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Television and Film
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Television and Film #705
Television and Film
Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin
Why are British television shows so boring?
What is the essential /footy/ core Sup Forums?
Movie when?
Once Were Warriors
Dun goofed
So Sup Forums whats the consenus on Se7en?
What was the reason for just having her be bland looking?
How do we fix the Horror genre
ITT : "Villains" that did nothing wrong
Doesn't fight in the battle of the hornburg
Have you ever laughed wrongly during a movie scene?
How the fuck does Davos know the leader is called the Nights King?
One of the greatest actors of all time
Just bought this DVD: what's the deal with the flashes of light throughout the entire concert?
Who would have thought the best sitcom in 20 years would be a Netflix original?
/got/ general
Thoughts on Powers? It's super low budget but still manages to be fairly interesting...
This show will be crowned the greatest show of all time after it has ended
What was the morale of the story?
Quality vs time graphs by DIRECTOR
Which season of the office was the best ?
Find a flaw
This is commisioner gordon based on Snyder's vision
Post scenes where it's entirely appropriate cry
Did I miss any movies or did we not have any good monster movies in a while?
Literally Space cop the movie
Will Sup Forums ever have a normal Dark Knight Rises thread that's not meme'd to death?
ITT: Post your setups
Was this the first good video game movie?
It's a Felicity's mother episode
Press F
Now that Ghost in the Shell is in production and with video game movies failing are anime adaptions the next big thing?
'The Rogue Cut' of Days of Future Past is much better than the theatrical release...
So like, are you excited or what?
Will that famous fucking winter arrive south of Winterfell already...
What's a movie with only white people?
/got/ general
List your top five films and from that we guess each other's personalities
So what's this guy's superpower?
Why does he play the same character in every film?
ITT: Bad movies you have a soft spot for
Gorilla vs. Bear
What's the funniest movie ever?
What's the most hilarious Marvel quip?
Podcast Thread
Would you watch a second remake of The Fly?
Why doesn't Recess get the credit it deserves...
Is this America in 10 years?
/got/ general
This is a masterpiece
Are there any films that deals with this concept?
It's a Derick from Texas can't do math in the morning episode
John Carpenter is coming to my city next month on tour. If I can scrape up the cash in the next week, I'm gonna go
Take picture of actress in makeup from a movie set
Meanwhile on Bear Island
Do you think she committed suicide?
Ugh this shit sucked
Lord Glover Appreciation Thread
What will you watch when Donald J. Trump becomes the 45th President of the United States?
Hi, We're here to shit up your favorite show
Anyone else in Sup Forums hyped for the latest Makoto Shinkai masterpiece?
The Wheel of Time
Fuck you if you haven't seen this in theaters
Anyone else went to see this? I want to talk about it
ITT: early YouTube-core
WTF! I hate Hillary Clinton now
What does God need with a starship?
How come we aren't making memes out of this movie? Besides the martha scene
Haha what the fuck
Just watched Red Dawn 1984
How is this show so fucking good yet arrow sucks?
I feel so bad for him
Which actress is the most washed up?
Shit Horror
/got/ general
Worst assassin ever
Why don't people like quantum?
Are you guys using private trackers for movies?
Itt: amazing performances by shit actors
Does this actually work? Making himself more resilient, or was it all bullshit?
Best podcasts
Oldfags, explain to the youngfags what made the original so great
Is he a good actor?
Favorite movie with Anna Ferris?
Sup Forums jeopardy
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
Mike is a Pleb & Jay is a Patrician
So I just bought an 85 in 4k TV with HDR, what kind of content is available?
Titus Pullo or Sandor Clegane?
How is a barefoot commoner capable of outmaneuvering two great noble houses? There has to be more to his background
Western movie
Mods are asleep
Find a flaw
ITT: Favorite Predators
So if this movie is really going to be as bad as the internet is making it out to be...
We could let 'her' do it
What based celebrities are republicans?
Why doesn't he own Hollywood by now?
Would you want to watch a Waspgirl solokino?
So I just got out of an early screening for Warcraft
Was this the worst cartoon ever made?
What are some good WWI movies from this century?
Donnie Darko
Why did he use to wipe his ass?
ITT: High rated movies that are 5/10 or lower
/tbg/ - The Bachelorette General
When did you stop watching it?
