Just watched Red Dawn 1984.
What a great fucking movie.
I dont care if i get banned for this. but this movie was magnificent.
Jeez im not even american and still felt a sentiment of patriotism
Just watched Red Dawn 1984.
What a great fucking movie.
I dont care if i get banned for this. but this movie was magnificent.
Jeez im not even american and still felt a sentiment of patriotism
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>I dont care if i get banned for this.
What did he mean by this?
For once I think somebody is legitimately asking this, and I cant answer
What did this Sup Forums poster mean by this
You do know this was basically pro-mujahideen propaganda right? In other words, they took the precursor to the Taliban and Al-Qaeda as inspiration.
You're welcome user
Never forget the brave sacrifices of these young souls during the red invasion.
I meant its wasnt a viable thread subject according to the rules so i might get band for so called shit-posting
Legitimately great movie, that scene at the end with the stone becoming a monument gave me the feels
I saw so many similarities, and i asked myself if Americans when watching this compare it to insurgent groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon. or the PLO 'palistinian liberation front"
Do Americans understand they will also consider bombings and assassinations and even suicide bombings when it comes to defending their home land... or do they just laugh at towel heads thinking they are dumbfucks who don't give to shits about their home land
same i felt like i was about to shed a tear... but they died in vain.
the film got booed btw, and was a commercial failure if i'm not mistaken
why ?
Milius is too conservative for even most conservatives. Red Dawn is him saying "anyone who isn't a beef-eating, cigar-smoking gun-toting survivalist deserved to be murdered by commies"
" Red Dawn received mixed reviews, receiving a score of 53% on Rotten Tomatoes.[5] Red Dawn was the 20th highest grossing film of 1984, opening on August 10, 1984 in 1,822 theatres and taking in $8,230,381 on its first weekend. Its box office gross is $38,376,497.[1] "
i was saying shit, it wasnt a commercial failure. made me wanna watch it again, probably tonight.
i think he was more about not being a 'slackjawedfagot', he was into the great men of our civilisation and the ubermencsh nomenclatura, but yeah he had not chance in hollywood, most people dont give a shit. conan is the perfect representation of milius true ideal, of living like a man and being true to yourself, fighting evil and so
is there a soviet equivalent of Red Dawn about evil merican capitalists?
how the fuck is that conservative.
people who defended their land in the name of liberty or death.
and a traitor must die to teach others a lesson.
Those goddamn mexicans just found another way to invade us
>im not even american and still felt a sentiment of patriotism
The desire for freedom is universal.
>ending clearly shows that the Americans ended up succeeding in repelling the invasion
>died in vain
now that is the type of to far right conservative bullshit...
mfw you have no idea what cuck means go back to Sup Forums you basement tattooed peice of white trash.
socialist freedom if you ask me
He probably meant right-wing as opposed to conservative. They're not the same thing.
Fuck you spic. I'd happily drag you through the streets
>cuck trying to explain what being a cuck is
right wingers can die if you ask me... their fucking as bad as left wingers...
take It as a lesson anything taken to an extreme is fucking shit. and i MEAN ANYTHING.
Not really, it was very rare to depict americans as enemies, the only one that come to my mind is imdb.com
Mostly just laugh at towel heads, not for strapping bombs to their children and telling them to get candy from Americans but for doing that stupid squat shooting position. They can't hit shit.
>right wing
What the fuck are you talking about?
Ya you can fuck your sister so you can keep the same inbred blood line you red neck white trash...
but honestly that is one weired monitor in that pic
really what bothers me the most is the militant dismissiveness of people on both sides.
Maybe I'm just getting too old for this place, but it seems like most trump supporters are just the same shitposters who think repeating KEK KEK LMAO over and over is new and exciting. I'm sick of it.
