
Chess edition

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1st for london is a muslim shithole

Reminder in Britain that a "white" town probably means it is infested with council estate chavs

proper depressing chess game that was

Chess is for the birds

I have pretended to be retarded for 7 years for this moment

london is the last place i'd want to live if i moved to the UK


London is the 2nd greatest city in the world

Rest of Britain is an ugly dire shithole full of council estate chavs or mosques

This is the result of the government focusing everything on London for 400 years

God's own country

Edinburgh is superior to London in every conceivable way

Should have called it delusional londoners edition desu.


i'd rather live in a scottish heroin den than ever step foot in the london caliphate

London, Bath, York, Harrogate, Edinburgh, Bristol

Everything else should be fucking nuked

*walks towards you*

>London pakis trying to sneak their city into a list with actual nice cities
Nice try Rasheed al-Tower Hamleti

*chipmunk voice*

cold out

creasing at the london internet defense force

Context first. I'm the younger of two kids. Me and my sister, obviously. I was never close to her growing up, she was 13 years older and already off to college in my formative years. So I was raised like an only child.
She visited regularly, though, and I got to visit her place once or twice a year. In that sense she was a lot like a cool aunt.
When I grew up a bit, my sister showed a lot more interest in me. Sexual interest. I returned it. Being a horny teenager, I couldn't resist her seduction. The distant-but-friendly sibling relationship ignited into something wild and primal.
Lust turned into...I guess, love. We've been together for the past several years and I couldn't be happier.
Here's the twist.
This past Friday, my parents sat me down and told me my sister was my real mother.
Not the woman sitting in front of me who I'd called Mom my whole life. She didn't give birth to me. My sister did.
My sister, who I'd been having sex with for years, who seduced me when I was becoming a man, who'd been distant up until then, who was a bit old for a sister.
I've been fucking my mom. My mom had me too young, let her parents take care of me instead, then came back and seduced her own son. Seduced me into a relationship with her. Lied to me for my entire life.
Holy shit.
My "parents" (grandparents, I guess) misinterpreted my shock. I didn't spill the beans to them. Maybe I should've.
I can't make sense of this. My entire worldview's been shattered. Nothing I thought I knew is right.
I've been trying to call my "sister" -- my mother -- all weekend. She isn't picking up. I'm seriously considering dropping everything and driving over to her place. If that's what it takes to talk to her.
I guess I'm posting here first to get any help I can. Advice, if there is any. Similar situations that can help me cope

>English pleb never recieved a classical education

I hear you savages don't even get taught the proper pronunciation of 'v' in Latin even if you're fortunate enough to go to a school that offers it as a subject

Going to sleep now. I'll wake up in London. You'll wake up in some ugly dire 70s shithole that the government probably doesn't even realise exist, whilst your windows get smashed in by some council estate chav and you get a leaflet in your door asking to convert to Islam



grimsby, plymouth, norwich, sheffield, liverpool

full of scots

said you're going to sleep about 4 times now

sleep tight, don't let the muslims bite

can we integrate /ausnz/ into /brit/ every once in a while or will you runts throw an autistic tantrum over it?

How to get into London School of Economics PhD program?

Meh, would far rather live in Scotland than England anyway


no one here dares to play vs the master

London pakis forever butthurt Glasgow is richer and a much nicer place to live


belong to the Rothschild family

i would enjoy an ausnz/brit intergration. we could call it /commonwealth/

Sheffield really shouldn't be on that list 2bh

Sheffield, Manchester, Newcastle and Glasgow are all pretty good cities.

glasgow is the grimmest place in the country mate give up. not even a londoner

theres a /ausnz/?

honestly fuck off jocks

british culture is english culture alright

ah yes, ireland

stop trying to leech off /brit/


>Greater London is literally black

morning lads haha

yeah but we have to share with /balt/ for some reason


Possibly the ugliest shithole in the country, coupled with literal 3rd world life expectancies

Wouldn't be surprised if the suicide rate was high too

there's a /brit/?

>Kimi no Na wa not nominated for best animated picture
Absolute STATE of the Oscars


>I will go to sleep and wake up in London

What a fantastic fucking feeling

Overrated shit.

now overlay crime rates

Not gonna lie, I actually love Glasgow.

Lived there for a bit for a job before. It's the perfect ratio of salary to cost of living, has a great cultural scene at the moment, has a tip-top tier mix of medieval and Victorian architecture, great nightlife and Glaswegians are friendly as fuck.


And furry bait Zootopia isn't?

>Glaswegians are friendly

what the fuck is his problem

i thought you was going to bed muhammed?

>london imams are this buttblasted

Also overrated shit.

is the guy who came to /scv/ the other day here? thanks for telling me about /brit/. it's super comfy.

>has a tip-top tier mix of medieval and Victorian architecture


egg sandwiches are done

>anime ever winning
lol dream on
loved that film though, better than the rubbish and all the black hacks who will win every award.

London is so advanced, people living there don't even need an alarm clock


isnt that how it already works? aussies and kiwis are here all the time.

Spirited Away won

>leave London

ahh 95% white

nobody's ever going to convince women that they'd be happier in the kitchen, the floodgates have opened and there's no closing them now

Glasgow's unironically better than anywhere in England north of London
Never been to Glasgow then, the architecture's pretty good. The Glasgow Effect is famous for the simple fact that Glasgow's low life expectancy is an anomoly - people die younger despite being wealthier and generally having healthier lifestyles than places like Manchester, Birmingham etc.
It's thought it's because of the weather or a 'pessimistic culture in the west coast of Scotland'


yeah but we wanna be in the title

no shitpostation without representation pal

yea but Gibli has massive clout in the west for a Japanese animation house

people should really stop giving a shit about the Oscars when there are other awards which have better movies.

all American films are trash.

Glasgow is such a shithole that it has to have an explanation



>Diversity in the 2017 Oscar nominations and how it compares to last year's crop.

what the fuck happened to liberal neutrality? what constitutes diversity as a 'good' and why is this conception of the good being blasted in our ears 24/7?

delete this goy

>have some underclass fun
>get beheaded for walking through a Sharia zone



hialrious how leafs think they're better than we are

Well they are desu, but that's not saying much of a Yank

Shitholes on the outskirts don't really count 2bh, you could post cherrypicked photos of London/Stockholm/York/Rome that were built in the '60s and they'd look shit. In general if you're walking about the City of Glasgow itself most building's will be Victorian with the occasional medieval church or pub

>>get beheaded for walking through a Sharia zone

So, the North?

a lot of things are better than american posters.

leafs just happen to be within the same shit-caked kettle that you yanks inhabit.

english pepe with thicker cross


they crumble under ANY pressure

>Shitholes on the outskirts don't really count

north london, maybe.

english first british last 2bh

what kind of frog is this


Heard Plymouth is actually an alright place

will manlets EVER learn?

meant to reply to

muslim fist, english second

Shitty council estates in the North are comfy and safe, filled with drunken philosophers, slags, cheap booze, good fun and mischief.

Shitty council estates in London are literally Mogadishu - no go zones where the police fear to enter and white people are routinely beheaded.

Meanwhile, in real life, pic related ACTUALLY happened.

Stay in your vegan fantasy bubble though senpai lmao


willy first, women second

>pro london
>anti white
like clockwork