/got/ general
Unironically one of my favorite shows. It's so good. Why haven't you watched it?
Let's be honest, the first Ghostbuster wasn't even that good
How do we fix the horror genre?
How does this 5 foot nothing bag of shit still get work...
Does she have the talent for Captain Marvel?
Did Nick Pizza ever respond to the negative critical reception of True Detective season 2? are there any interviews?
Could you kick his ass?
Why is no one discussing the best netflix original to date?
What is her major malfunction?
Memes are becoming too real
Who was hotter then Pamela Anderson in her prime?
/got/ general
Honest thoughts on Ghost In The Shell?
Post a symbolic item that literally represents a whole movie
We can do it backwards while you watch foot fetish anime porn
Who would be the best Bond choice?
Daily Carry
Fucking disgusting
When the fuck do you feed it?
Band of Bros
Nelson: "Ha Ha! The principal's a tranny."
Doctor Who General - /who/
Eat my shit first you downtown white whore
OP here. Why would Arya let herself get killed so easily?
Does a good video game movie exist?
F is for family
J.K. Simmons as Commissioner Gordon
I'm going to a small conference in SA tomorrow to meet a low level hollywood executive...
News flash Hollywood
You HAVE seen the holy trinity of Sup Forumscore
Imagine being Samuel L Jackson in that scene
How did this get made
About to watch this, What am i in for?
/got/ general
Remove thy shift
Sup Forums - Television & Film
The chance of ever getting a unique Star Wars movie is over. Thanks Disney
Bachelorette General Thread : Chad edition
What should i watch tonight Sup Forums?
Let's make comparisons between film directors and music artists
What are some films that portray this?
/got/ general
What director is talented enough to catch their epic fall-out?
Whole theater claps and cheers when he walks in and the music is on
Amber Heard arrested for domestic violence against girlfriend
Its gonna flop and dc fanboys are gonna commit suicide
Why didn't you tell me earlier about this kino? This is literally the peak of the medium film
21st Century Leading Man
Is the golden age of TV over?
Wow, the hype was real after all
/got/ general
Great movie or greatest movie
ITT: Celebrities that probably browse Sup Forums
I am a girl
Who's your pick for 007, Sup Forums?
Holy shit
Will the new one be as comfy as the original?
Redpill me on guy
Wheres the goddamn beacon? oh..I see it
Is the concept of a "movie star" finally dead?
Are there any good actors in Game of Thrones?
Introduce based new based character
/poi/ - Person Of Interest General: Punished Harold Edition
Meryl Streep Impersonating Donald Trump
How the fuck did he get away with this?
What was the turning point when he became the bad guy?
/got/ general
ITT: actors with god tier hair
Literally the black hawk down of our generation
The actress will now join Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford in the sci-fi project, being directed by Denis Villeneuve...
The Big Lebowski: good or shite?
What the fuck was his problem?!
I didn't understand
Twilight Zone/The Outer Limits thread
No feet block of cheese
Directors you liked at one point but now realize to be pleb
Dr. Dough
Alone at your house on the middle of nowhere
What the fuck is left before Thanos, holy shit, how many nobodies more have to get their own movies before he appears...
/lbg/ Letterboxd General
Were they fucking?
What did he mean by this?
/got/ general
We need a older black man to be intimidating and funny at the same time
If Joffrey was still alive none of this Faith Militant cuckoldry would've happened
Post celebrities and what their inevitable biographies will be called
We post who should have been Wonder Woman
Film Restoration
Who's ready to watch the trashiest reality tv show of summer 2016?
Anybody got recommendations for movies that deal with the theme of hell, demons or biblical good vs evil?
Ending of Gone Girl
Time is a flat circle
Let the ratings hit the floor
WTF i want to die now??
Warcraft just broke Furious 7's all time midnight opening record in China
Give me some essential neo-80s movies
Ava DuVernay: 'This patriarchy is often shocked when a black film does well'
Why are so many actors doing video game commercials?
Tyrion Thread
/got/ general
Hollywood film meant to ‘challenge Muslim stereotypes’ might cast a white guy as Sufi poet Rumi
The Wheel of Time
Amber Heard is "Gone Girl 2"
Should I watch this?
What would Walt think of Disney in 2016?
What are some good British comedies?
Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!
Sense made - 0%
Warcraft movie is 'racist'
Muh standing ovation at the french premiere
Which Silicon Valley character is most like you?