>it was very rare to depict americans as enemies
yeah sure thing pinko
>white trash
are you pro trump ?
true though they dont give a shit about many things bcs they are shit fucks ... but i think its suppressive fire...
also would like to add remember who supported the rebels in Syria and who is currently supporting ISIS
I'm pro beaner bashing
i love how if you dont support one thing a right conservative cuck thinks t immediately means you want a commie america fild with mexiacans...
honestly i hope you not one of those guys
lol not a spic
but are you a trump supporter by any chance ?
what should we have done instead? Yeah arming the "moderate rebels" was a fantasy and an unbelievable failure, but what other options are there other than that and doing nothing? Directly support Assad, no thanks that guy is as brutal of an autocrat as they come he's no different than Saddam was. And look at how the Russians won the war for him and then when they pulled out and said ok now negotiate peace they refused to and made Putin look like a complete sucker. All the alternatives to helping Assad are horrible, and helping Assad is horrible.
As far as I'm concerned the middle east can go fuck itself, its not a problem we can solve and we shouldn't try to.
what is beaner bashing ... and are you Pro Trump or No ?
>not a spic
you've got some pretty epic memes there my friend, really raising the level of political discourse in this thread
great 80s movie with genuine feels
it was trash
>Sup Forums thread about Red Dawn
>political discourse
as someone who fantasizes about armed insurrection I found it to be terrible.
Awesome more memes, nice man!
I sure do love memes! And it's got the green frog and the white guy, two of my favorite memes!
politics and art is intrinsically linked, unless you're a fan of capeshit and "turning your brain off"
Doesn't matter, I can't vote. I'm here illegally. I just really hate mexicans
You know that faggot is a fan
>no thanks that guy is as brutal of an autocrat as they come he's no different than Saddam was.
>brutal of an autocrat
Please tell me how you know so much about syrian history and how FOX News depicted this so called "autocrat".
> Russians won the war for him and then when they pulled out and said ok now negotiate peace they refused to and made Putin look like a complete sucker.
what do you think this is lala land you fucking bitch.
Did you even read the fucking agreement... i swear you americans are one brain washed bunch... the peace was to divide the land half for the mussies or so called rebels and other half for the syrian nationalist...
Jesus christ put a fucking sock in it....
>As far as I'm concerned the middle east can go fuck itself, its not a problem we can solve and we shouldn't try to.
And that here is my favourite fucking american quote...
i can stick my 7 inch nose in everybody elses business but GOD FORBID NOTHING follows my cookie trail....
i NO dont ask me to intervene after supporting the rebels that destroyed a fucking nation...
oh god dont ask me were to put all the niggers i brought on slave ships
their are consequences that come when you support the elite lobbiests you fucking dumb ass.
I doubt Americans would strap explosives to disabled people or little children. I seriously, honest to God do.
Bombings and shit, sure but I honestly can't see them doing that sorry.
not white trash either.. and not a trump supporter thats for sure...
Completely agree, user. Fuck rotten tomatoes
I'd strap up if I had cancer or something. You know, head over to Palestine for shits and giggles
can you answer my fucking questions:
what is a beaner basher?
Are you a Trump supporter?
charlie sheen the mujahideen
you may not realize this, but many Americans were against the Iraq war from the start and do not wish further entanglement
your english needs a lot of work btw, I can barely understand what you're trying to say
A Mexican and no. Shillary all the way. You don't have to be stupid to hate illegals.
Is this some kind of elaborate form of bait or post-modern shitposting?
Also, look uo barrel bombs. They fill explosive barrels with shrapnel and drop em on neighborhoods from helicopters. They've killed a fucking ton of people and independent human rights groups have verified their deployment against civilians - which is a war crime. Assad isn't based you scum fuck retard
and thats how this dumb fuck replies.
not answering how Assad was an autocrat...
not answering anything about the so called peace treaty. finally his way to answer the final question is that not all americunts were pro iraq war.
fuck you & nobody cares if 20% of the country werent pro war... because i know for a fact that you set the middle east 60 years back.
but wait i know what you going to reply
>kek 60 years back... those towel heads didnt know shit and are stupid...
to which i reply pick up a history book and read you illiterate faggot.
>Shillary all the way
i trust a liar.
she didnt leave the men in benghazi to die...
lets forget about all the lies because we need a female president
>Red Dawn received mixed reviews, receiving a score of 53% on Rotten Tomatoes
It got mixed reception from critics, but was a huge hit with general audiences, becoming an iconic 80s movies like Top Gun or Ferris Bueller, that people remember when thinking back to the decade.
