did he go to hell?
Did he go to hell?
Very much so, yes.
Aye, just as Samuel before him
This is the only correct answer
why not heaven?
No. Hell doesn't exist.
No, he expressed his love for God in the end and was happy - clearly he was saved.
Adam's sin imputed to him and a corrupt nature dwelled within him. His corrupt nature was empty of grace, bent unto sin, only unto sin, and that continually.
serious question no memeing pls
Bewitched, he was.
Buttered, he was.
Twas but a fever dream, and too late at that.
if looking at Thomasins tits means going to hell then I guess I'm already dead.
Was the baby rub witch the same one who buttered caleb's stick or a different one?
She's likely the one that reached out to grab him up while the saucy one tempted him. His stick never actually got buttered.
Because a galaxy far far away is actually hell.
th-that's why black phillip was in star wars, holy shit deepest lore
Why is this movie so fucking shilled on TV? It wasn't even very good.
she was pretty hot
Aside from the fact someone's paying to have this movie be posted about every five minutes, it wasn't even about religion, despite what the neo christfags that invaded this website from hugbox shitholes believe. It was about the descent into insanity, the effects if isolation, and the costs of zealotry.
>so fucking shilled
>someone's paying to have this movie be posted
(You) paranoid dork
I know, enjoying things in current year is just so pasśe
*tips deliciously*
Your post is suspiciously shill like, new friend.
>not believing in papist heresy makes you an Atheist
Heh, kids these days. Saying they're scared of 'The Witch', telling me 'It Follows' is horror, that 'The Babadook' is deep. Kek is all I say - when you have spent as long in the kinoma as I have with my platinum screengoers card you pick up a thing or two about real horror. Horror like Suspiria and The Shining, or real existential horror like my favourite film: Her. No tension, real scares come from knowing you are alone and that nothing or no-one will ever understand you, something you children could never hope to understand.
> The Witch
> Not about christian mythology
are folklore and mythology the same thing? do they evoke the same registers? are they portrayed the same way?
Even if you follow the Abrahamic kike faiths, the original versions were hell devoid anyway.
Fuck, you can watch the evolution of its naming devices/philosophies/holiday dates/concepts/divinities extremely easily as it comes in contact with other religions.
I mean, even the base abrahamic judaism was a ripoff. Yahweh was a named Levantine God (Of Storms and War) already (a son of a chieftan God named El no less) He became more relevant because the region he was a patron of became more relevant (like Amun in Egypt did). I mean shit, Yahweh even had a Goddess wife for a while as the other Gods started to be snipped away as the Jews we know of today became more politically influential.
Odds are Zoroastrianism and Atenism simply influenced monotheistic behavior in particular regions, leading to the shenanigans that happened later.
And then we have the million and one sects and denominations today all claiming to be the single truth. What a mess.
Sort of. Folklore is more to do about local superstitions. Mythology is more overarching and part of national culture. They're intrinsically linked, but not the same thing.
hell isn't real and he's just an actor, stupid
Thomasin made my dick hard.
*thirsty for sex
WTF? I hate butter now
>getting triggered by facts
have a nice day, tumblr?
You're goddamn right i'm triggered, now get off my board Sup Forumsscum
what movie is it ?
no :)
It Follows
Not enough Black Phillip
reported sweety :) x
meh. much cuter as a blonde.
>announcing reports
enjoy your ban m9
It's m8 you dunce
enjoy your ban m7
Forgive me padre for I have sinned.
Yes he did. Also the film was scary.
But fuck all that post some thomasin tits
post more thomasins
>The film was scary
What a cuck. Did you hide behind your wife's boyfriend when watching?
THIS ass is not fat.
Naked Thomasin was just a body double.
I hid behind the shadow cast by your morbidly obese frame you filthy fucking neckbeard. Admit it was a scary film, i don't know why people think it's cool to deny any horror film is scary. I bet your mom thinks you're pretty tough huh?
He deserved it for being a horny little fucker
Stop shilling for this terrible film
Who is ? Movie please ,wanna watch it
Fuck off, Kat you crowslut.
How do you like crows pecking at your tit?
Whoa! Tough guy over here! Look out!
I think Caleb did go to heaven. The Witch is basically just a Nathaniel Hawthorne novel adapted to film and, like Hawthorne, I think it's just a deconstruction of Puritan ideology. Caleb's legitimate salvation juxtaposes with the rest of the family's skewed view of Christianity. It's my favorite scene in the film.
The Babadouk
Did the mother ever sign the book? She said she wanted a little longer with the kids then next time we see her she is fine.
Honestly I don't use "pleb" very often but this movie is a huge pleb detector for me. I really look down on people who don't get it, thought it was boring, etc. I assume they're pretty dumb IRL, or at least lacking a lot of knowledge related to the subject matter
You just answered your own question bro. That's what leads her to try and kill thomasin.
Yep, he is clearly rising to heaven as he dies - the prayer and his faith in god got him there.
Tbh jury's out on the others, thomasin is the only one we know for absolute went downstairs.
What was his fucking problem?
>Getting this easily upset
No wonder you queers got scared by the weakest, most shilled horror movie in recent times.
Yeah it's great for detecting plebs, all you have to do is see who thinks its a good movie.
It's foolproof.
I thought that was a reasonable reaction to being certain Thomasin was the witch and seeing that she has killed the father and twins (obviously she didnt but to her sight it seems that way).
a typical condition of christfag zealots
Thank you!
Both of you are the annoyances - horror is totally subjective. Sup Forums's worst attribute is whining about it: some things are scary to some people, what a surprise. Not finding something scary doesn't make you a real man, it just means you missed out - and finding something scary doesn't mean someone else didn't get it or had little imagination, it just means it didn't work for them.