Thinks he's going to mount the dragon queen
The Girl Who Played with fire has been confirmed by Sony...
8000+ years have gone by
/got/ general STANNIS STANNIS STANNIS 2 edition
Should John Boyega play Muhammad Ali in the inevitable biopic?
How do we keep China from forcing Hollywood to make more CGI shitfests?
Ghostbusters director Paul Feig is tired of the 'chick flick' comments
Life is like a chocolate of boxes
What's the Sup Forums equivalent of this?
How much longer are DCcucks going to lie to themselves about this being good...
What's your favorite Gaspar Noé film, Sup Forums?
Could it have been better with a CG'd Leonardo DiCaprio and a real bear?
/got/ general
You ARE hyped for this, right?
New red letter media thing
Why dont you like this film Sup Forums?
When did you realize this was a masterpiece?
What's the name of the movie where two guys hunt a smart little rat in a big house...
3x3 thread
Cast them
Outcast (2016 TV Series)
ITT: Characters who are just like you
/got/ general
Did he go to hell?
This is just embarrassing
Why is this shit allowed?
/who/ dr who gen
What was the greatest 90's teen shows and why was it Buffy and/or Charmed?
Scenes that made you drop a show
How to Kill the New Ghostbusters Movie
Have you seen the film Tangerine?
When did Noel Edmonds turn insane
What trilogy is this?
Anyone else find this preachy faggot insufferable?
ITT; "Villains" who did literally nothing wrong
Are chinks and euros killing the movie industry?
This is the worst movie i've seen in a long time .. thoughts?
Is Lovecraft's racism the reason there has been no major cinematic adaptation of any of his works?
What's his build ?
No civil war thread?
This movie will flop
How the fuck do you piss without a cock?
/got/ general
This character made zero sense
I didn't like it
This is a pleb detection test
Y'know for a movie that's trying to be original...
I like this
What was her cameo?
What other films would you consider "Sup Forumscore"? I'm trying to construct a list
How do you go from this
Is this a good film?
Whats the most accurate movie on having a crush on someone?
Everyone loves ‘Back to the Future’ don’t they? But be honest, you’ve been conditioned to like this film...
This was once an acceptable body for a superhero to have
The Greatest Auteur of Our Generation Has Made Another Kino
How come people don't like Cavill Superman? Is he a bad actor?
Is Bryan Singer a good director?
What did this note say?
Wtf i hate women now
Films where the lead is fucking terrible but the support cast more than make up for it
/got/ general
Is it true, are the 90s the "COOLEST DECADE" in movies?
Is this show gonna be the next Vikings?
Complains about Jar Jar Binks and CGI in the prequels
ITT: Did literally nothing wrong
Get hype
Name a film that covered Loneliness better
I consider myself a fairly liberal guy but the agenda pushing in this movie was almost unbearable
He fell for the 'Slytherin is bad' meme
Is this kino?
What is his best role?
What the everloving fuck did Lucas mean by, "Jar Jar being the key"?
Go to
Holy fuck the first hour of this is the most boring thing ive ever fucking watched. Why did they even include it?
Star Trek General
Watching the trailer gives me the chills! I loved BvS! Saw it 3 times in the cinema. The visuals, the soundtracks...
Eternal /got/ general
Watching this film right now. Has anyone else seen it? Was he really planning to steal from them...
Biggest movie of all time
Opinions on this movie?It will be out in less than a month and idk what to think about it
Episode 1 peaks at 6.4m viewers
And then I woke up
New Suicide Squad pics from Empire
So, are you going to watch Black Swan 2: Fashion Bogaloo?
Ayy Sup Forums, you seen the new (3rd) Ghostbusters trailer?
You ever heard of the saying "Why'd the chicken cross the road?" Well it didn't. I'm the fucking road, Ray...
What did she mean for this?
Michael Moore: Where to invade next
ITT: shows that became popular solely because of the sexual tension between leads
Women Director BTFO to Outer Space
Directors' fetishes
52 contestants (some of them super hot, but most, meh..)
This would honestly make a great movie
*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*
Wtf i hate russians now
/got/ general
Hayley Atwell: Captain America kissing Agent Carter's niece was 'disrespectful'
What happened with the previous characters?