I just think the opening is really well done, and relatable. Kids are sitting in class like any normal day when suddenly armed men start falling out of the sky with parachutes right outside the window. It's very surreal, and who hasn't daydreamed about surviving out in the woods with your closest friends. The second half is really dark. Showing kids make all these tough moral decisions and kill each other for survival is something not that many movies would show, without the deaths feeling cheapened like in Hunger Games.
Man, why are you so angry? If your country is really that shit just go to germany like everyone else.
also Assad is an autocrat because he wields unlimited authority and was not put in power through free and fair elections, additionally he was hand picked as a successor by his father who was also an autocrat. When faced with a movement demanding his resignation he responded with bullets, that is not what a democratically elected president does.
Assad isn't based, but he is a much better option then letting Syria fall into the hands of ISIS/Daesh and the various Western backed rebel groups.
All you would get if he is removed is another location that will be permanently destabilized .
I doubt any 4channers support hillary because they feel we need a female president.
getting closer but i didnt vote for trudeau ...
>They fill explosive barrels with shrapnel and drop em on neighborhoods from helicopters.
show me proof..
i lived in Lebanon for 4 years user ive been gone know for a while but i have gone to syria and i have spoken to refugees and ITS ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT.
I have even spoken to sunnis who hated assad and they regret every fucking moment they protested becasue they know that the american lie of "freedom and liberty" was a lie all along...
They had it all. one of the most stable nations in the middle east but hey if they are a threat to ISRAEL then obviously get the americans to spend money and israel watch your tax money fly...
And you think a "democratically elected president" is even possible in Syria?
How is this democratic government going to hold back ISIS? Also this "democratic government" was caused by Western interference just like in Ukraine. The new government would be doing the same war crimes Assad is right now to hold the state.
that's entirely true but it doesn't make the thought of supporting a guy like assad any more comfortable which is why I feel none of the sides are worth our support
stopped reading right there
Assad does regularly drop barrel bombs on his own people
well the west is directly helping both ISIS and rebel groups such as the FSA with gear. I'm not saying they give directly to ISIS but these "moderate rebels" who we do give gear to tend to either join ISIS or get beaten by ISIS and the gear is taken.
>And you think a "democratically elected president" is even possible in Syria?
I never said that, but I said Assad is an autocrat which is one reason why he does not deserve our support.
You said 10 minutes ago that he's not an autocrat, now you're admitting he is but saying that's ok? Way to move the goalposts buddy.
different poster user, Assad is an evil dictator, but the people who would step into his shoes are just as bad if not worse.
They would use chemical weapons in a second where Assad has not used them or if he did he got away with it
>pic related
did you miss the part where I said none of the sides are worth our support
bombing ISIS positions is all well and good but the efforts to recruit and train "moderate rebels" have been an unbelievable waste of time and money. I just can't believe heads haven't rolled for that. But hey who cares right, it makes the arms industry happy.
How is he not an autocrat? The Syrian Ba'ath party holds elections every 7 years and guess whose name only appears on the ballot? In fact this past election in 2014, for the first time in Syrian history, there was a contested presidential election with two other people appearing on the ballot. They were both Ba'ath approved candidates and Assad "won" with 88 percent of the vote. So right off the bat, his regime has no respect for the democratic process.
Lets see what else... Linked to various human rights abuses not the least of which being war crimes. This all began during the Arab Spring when PEACEFUL protestors called for his resignation, just the same as in the other Arab dictatorships. His crackdown was extremely violent including abductions, torture and imprisonment of dissenters which transformed the civil disobedience into a widespread revolt against what many saw as an illegitimate regime. America no doubt help with its destabilizing of Iraq which allowed jihadist groups to operate and infiltrate but fuck off with this "Assad is just tough leader in tough times". He's a brutal dictator who has no qualms about killing innocent people.
Go ahead, write me off as a Fox News redneck or whatever mental gymnastic you do to protect that fragile ego
nah, the middle east can go fuck itself
I don't care if the alternatives are worse, I don't want to support a dictator who murders his own people when they demand greater freedoms. That's not what America should be.
