Why are Iranian females so much better than arab ones?

Middle-eastern powerranking:

1. Iran - Israel

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Because Iranians are not arabs?

Because semetic genes cause retardation

Because they are Aryans therfore 1000% white.I wish that I was an Iranian instead of a non white Spanish moor

Because iranian shitskin immigrants flood the Internet with some cherry picked girls.

Hello Hannibal

Idk, i watched a lot of documentaries and movies filmed in Iran (Teheran, Isfahan, etc...) And their females are by far prettier than arabs. I want that fucking Islam dies there so they free all those qts

>''hey user, why are you so hot and sweaty''
>''I ran''

btw, post iranian qt-s

Because Iran and Israel have a developed middle class with the knowledge and ability to do things like brush their teeth, dress well, shower, etc.

>Iran will never go back to zoroastrianism
>Iranian qts will forever be forced to live under the shadow of islam

Depends what type? Syrian girls for example are prettier than Iranian girls but Iranian girls are prettier than Saudi ones

The uggos are usually arab as fuck though

how much would mia khalifa be considered beautiful if she was back to jordan? she's jordanese right?

What are you talking about? Syrians are Arab

>Syrians are Arab

She's Lebanese, but she's ugly

Alright whatever you say

he's trolling probably, but i mean, bashar al assad has blue eyes, is he actually arab or of some other descent? is it possible for a arab to have a blue eyes?


If Syrians are Arabs Ecuatorians are Spaniards and Jamaicans are English.Their meme terminology for Ayyrab is a joke

so many qts

we are talking about majority of syrians, they look pretty arab to me.

Syrians are Arabs

In the middle east more common the more north you go and gets rarer the further you go south

>we are talking about majority of syrians
Some are mixed to some degree.The native population of Syria didn't dissappeared when the Ayyyrabs came.That is why Syrians are fairer and "whiter" than your average goat rapist
t.Magrebi goat rapist that considers himself Ayyrab


14:02 best qt

ohhh, jesus fucking isus ti jebo mater

t.Doesn't know what Arab identity and picked up surface level knowledge about the region but still portrays himself as an authority even though the people living there overwhelmingly consider themselves Arabs
Ah yes

>Ah yes
t.Buttmad Magrebi role playing as an AYYYrab.
AYYY this is so fucking funny


>I am Mohammed the 2220th of his name and I am an Ayyrab.I live in France but my family comes from Algeria and we are 100% Ayyrab.I look 100% Ayyrab because we Ayyyrabs look nothing alike so we are all Ayyyrabs.
LMAO consider sudoku

>consider sudoku


Except English and Spaniard are not lingustic/cultural group but Arab is? You obviously know nothing about Arabs so why don't stay away from us and stick to your Europeans?

>why don't stay away from us and stick to your Europeans?
I will when """"AYYYrabs""""" stop exploding in train stations or mass shooting people my """"AYYYrab""""" friend

Western drones also kill a ton of ayyrabs but I don't tell them they're not true europeans or americans