/lbg/ Letterboxd General
When did Sup Forums realize Arya is pulling a Tyler Durden, and her and the other girl are one and the same?
Why do you autists even watch Game of Thrones if you hate strong women?
Seriously though, what the fuck?
The stone is square
Eternal /got/ general
Yara Greyjoy
Gravy's good tonight
Why didn't he just kneel to Xerxes?
What are some films where the main character is the villain?
Why did they make this character a lesbian?
Lady Stoneheart will come back and give John Snow his rightful name as "Jon Stark"
IMDB's top 250
Hello hound, I'm shallow plot device used only to further your horribly rushed story arc
There are only a couple of flaws with this show
On a scale of 1-10 how reddit is this flick?
Your top 5 silent films
/got/ general
What was his fucking problem?
This movie is almost perfect! The best acting I've seen from kids ever...
They forgot Thanos
ITT: Solid action movies
Sup Sup Forums so like I'm 45 minutes into this movie
Scenes that always make you cry
ITT post your top 5-10 movies from the 80s
So what happened when Apocalypse launched all the fucking nukes in the world?
Who was the best star wars character and why is it boba fett?
What do you think the average IQ of this board is, huh?
/got/ general
I understand changing faces, because magic n sheeeeit, but how do they change their height, weight and voice...
What do you think of TV and film inaccurately affecting public perception...
Why do people act like all the Starks are finished...
Fucking retards each and every one of you
Why oh why did they make the third one, and why is it so SHITE...
Why is this show so based?
Bryan Cranston was considered for the role of Lex Luthor before Eisenberg was cast
What was his fucking problem?
Why does Sup Forums hate these movies again?
Can we agree that at this point the show has just become fanservice and they're just following memes like 'muh...
This guy
Whats their endgame?
What was this characters endgame?
How? How can dubs undo singles?
Laboratory facility researching bioweapons
Go on to reddit r/gameofthrones
Famed comedian and actor Bill Burr reportedly has passed away in a car crash tonight. RIP!
Okay so I'm about an hour and 30 minutes in and I have a few questions
Famous actors who have starred in movies that no one remembers
ITT - Bullshit that came and went
It still hurts ;_;
Gentlemen, I just realized I've forgotten to take a shit
/got/ general
ITT: Films that were vilified upon release but now understood to be masterpieces
This was a comedy right? I mean it's fucking stupid
Let the right one in
And this is why moviefags >>>>>>>> bookfags
One of these threads
You lied to me Sup Forums this wasn't good at all
Were they intelligent?
Top Gear Specials
Careful sir, the bucket is hot!
What was her fucking problem?
"make sure our 62 men are well fed and rested, we have many battles ahead!"
Mfw its literally all true
What's her fucking problem?
I haven't watched a single episode of this series. Normies at work keep telling me this is the best series ever made...
How is this possible?
What was his fucking problem?
Dude your room is a mess!
Ello darling , whats my name?
/got/ general:
What are your thoughts on Watership Down? It's getting a new series early 2017
How the fuck does this even work?
Why is the dialogue in this movie so goddamn slow paced? I don't get it...
Nicolas Winding Refn Responds to Daily Mail's Call to Ban ‘The Neon Demon’
Would you fuck a girl even if she was a total pleb?
Villain does something villainous
Mfw a sex scene comes up
Can somone explain why people think this is bad?
How will he remembered 40 years from now?
Anyone else enjoy comfy morning talkshows with a couple of mimosas and croissants
What's next for his career?
What the fuck is up with season 3?
/got/ general
That guy that wears basketball shorts to the cinema
Where do I meet a girl like adrian?
Who's going to play him in the inevitable biopic?
What are some movies where the hero loses?
What is it about 80s/90s kino that makes it so much better than the movies of today?
ITT: the film that showed you a pair of tits for the first time
Has any show ever had a worse ending?
Going to the cinema on my first ever date tonight. What should I expect??
Films you absolutely hate that everyone else love
Sup Forums can you recommend me some movies of blacks or Mexicans being BTFO?
Golden Age Cinematic Universe when?
Everyone talks about how Breaking Bad is the best thing ever
This movie made me drop NEET status. Sell every single one of my video games. Join a boxing gym...
Best working directors today
Suing stanhope
Soooo what really happened at the end?
What other movies are better than the books they were based on?
What did you think of this poster?
Do you think he's smart enough to hate his own movies?