>additionally he was hand picked as a successor by his father who was also an autocrat.
he wasnt even suppose to be the president of syria you dumb fuck it was his brother however his brother was killed in a car crash a fews days before Hafez al Assad died.
Man, why are you so angry?
Yes Im fucking angry.
and no im not a syrian, but im a man who understands politics and atleast knows what is going on in the world before i fucking post shit online.
Im mad because you fucking support the destruction of a stable state in fucking lie of freedom and liberty and then dont expect any consquences and over all that you ameicans take in propaganda off of Fox News and CNN
and the best part is that its all happening in the interest of Israel a country that once tried to back stab USA after being treated like a brother.
YOu guys are so fucking confused and think you know it all there is no path back to safety...
what a lost fucking load of fuck nuts
Well, Lebanon/"Muh Palestine" and the Americans DO have one thing in common
>Democracy by force
No America is paying a bunch of Islamic rebels to overthrow governments.
That is exactly what America is about though, whatever ideal you think of what America "should be" doesn't exist. They are an expansionist country with many national interests that involve getting just as dirty as Assad
So you can say "fuck the dictator, off with his head" but you'll just be getting another Iraq or Libya, a state that is permanently destabilized by terrorist organisations
This movie is clear-cut Jew propaganda
The director as a Jew
At the time the movie was made, Israel was an enemy of the USSR
This movie is literally "yes goyim, die for Israel. Cuba is your enemy because they don't have relations with us!"
and stopped reading right there
"democratically elected president"
he was fucking elected you dumb fucks several times after the war had even started... but obviously you wont see that bullshit on FOX OR CNN...
I see nothing in that post saying he supports hillary because she's a woman
>stopped reading right there
you stopped because you knew thats where you would lose this argument ... but hey thats cool you can go back to watching porn and buying the newest concole while you ignore the real world right ...
are you implying that the cold war was some kind of jewish plot?
here we go again... ask for evidence you get this fucking video posted on some rebel media channel...
if you want an intelligent political discussion you shouldn't directly insult the person you're talking to
it just makes you look like a fool who is not worth talking to
please stop saying the FSA... this fucking shit never existed it was all along a mask to hide the islamic terrorist groups.. but i guess fox and cnn did a pretty good job at brain washing you.
why do you talk like this?
are you 11?
>Assad is an evil dictator
evidence bitch
Nah us americans arent in this situation. Even if this redneck dream from am invasion comes true they wouldnt do it. US americans would try to fullfill the stronk american people clichee and die in an unorganized attempt to fight of an invader.
BUT when people live long enough in a bad environment you can be sure they would try anything.
You don't understand how Ba'ath "democracy" works do you? A single name appears on the ballot, approved by the Ba'ath party - the same guys who ruled Iraq with Saddam. They also came to power through a coup decades ago so to pretend this is democratic in anyway at all is fucking willfully ignorant at best my man. In fact the 2014 presendtial elections were the first to have more than one presidential candidates... all candidates were selected by the Ba'ath Party however
If you approach rhetoric and dialogue without acting like a little child and swearing like a kid maybe people would be more willing to converse, also it's obvious who you are because you put "..." in every post as well as expletives.
Also you have to ease into arguments because there is a lot of propaganda thrown around on both sides, I'm just going off information that is spoon fed to me by our media sources.
he used chemical weapons, not even Hitler went that low
I don't think he actually did, I just want to trigger this child who swears like a pirate in every post
the concept of a benevolent dictator is inherently flawed, all dictators are by definition evil
if there was ever anything close to an absolute moral imperative it would be to have leaders selected by those who follow them
You sound like a massive nihilistic cuck based on the speculation from your post
>not even hitler went that low
can we not make these comparisons please
why are cuckold fetishists so fucking obsessed with inserting their dumb fetish into absolutely everything? What does anything he said have to do with cuckoldry?
You guys are the new furries, I swear.
Some idiot cunt set the rules for dialogue in this thread, it seems to be swearing like children so I will revert straight to Godwins law thank you very much
seeya later