Waif edition.
Waif edition.
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1st for lady baelish
Cleganebowl when?
For your use when Dany gives another one of her cringe speech. .
>62 men
lmao why did stannis even bother with that little slut?
cuz they are not your typical mainland cunts
I think The Broken Man was the best episode of the season so far. It was meaty and didn't have any filler moments. I especially liked the return of Sandor Clegane, Lady Mormont, and the Waif stabbing Arya.
Great fucking episode.
>Leddy Shansha, I resheeved yoor raven an cam teh help yeh fayt teh Baltens
it's going to turn out that the Waif was the one who wanted the actress dead
the actress will nurse Arya back and give her all the info on her, Arya will pressure her little blonde ass with it and she'll crack and then Jaqen will be disappoint and before he can do anything Arya is on the boat back home
Sandor joins the Starks when?
Sandor kills his first White Walker when?
she's giving smirkfu a run for her money with that FACE on
> literally the best tits on the show
> we never see them
moy lady
is a very
Why does she even bother with a top.
Reminder the leaks say nothing of lyanna crowning Jon and its a meme by desperate pedophiles.
Lyanna is flayed by ramsey before the battle.
Man, I hope this nigga's career starts taking off.
Cinematography was also way better.
That panning shot of Jaime at the gate as well as that pan to the port city where cockless and lesbo were hanging out.
They're worth 10 times more than northerner so the image needs fixing
Do you think we will get to see if he's a big guy in the inevitable sex scene?
what's the meaning of this?
This easily is one of the top 10 scenes in the whole series. it's amazing how quality you can make something when you STICK TO THE FUCKING SOURCE MATERIAL:
Can any bookbros give some info on why that massacre of Hound's camp? Like yeah, the Brotherhood didn't like them (any really big reason why other than difference in religion?) but that seems way uncalled for. It's a shame Hound's buddy's actor guy was wasted on such a minor character, he should have been the High Sparrow or fuck, SOMEONE else more important.
And fuck, is the Hound even supposed to be back in the books? Is Jon? They're not bad decisions for the plot but bringing back both Jon and Hound seems like such pandering.
Really liked the Mormont girl scene, should be more of those kind of absurd funny but not unrealistic scenes.
Never happens in the books. The Hound is a grace digger in some swamp, repenting for all the people he's killed.
If it was the Brotherhood, then they are followers of the red God to a T, and they are not intolerant 1 dimensional villains
Jon died at the last chapter of ADOD. Going to come back for sure.
>wanting to replace based Jonathan Pryce
Redditor please go.
>can any bookbros give some info on why that massacre of Hound's camp?
No because it doesn't happen in the books
post the tits image from the last thread, I forgot to save it
>it's a bookfag overrates a scene because it was in the books post
Man user, how do i become cool like you?
I think he was asking for someone who read the books which has more information about the BWB and what they are like.
>Brotherhood Without Banners are formed to put a stop to the Mountain and his men
>in the process they become just as bad
>they inadvertently make Sandor Clegane the Faith's champion
>kills his brother and finishes the job the BWB set out to do
I wish Yara was my big sister.
Sansa is still the dumbest cunt in Westeros
what did it mean?
like a rose, she is sweet and pretty, but watch her throns, she rusing the high sparrow son
Growing Strong, house Tyrells words. She's still on their side
No idea.
Marbleflower also the game
what is margaery's plan?
help me lads, who was the hang man?
the lord of light works in strange ways
Were they really formed just to kill the Mountain? I thought it was just to help the smallfolk in general, stop the Riverlands from getting so stomped etc.
But yeah, whatever the original mission was they're far away from it right now. Even if they're under Stoneheart now it doesn't make sense to just slaughter those people like that, they weren't Freys or Lannisters etc.
>Yara will meet Danaerys
Every scene where they interact is going to be painful to watch
>slashed across the stomach
>stabbed twice in the stomach
>knife twisted on the second stab
>goes for a swim
Where in Westeros would people willingly and peacefully let an Ironborn fleet flying Greyjoy colors dock? They've been at war and raving the coast for years?
>I love Cersei and if I have to slaughter every single Tully to get back to her, that's what I'll do.
Nothing special, probably just staying in power by being queen. Are there any big, or little even, theories about the Tyrell/Redwynes? They haven't really had a remotely mysterious aura around them since they played their trump card with the Purple Wedding and that wasn't even all their doing. I guess they're just secondary to Littlefinger's grand plan?
Spoilers say they all get killed when shit goes down in King's Landing later in the season so I guess it doesn't matter much? Fuck.
Gut wounds can take a long time to kill you user.
However, kill you they absolutely certainly will. Arya could take a long time to die, but there is no humanly way she could survive those wounds without antibiotics and surgery, two things that are virtually non-existent.
Most people preferred to die than undergo surgery before the invention of anaesthetic.
I mean shit I remember reading that Marg, Olena and Mace all die but I don't remember from what. Maybe some kind of big riot?
I'm ready to give up on him.
I hope Cersei traps them in the Tower of Hand and burns it down with Wildfire, atleast then the bitch will be almost crazy like in the books.
Why do D&D hate Jaime so much? Is it because he's a fucking white male?
Can't make Cersei look too bad.
>Are there any big, or little even, theories about the Tyrell/Redwynes?
Really, is there? Any "secret targ" shit etc.? Is the story endgame of that family just Loras inheriting everything and proving that gay is ok?
I don't think they hate him do they? I mean I don't think he's gonna meet the same end as Stannis or anything like that.
She's dumber than Cersei, and ugly to
she's going to suck cia's cock next episode.
She may be the dumbest cunt but she has cia and vale knights.
The pastor guy gave a hint earlier in the episode. He mentioned killing young men so that they wouldn't try to get revenge later. Probably a similar situation here.
wait revenge for what?
Why do they keep making new /got/ threads when this one is already up? Just use this thread.
62 men from Bear Island vs 20 good men.
Who wins?
How was the new episode, lads?
>the little mormont girl was a better actor than Sophie
bronn thread
The last shot of the season is going to be Dany sailing to Westeros, isn't it?
Fuck this.
>It's a lets-re-use-the-old-set episode
Who would win in a fight between Geralt of Rivia, Butcher of Blaviken and Zombie Mountain ??
it's because they are hardcore followers of the red god and the people there were hardcore followers of the new gods. that's why the hound was giving him shit for opening up with "7 blessings to you"
Were they building a sept?
stealing supplies and raping a woman or two. causing a village to starve.
why would that be a bad thing user? at least the fat-ass would be doing something
Last thread
Hey, it's about damn time she leaves that stinkin' continent. It's a lost cause there.
Remember when the Stark's banner men turned into Werewolves and shot lightning from their hands?
Why couldnt they show that on screen?
Sixty-two goodmen, of course
One of the Brotherhood men recognised Sandor. Sandor was a Lannister man, so Lady Stoneheart had the whole group murdered.
Geralt has killed way, way worse things than Gregor. Maybe pit him against book Euron instead.
Yes. It had 7 sides as is customary for a sept.
they were building a gallow
>Implying Davos won't find the pyre where Shireen was burned at
stop pitting a super human like Geralt against ASOIAF
Euron in the show looks fat and weak.
Did Sandor have to "dig graves" for all those dead?
>people unironically liking this episode
Yeah God forbid she actually does something instead of fucking around in the sand. Do you care what happens in Mereen? I fucking dont
This. This has all been leaked already guys, come on.
Is Yara Greyjoy the best clam hunter in all of Westeros?
What was Stannis doing in this scene?
This is kino
when will this meme end
I was disapointed that he didn't at least cut down the Septon
Is GoT finally kino?