He sinned. He was lusting after his sister. HIS. SISTER.
Fucking weirdo.
He was just lusting after tits in the abstract.
Can you blame?
Perky tits, THIC ass, middle of nowhere, family won't stop rambling on about geesus, bored out of your mind, starving, not another nubile woman in sight for kilometers...
It clearly wasn't. The characters obviously had their own beliefs about God and devils, but there is no reason that the magic they believed in actually related to the magic that actually existed in that world.
>woulds't thou like a pretty dress
Black Philip fucking delivered, he is real
Based Black Philip
Hmm i guess. I took it as the devil basically just planting the seeds and influencing everyone slightly to lead to what they all do
>a typical condition of christfag zealots
Exactly right. King Autist himself was an extremely devout christfag. Damn fedoralord religicucks filling our site with their mental disabilities. Disgusting.
The devil's book and the devil as a goat is all christian imagery. Also caleb got whisked on up to blighty in the sky. It was pretty obvious the world is one in which christianity is right.
Christians invented neither books tor goats.
We never really get any insight into what qualifies some to hell or heaven in it beyond certainty that joining the book only goes one way.
It does seem like it's a strict God in it seen as that family of all people get BTFO, so they may well all be in hell, but i wouldnt consider the mother's actions evil, she wants to hallucinate time with her murdered baby then to get revenge on her daughter after believing she is a witch who has murdered all her family.
But the idea of the devil having a book to sign and appearing as a goat is certainly christian, doesn't matter at all that books and goats exist elsewhere.
I was posting about the pleb detector and my analysis has nothing to do with horror. It's a great all around film. Its merits as a period piece far outweigh the horror elements.
Yes and no. The movie is like The Others. The characters claim to be Christian but have highly personalized belief systems that have very little to do with the actual belief system. The movie is really about their growing insanity from their isolation . What they see is effected by their beliefs, but that's about it.
So, my point is between yours and the other Anons. It uses christian symbology, but isn't really about that in the end. All that does is distract the plebs into thinking the movie was supernatural to any degree.
No he was the only pure and non-corrupted in family, he was the only one going to heaven
My main question about this movie was what happened the night the mother was visited by her son and baby. The book they had her read i assume was the same tomasin signed, but why did he have her read it.
Was he trying to get her to sign it aswell, and what was up with the baby being a crow nippin at her nips?
Before watching the movie I read all these comments saying how unsettling was the way black philip moved around and people wondering how the hell did they got the goat to move like that, so i was hyped.
Then i watched the movie and the goat was just doing goat things and well, people is just dumb.
Great movie tho.
Perfectly natural christian way
This. Both factions need to hang up their fedoras for a second, atheists and christfags alike.
He was the only one that treated his faith as any form of benevolent. The mother and father especially used their beliefs as an excuse for their rage and other vices, generally turning their belief system into something hateful. It was meant to be polarizing as fuck, but it still went over peoples' heads.
Well i personally do think it was a pretty straight forward plot about the supernatural, sure it discussed the dangers of isolation, looked into puritanism, asceticism and family - but i still saw it as direct.
Regardless Witch threads are filled with shitposting and overly angered arguments so im happy to accept your view and keep mine, im never going to watch it again anyway...
She may have needed convincing, or maybe there is some clause where they need to understand what they are signing. Either way it was clear what Thomasin wanted so she could go right ahead.
Yeah, heard about that all after seeing it and couldnt understand what the hype was about.
I dunno man, I think it's because the movie has almost become a meme from being posted way too fucking much, like Dark Souls on Sup Forums.
Ontop of that, we have a lot of underage christians who are very easily upset about anything that hurts their worldview even the tiniest bit, and they've latched onto this movie pretty hard.
Can barely see why you would like it as a christian, it paints the religion is a very unforgiving light.
Yes it is posted a lot but mostly for the goat memes, rather that than the "Now You See Me" threads.
>shitty dialogue
>set in the middle of nowhere
>caleb's acting was shit
>good period piece
>shitty dialogue
Interesting and accurate for the portrayal
>middle of nowhere
This is also very interesting. Being alone in a vast wilderness is very exciting. Donno if you live in America or not, but even when you're in the woods there's almost always the next town eventually. The isolation is part of what makes this film great.
>Caleb's acting
I didn't think he was that bad but this doesn't really have much to do with the period piece factor
>good period piece
Yes! I agree
I dont think it paints religion in a negative light personally. The first scene shows the father renouncing his plantations religion thinking he was more pious than them, and he and his family were punished for it.
If anything it portrays a message that leaving an orgamized religion for a personal one is a poor choice.
At least thats the message i got, and was probably how the original folk tale was trying to say. "Dont think your religious views are better than ours... or else this happens"
It was the same one. She was just using a glamour to make herself look young and beautiful, the hand grabbing him was showing that now that she had him she was throwing it away.
this may be so, but it wasn't the impression I got, as the position seemed as if it were from someone standing behind the hot witch, as the hot witch was already embracing him. assumed the hot witch was another thomasin perhaps, another of Satan's surrogates.
Having a qtpie oni-san became too hot to handle and broke his mind.
Just your typical consumerist advertising deception and the stupid masses who are suckered into thinking something is scary simply by virtue of being an animal in a horror movie. The fucking rabbit was creepier.
>He really just moves around a bit, looks at the camera in one scene, and rams into the dad at the end, nothing else, no atmosphere to him at all.
WTF I hate animals now??
I really think they could have done better with the story and really ramp up the subversiveness to the puritanical belief. Instead they just went with a generic sell your soul story.