Tells Black Widow to move
Big Hero Sex
/got/ general
I'm pretty sure he's aware that Margaery is faking it and is already one step ahead of her plans
How do we save Sup Forums? We need to get the reddit posters off of this board once and for all...
Suing stanhope
Why didn't you guys mention that Batfleck was a Big Guy?
Did you know that M. Gustav was originally going to be Johnny Depp but the went with Mordicai instead
What's the best war ever to be portrayed in movies, and why is it Vietnam?
/got/ general
If you could grab a beer and shoot the shit with one actor, who would it be?
WEBM thread
What went wrong with Smallville?
Lynch filmography discussion? Watched MD and BV, what should I watch next?
GOAT Coen brothers film. By far. Obviously you agree
What are some good horror movies based on True Crime?
Best lightsaber fight in cinematic history?
I'm glad she's dead. They clearly didn't know where the story was going and the rumour is that George R. R...
Most of the major blockbusters of the year are flopping critically
Herik Baccuman, dis is yoh mohm en yu noht mah beby
/got/ general
Why hasn't there been a good WW1/WW2 era naval warfare movie?
Best courtroom scenes?
Anthony Bourdain's Reignites Guy Fieri Feud Between Television Chefs
Constant warcraft and capeshit threads
Who will take up the mantle after Jovovich gets too old to do Resident Evil 17?
Star Trek
The Dreamers
Renée Zellweger Explains Her Six-Year Hollywood Hiatus
Amy Adams is far and away the best actress in the world right now. There is absolutely no one else that comes close
I can do this all day
Do liberals actually think shoving more niggers on tv or movies actually solves anything?
Martin knows how to write complex political intrigue...
Duncan Jones directs Warcraft
What if George RR Martian is just letting all the fans finish his books?
/got/ general
What the best western?
Can't we just be friends, Dizz?
So since it is D Day have you done your duty and watched one of the best opening scenes in recent times?
Disgusting color pallet
Pacific Rim 2
Star Wars is about to get BTFO by Warcraft
Let's have a Friday The 13th thread
This just had to be a ruse. Shit just doesn't add up at all
Was that 70's show the last great tv show with a laugh track?
What does Sup Forums think of Koko the gorilla?
ITT: worst endings ever
Silent Movies General
Mad Max gets 10 fucking nominations including best picture and best director...
So we all agree that Game of Shit has a new most-based character?
Product placement in StarTrek
Alcoholic who frequently drives drunk, putting others' lives in danger
YOGA HOSERS Official Trailer #2
Are you ready for the movie of the summer?
/got/ general: Randy Bobandy Edition
ITT: Bond Reviews
Yes Yes Well done Slytherin. Well done Slytherin
Jim and Pam's awkward, shitty romance ruined what an otherwise excellent comedy show
‘Archer’ Producers Want Jon Hamm for Live-Action Movie
Enjoying Disney you fucking nerds?
/got/ general
I'm thinking about seeing Conjuring 2 this weekend but I haven't seen the first one, how is it?
I'm watching this piece of shit now, it's hilariously bad. what the fuck is this shit...
What's his name again?
And this is my son's room. He is quite the movie buff
By this time next week, Warcraft should have between $250–300m in the bank, from a $160m budget...
How come that after all these years ZOD remains as the only good villain in capeshit history?
What is her fucking problem?
Hey user wanna come over to drink chocy milk and watch The LEGO Movie?
I always thought they just shooped her body
/got/ general
This is going to be a bad night Sup Forums
What would you do in this situation?
ITT: games that would make great tv/film
On the subject of Ice Cube's son complaining about there being too many movies and shows about black people suffering...
It's a rare blood disease, stickittothemaneosis
Was it entrapment?
What the fuck is wrong with her face?
What am i going to build tv?
Who is the best British actress from our generation that is under 30 years old?
Post a director's best, worst and most over/underrated
/got/ general
Where were you when Marvel won? :^)
What happened to her hair
What did Sup Forums think?
Is there a cleaner, purer form of kino than Paris, Texas? No, I don't think there is
Lord of the what exactly
James Bond Replacement
Haven't been on Sup Forums for two years
/got/ general
How do i obtain his level of speechcraft?
Hey Sup Forums. Just made this...
Snoke is An Anakin Skywalker Clone...
