Your cunt

Your cunt
What's the fastest growing religion in your cunt.

The Church of the BBC



>those filenames

ahh the imredditgur subversion squad working overtime

I'm honestly losing my mind
>BBC memes
>Trump is president
>Government organizations can't speak without approval
>Canada has a hot weedman as leader
>Germany is destroying Europe all over again
>stormfront has been re-branded and is now sort of hip
>Press Secretary is a weeb
>Trump is obsessed with Robert Patterson
>AMWF posters
>memes and reality merging
>merge will only speed up with each generation
>technology is growing extremely fast and might save us and fuck us over at the same time
>the weather no longer makes any sense
>everyone has a phone and just stare at them
>the universe will eventually end

Unironically post this on Sup Forums. Free (you)s and you might even hit the post cap.

Why is this funny to you? Why do you spam this shit? No one cares, you're just pissing people off.
Is it literal autism that makes you do it? What gives?

Damn those are small dicks.

Idk about you but I find it hilarious

They literally paid to find the biggest black dicks and that's all they could come up with? Those are like 8 inches if that.

no idea, almost everybody here is at least nominally catholic, a few protestants and jews here and there
if there is anything new going on in the religious scene i'm not aware of it

Honestly this just makes me feel better about myself cause I have a dick as big as these dudes do.

it's so fucking bizarre, personally i find it funny

You take pleasure in it because you're black.

>inspection intensifies
I chuckle heartily.

What the hell is going on, seriously.

I love BLACKED so much and I'm so happy to hear my friends around the world feel the same way

Post hairy Jewish boi pucci.

I don't know but I know I need to get away from the internet. It's degrading my grip on normalcy.
I'm trudging through school however and have nothing better to do

How bout instead we just murder all blacks?

You didn't even grow up when this shit was at it's peak.

I think it's mormons



Imagine how bad that must be.

I mean yeah, they're like tribes people and shit but imagine being black and the whole world expects you to have "what they say about black men". It's far worse than being mad about your size as an European or Asian