie is a globalist conspiracy to get people to by more lace.

Si puedes leer esto eres pendejo

You may have a touch of the 'tism.

She was very devout. The psychotically depressed man, too, went to daily Mass when he was not institutionalized. He prayed for relief. He still had his job and his hobby. He went to work regularly, taking medical leaves only when the invisible torment got too bad for him to trust himself, or when there was some radical new treatment the psychiatrists wanted him to try. They’d tried Tricyclics, M.A.O.I.s, insulin-comas, Selective-Serotonin-Reuptake-Inhibitors [S.S.R.I.s, of which Zoloft and the ill-fated Prozac were the ancestors.], the new and side-effect-laden Quadracyclics. They’d scanned his lobes and affective matrices for lesions and scars. Nothing worked. Not even high-amperage E.C.T. relieved It. This happens sometimes. Some cases of depression are beyond human aid. The man’s case gave Kate Gompert the howling fantods. The idea of this man going to work and to Mass and building miniaturized railroad networks day after day after day while feeling anything like what Kate Gompert felt in that ward was simply beyond her ability to imagine. The rationo-spiritual part of her knew that this man and his wife must be possessed of a courage way off any sort of known courage-chart. But in her toxified soul Kate Gompert felt only a paralyzing horror at the idea of the squat dead-eyed man laying toy track slowly and carefully in the silence of his wood-panelled rec room, the silence total except for the sounds of the track being oiled and snapped together and laid into place, the man’s head full of poison and worms and every cell in his body screaming for relief from flames no one else could help with or even feel.

You can talk to me user

but all the lace mines are located in sweden and norway


I've already told you to stop posting this. Don't fucking make me say it again

it's more so lace used to be very labour intensive so it was glamorized, and now it's cheap

same thing with pearls

lmao I ain't reading that

Globalist central, bud.

tfw dani will never be my gf

I'd even be okay with her regularly getting BLACKED, as long as I was the only one allowed to know the pleasure of cumming inside of her


Do Americans regret nuking the Japs?


Two nukes wasn't enough, tbqhwy babe.

just enough to make life miserable

sup bud.

there are some who still whine about it but generally no


I don't think so.


Please stop making lewd editions

pls don't Janny da booty fambalam

Nothing really. gonna cook some stir fry in a bit

you're not american

lol TMZ is roasting Trump haters. How is this fucking possible?

>tfw you'll never live in the 70s

You better answer it
Its for you

i haven't nutted in almost two weeks

Phew, thanks god!



I noticed a lot of tabloids are putting out pro-trump or anti-anti-trump headlines out. its really weird.

literally just made a ton of beef stir fry for meal prepping. good choice

>modern day feminism


forgot phones make different sounds outside canada

oo oo oo aa aa aaaa

>hello? Thank god I've finally connected to a cuck

Should have dropped more.

*pretends to know how to read*

Wow what great literature.

... --- ...

smokes, a stick of pepperoni, and a bag of zesty mordants, i'm not fucking around, let's go

Yes hello this is the operator, there's a bug in our system thats been connecting people to their own voicemail, sorry for any confusion

qt kot

*sends help*

>tfw you will never be a spy who's pretending to date a russian woman who is ironically a spy in order to find secret plans of the soviet nuclear spacestation communication device but then unironically fall in love with eachother and have to run away from the other spies who aren't your friend anymore but you never really liked them anyways either because they kept doing stupid shit like tapping their desk and asking you for notes during a brirfing they didn't pay attention to or always ate your lunch if you forgot to write yout name on the bag

And 40 Canadian dollarydos down the hole

>Be National Park Twitter Account

>Post Climate Change Facts

>Get Deleted by Trump Administration

Wew lads


Good evening /cum/

i mean to be fair that's only like 3 bucks american

post your fav songs cum

i'll made a spotify list

I got some chicken finger, the good ones.


>promoting protectionist trade
>promoting infrastructure jobs

This is literally FDR 2.0

And here we go again...

trying to think what bond movie this is, but it's an amalgamation of them

what about homemade hotdogs

>than at any other time in the last 650,000 years
>when there were no cars
So much for climate """""science""""""


Some unpaid intern put it all on the line for this lel

Getting afraid that the *action* meme has ceased being ironic and has started to become actual 15 year olds role playing, in which case, it's potentially making me feel old and pathetic.

What's your age /cum/?


>lanklet grills
lol wtf

Given DC is pretty much run by interns, this probably won't be the last.

what action meme.




True but your cigarette prices are still ridiculous. Iirc your beer prices as well

>650 000 years
drop in the bucket desu


Quiero encontrar un trabajo en Mexico y evita los Estados Unidos por proxima cuatro a ochos anos.

that's the point. it's saying that its higher now that theres cars


Run away global warming is a myth

>Quiero encontrar un trabajo en Mexico

Why should i avoid the USA, are you gonna kill me tough boy.