Imagine being keymaker in this scene
Hey user how come you dont talk
Thoughts on this comedy special?
‘Star Wars’ John Boyega Takes Lead In ‘Pacific Rim’ Sequel
Why did Dave Chapelle quit?
ITT: Prehistoric Sup Forums
So apparently this movie has fascist undertones to it, particularly in the characterisations of the two main heroes...
Went from starring in one of the worst superhero movies ever to starring and being the best superhero bar none
So who's the Chloe of this generation? A beautiful young girl, emblematic of a generation...
Things Plebs Say
What does Sup Forums think of LSD the movie?
/got/ general
Peter, your Uncle always said that all fucking niggers must hang, remember that
Why is it that any time someone criticizes this film, 90% of the time it's literally made up complaints?
Diversity is our strength or Race war now?
So is this old fuck ever going to get his comeuppance or what?
Borat - 8.5/10
Also from the review:
Just marathoned this flick. Was it any good?
Chris, the script clearly isn't fucking finished. Its dogshit
What does Sup Forums think of Brendan Fraser?
How is the MCU going to adapt this iconic scene?
/GoT/ General
Are there any movies about men being uncircumcised?
Welp, wasn't long before they get to pedobashing, just episode 2
Post really awkward interviews
ITT: cast movie adaptations
/got/ general
What are the best movies to come out of Russia?
What's your favourite movie with a shitty RT score?
Movies You Can't Remember
Joe Rogan dropping knowledge about Dindubulls
Only reason to see the movie
Is Duncan Jones done for?
Alienfags BTFO
ITT: Movies that need a blu ray release
Now that the dust has settled, what's your honest opinion on Civil War?
Is this the worst capeshit casting call ever made?
/got/ general
It's a feminist episode
BoJack Horseman
Can we all agree that this is the best armor in the history of television? Just look at it, you smelly motherfucker...
Who Eurotrip here?
Harry Potter
What is the single greatest television episode of all time?
The Brothers Grimsby
Will you be watching Yoga Hosers?
Don't worry. No charge for them
Memes aside did you like this movie?
Posting your friend's daughter's nips on your FB for all the world to see
/got/ general
What was the point of all of this arc?
Thoughts, faggots?
This kid just joined the Spider-Man reboot
As part of a scathing takedown of the debt-purchasing industry...
Is this movie any good? It has high ratings on IMDB and with audiences on Rotten Tomatoes...
Who will play superman on the tv show Sup Forums?!?
This is an acceptable level of beauty in Hollywood now
Is there a sadder man alive?
Thoughts on his brand of comedy?
What if it's actually good?
It's a CTU has a mole episode
Arya was the one who stabbed the Waif, who was wearing her face. And we all fucking called it
Why didn't he just push the Blackfish and let him drown
Reviews have been extremely mixed and its box office performance isn't all that inspiring (major weekend drop: 66.9%)...
Whitebois BTFO
Why does Sup Forums hate John Oliver so much?
When did it all start to go wrong?
/got/ general
Pacific Rim 2 Gets Boyega
Is this the greatest film of all time?
What happened to posters like this one?
‘Straight Outta Compton’ Star Slams ‘Roots’ Remake
Underrated Directors
Watching this movie was the best fun I have had in a cinema in over a decade
/got/ general
Is she dead?
What's this fucker's endgame?
Rambo (2016)
So are all Americans just completely retarded?
Sieges are dull. And i wanted to see you in person, get the measure of you
Saw this yesterday.This was a great movie...
Doctor Who General - /WHO/
What's the point of this flick?
/got/ general
Movies like Event Horizon please?
New Top Gear has to live up to this shaningans
Just watched this since the second one is coming out. What did Sup Forums think about it? I genuinely enjoyed it
You may hate capeshit but you can't deny that their female castings are 10/10
Every Frame A Painting
/got/ general
Documentaries about drug addiction
Find a flaw
The key to that chain is in the bathtub
ITT: Actors you dislike for no reason
The more I watch Watchmen the more I feel like this cock smoker knew the whole deal all the time
What is the most important attribute an actor looking to make it big in Hollywood can have?
/got/ general
TGWTG canon timeline
Why do people seem to have so much animosity towards The Lost World...
And time for the last one. Watched all the others this week. Starting New Nightmare right now
I really liked Antichrist, are his other flicks worth watching?
