so I guess this is getting a tv show
The Wheel of Time
If people thought lotr pacing was slow wheel of time is like 12 books of people walking around and nothing really happening
I don't think it will be a problem. The narrative in the books is prolix but pages of descriptions of dresses, streets, statues, objects, etc. will translate to extensive costuming but not much screen time, and the rest of the bulk is character introspection which also won't occupy much time in a screen translation. The events in the main sequence (The Eye of the World through A Memory of Light, excluding New Spring) take place over only two years.
One season per book, combine 4+5, 6+7, 8+9+10, 12+13+14, don't include New Spring. 8 season show, doable iff popular.
The books actually translate really well to 10 episode seasons. For instance, EotW:
1: The pilot includes the prologue as a pre-credits bit and is the first few chapters of EotW, culminating in the Trolloc attack on Emond's Field.
2: The road from Emond's Field to Baerlon, takes some time for more backstory introducing the setting as ep. 1 is more plot and character introduction Channeling, Trollocs and Fades, Aes Sedai, etc.
3: Baerlon, Min, Nyneave.
4: Shadar Logoth, ends with the group getting split up
5: Thom "dies" and Rand and Mat evade Darkfriends on the road, Ba'alzamon appeara in dreams
6: Perrin and Egwene encounter Gleemen, wolves, Children
7: Rand and Mat in Caemlyn, Logain, Elayne, Gawyn, Galad, Morgase
8: the group reunites and is joined by Loial, they travel through the Ways to Shienar
9: from Fal Dara into the Blight, ends outside the Eye
10: Eye of the World, Green Man, final battle vs Aginor and Balthamel
Adam from the Wertzone speculates about which studio on the Westeros Forum. He favours a Sony - AMC Alliance and also peddles a rumour that the rights deal was an eight figure deal...that's ten million or more to save you counting zeros...Terez was apparently his source and she also had this to say on the Theoryland Forums:
>Apparently Jason and his crew are going to be involved somehow; [Jason Denzel the Webmaster] might have managed to get himself hired as producer. If they're supposed to be quiet about this on social media, they're not doing a very good job of it.
The Wertzone also has a four part blog post about how the Wheel of Time might be adapted.
Brandon Sanderson also weighed in on reddit about whether he should be involved:
>This is a tough one for me to make a call on, as there are so many variables. One thing you have to remember is that, unlike GRRM, I've never worked in film/television. [...] I'm not a screenwriter.
>There is a bigger issue, however. I feel it would be dangerous for me to take too much ownership of the Wheel of Time. I've often likened it to the One Ring. At some point, I just needed to give it up, for hanging on too long risks starting to conflate myself with something that rightly belongs to Robert Jordan.
>This is a real issue to me; by the end of my tenure on the books, I felt as protective of (and close to) the characters as I did my own.
>I remember reading once that Jack Nicholson, for example, was offended when he wasn't consulted about how Heath Ledger should play the Joker. That's across the line--he played a great character, and should be proud of his work. But it doesn't mean he needs to be involved forever in the future of the character.
This is gonna fail so hard, it'll never get enough viewers to make it worthwhile. It'll probably turn into a Sci-Fi Channel tier adaption. Also, overrated books. Only the first few were somewhat OK.
The first few are trash, 4-6 are the best ones. It is going to fail, though. Rigney's widow and the other people in charge of the rights are myopic and money-hungry and have made nothing but poor decisions concerning the series adaptation.
>feminism the book
at least GoT waited 4 seasons
*tugs braid*
Each book is a painfully slow build up to something that happens in two pages.
Rubbish desu
>implying it doesnt depict women as evil manipulative cunts
The Aes Sedai arent complete fuck heads in the book, theyre powerful but theyre not portrayed as good people. Most of the women are portrayed as assholes or are manipulative, even the good ones are shallow materialistic bitches. I imagine theyll actually change alot of that shit because it doesnt paint women in a good light at all. Like the slavers will be men instead of women or something and the Aes Sedai will all be female jesus that arent as snarky or tricky.
Nah, that's completely wrong.
This guy actually read the series, I can tell.
I'm still traumatized.
Theres alot of fat that can be cut off the books, like the first book could probably be done in under one season if you cut the shit and actually show what the book explains, what takes a 2 pages in a book to portray can take 5 seconds in motion.
>"she tugs at her braid like a randy bitch" for 2 pages, trying to get across the point that shes a bitch in heat hungry for the wrinkle stick
>in the show she will just be in the background fondling her shit for like 5 seconds, and move on
Alot of the descriptives in the books can be played off like this, and theres alot of them. The problem they are going to have is that people are going to be expecting an alternative to GoT, but WoT is nowhere near as gritty or dark.
Is there a word cloud for the entire series? I want to see where "twisted" ranks.
I just hope they get mat correctly
I just hope the White walkers don't look too fake.
It's on the CW network. There is no reason to discuss this show.
I don't really like Sanderson's writing, but from everything I've seen, he's a decent guy. I am glad to see that response.
>They cast Perrin as a black buy because hes "big and strong"
People WILL be asking where the POC are at, the only ones of relevance early on are bad guys.
It's not on the CW network. You have posted a lie.
>It's on the CW network
Fucking kill me. Please tell me this isn't true.
Will it be big enough to attract normies like it happened with ASOIAF, how much cancer will they produce?
Min or Thom are more likely to be black since they're more outsiders and from bigger cities.
If anything Bayle Domon will be middle eastern looking guy.
Perrin is shit anyway.
Aiel were always the middle Easterners to me
Aiel are blue/green/grey-eyed gingers.
I can already see the faggots on here complain about character no one cared about or liked is portrayed as black.
There are already black characters, heroes and villains. Asian characters too. The Sup Forums concern over racewashing is from people who haven't read the books.
Bookstores have given away the first half of the first book to lure in readers. Wheel of Time is more normie tier than Dexter.
Hes the only lead that isnt a bitch.
>"RIP THE FLESH, SALT THE WOUNDS. Oh, I made a mess."
>"You touch my dagger? Dont touch my dagger. Joke, were besties!"[throws dice with strangers]
It won't be any good if they try to be 100% accurate on race.
Perrin's entire family were killed because of Rand. He should have sided with Mierin, who did nothing wrong.
>Hes the only lead that isnt a bitch.
He's a super bitch led around by his nose for pussy.
Perrin arc is shit
>Muh faile
>I'm just a blacksmith
Now I want to read it
>worst character in the series
>becomes ruler with god powers
If they shorten the faile rescue and cut out most of the bitching about not wanting to be god tier he will be a much bettrt character
Am I the only one not looking forward to this.
I'm going to watch every single episode if it happens, but I don't believe it will be good. Is that what you mean?
Essentially. Yeah.
It isn't true.