Why does nobody ever talk about this?
Yo. I have a date tonight. She's making dinner, I have to bring wine and a scary movie
What did those girls have against him anyway?
/got/ general
Amy or Leela?
The name's Bond, James Bond
Why is this movie so comfy?
What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
I thought it was just shitposting, but this was actually quite a solid movie
The best scene in the entire LOTR trilogy was cut out of the theatrical release
I want you to kiss me
Me on the left tbh
Any movies where the protagonist is obsessed with a redhead female coworker and he ends up going postal
Would Trump be doing as well if pic related was still at the helm?
What's their best movie review, lads?
What was the fuck her problem?
All of their original shows are garbage and there is nothing coming up worth seeing because they have terrible SJW...
What the fuck was their problem?
Newest addition to the ayy lmao files
/got/ general
Remember when you lost your keys, James?
/got/ general
Cate Blanchett May Take the Brad Pitt Role in the Female Ocean’s Eleven
What's with this guy's beef with Republicans and Trump?
/lbg/ Letterboxd General
Thoughts on casey neistat?
/got/ general
Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping Never Starts at the Box Office
Silicon Valley
What will happen to him? Jamie seems pretty content on storming the castle if it means going back to KL
Is there any fucking hope left?
Get your end of season 6 leaks here
Was he the best actor GoT had?
What started out as a amazing horror series based on pulp novels has turned in to a grrrl power the series...
Is this officially the most based character on the show right now?
/got/ general
Prostitute saved from getting her tits out for strange men
What does Sup Forums think of Makoto Shinkai's latest film?
Do people like him actually exist?
Help me find this movie please!
He's the best part of the show
/got/ general:
What was the best alien race on Star Trek and why was it the Klingons?
Why the fuck were they all white? I honestly it was just a meme
I just finished binging season 2
What did he mean by this ?
Anybody seen Richie?!
Got threads maks up 80% of the board even though there's a dedicated general
Anyone else noticed this OYSTERS CLAMS AND KEKOLDS lady passing by sansa in this scene?
What did she mean by this?
Game of Feminism
/got/ general
/got/ general
What is she planning?
Is he gonna lose all his money?
Why is she so perfect, lads
What the fuck was his probem?
"I don't give a fuck if she's carrying a baby or not, Army Dog...
What the hell was that?!
Who is this guy again? I remember he has a funny name
ITT: the funniest movie ever in your opinion
First Ciarán Hinds, then Alexander Siddig, now Ian McShane
I thought the new episode was actually pretty good what did you guys think?
Lol wtf Tolkien...
What was this characters endgame?
/got/ general
How the fuck is she still alive?
Fan at Con Causes Chris Evans To Have Anxiety Attack
What is the best scene in this trilogy? It's fucking impossible to pick just one
About to start the fist episode, planning on watching the whole thing, what can I expect?
WTF I hate women now
We want the Sup Forums audience
Trap Kino
In A Place for Paedophiles, Louis Theroux lives at a residency for recovering paedophiles
It's just another test you retards, calm down
I dont get it with you know with all them arab runaways knockin about
Pacific Rim 2
Lets talk about izombie
What happened to leading men?
Penny Dreadful
What are your favorite crisps Sup Forums?
Tom Hardy will die in your lifetime
Eternal /got/ general
/got/ general
What is his endgame? He's not going to kill Ramsay so what is going to happen to him?
What are some quality redpilled movies Sup Forums?
Seriously is there anything this woman can't do
/got/ general
It'll be fine
Mike Tyson
He killed millions of people because he was feeling extra emotional
How come people still like this character?
Chaos reigns
Was there any reason to make her gay?
Eternal /got/ General
/got/ general
Rejected names for Mad Max
What are her best roles? I need to see everything good she's ever been in
How can your waifu compare?
Is Bex Taylor-Klaus the next great actress? what part she could play in the MCU?
Suing stanhope
What did you think? Does it live up to the hype?
Anyone notice the Diablo gold drop sound clip used almost 10 times in this scene alone?
Wow... I'm in shock. Michael Bay made this and it's 10x better than American Sniper or Lone Survivor. What's going on?
Brotherhood without banners kill his only friends
I can't believe Fox would allow this
Not even Nolan's Batman trilogy could manage to have each film to be better than the last
Best Sound Tracks
What ever happen to him?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...