The plot thickens.
How long before the Johnny Depp divorce saga is adapted into a David Fincher thriller?
The plot thickens.
How long before the Johnny Depp divorce saga is adapted into a David Fincher thriller?
the cycle of JUST continues
>marrying a girl that previously had identified as a lesbian
That was his first mistake
I don't care
I bet the one on the right has a huge clit.
That cunt is really nuts.
In 2009 who gives a fuck
Wow. Depp went from JUST to unJUST
>a woman actually losing a big divorce case
good for Johnny
lawyers and judges
He deserves it for that alone. How fucking stupid can you be?
Heard would be a great Samus.
i shupposhe alimony ish of de table ashwell?
Feminists dismissing it already:
She really is a semen demon from hell
The plot deepens.
It's called a succubus. Try to keep up.
I think you mean Deppens
Science Fiction
Mind Control
Character Development
Depp Plots
>what's a pattern of behavior?
I always go diamonds when fucking a lesbian
of course lesbians beat the shit out of each other
>webm of a gif
I'd expect Amber's girlfriend to be the attacker. She seemed to be the man of the relationship
>TFW it's all a stunt to promote a surprise movie by her and Depp.
Screencap this.
>not defiling her with dick
Show us your man card!
the more pictures I see of her, the more I realize her eyes are fucking empty when she smiles.
I'd pay a premium to watch them abuse each other and then roughly fuck each other and then cry and make up and then tragically break up because they just can't stand to hurt each other anymore and then they get back together when they're older and wiser and they love out the rest of their days in peacful bliss.
That's fine, but marrying her?
Well she was cast as Mera so makes sense shed try to kill her husband at some point
Why is Hollywood filled with so many fucking weirdos?
Is it a money thing, or is it just the culture of it?
From what I understand, everyone in LA is a sociopath.
>Sup Forums surprised Mera has anger issues
Does anyone else find it odd her GF looks like a young Johnny Depp?
Marrying her without a prenup...
Escape From LA is actually a documentary.
>look at me not care!
I hate LA. It was so absurd and fake, didn't see any white people either.
Amber is our girl.
Now Johnny is laughing
reminder that the same people who defended the whore will still defend her.
>S-She was just acting out in her oppression! she dindu nuffin
me on the left
>Amber allegedly grabbed and struck Tasya in the arm, which upset Tasya and triggered the arrest.
Will Ben Affleck be cast in the movie? That would be funny
>Amber Heard -- who claims she was the victim of domestic violence by husband Johnny Depp -- was herself arrested for domestic violence against her then-domestic partner
no man in that relationship either so lets see how it was men's fault this time.
The person writing the article sounds like he was having fun
actors are needy, crazy freaks
She'll probably claim that Johnny really abused her so much that she is now becoming him or some shit...
>swn domestically violence you
She was just exhibiting learned behavior from that monster Depp. He destroyed her body and obviously destroyed her mind and any of her conflict resolution skills. All she now knows is violence.
hilarious. I hope this lying, shameless bitch gets roasted.
Actually, they of all people can't. Past crimes aren't allowed to be held as evidence against people in current proceedings outside of immigration court (immigration courts can consider past crimes because the verdict to deport is not considered "punishment").
>Title: A Tale of Domestic Events
>Director: David Fincher
Who to cast?
I believe that depends on the state holding the case, but yeah that's true in California.
Idris Elba obviously.
>Told friend in front seat to duck so the media can get a clearer picture of her crying
Well, by its nature a pattern involves more than one instance.
>“Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl.
What did she mean by this?
the poop thickens
>Go to Doctor Heard for your routine check up
>getting prostate exam done
>feel her inside you
>see this
what do?
Ride it out.
>hitting someone on the arm
>getting an iphone thrown at you
domestic violence. kek.
fuck should I read gone girl? that got me hard
prenup's dont matter at all and are almost always thrown out
Just watch the movie, but the book is kinda cool.
She has a cross-gender type.
shes right thou. i was thinking bout that yesterday
inb4 "it really makes you think"
im not trying to trigger anybody
>an abuser can't be a victim of abuses
Wrong. This past case isn't relevant.
what the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums nowadays.
when did posts like this become acceptable?
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
too bad most divorces cases are handled in mediation and or arbitration where this shit most definitely will matter
only /film/ could save us
Is this real life
That's not suppose to be part of her plan
this was years ago
You cared enough to write out and click the post button, user.
Would two be more than one?
cast the inevitable melodrama
I hope theres some ebin tweest coming because right now her story plays like a cliche straight-to-video shlockfest directed by Alan Smithee.
>feel her inside you
>see this
>what do?
>see hands
>still feel her inside me
w-what's inside of me then?
>Past crimes aren't allowed to be held as evidence against people in current proceedings outside of immigration court
it's not this simple at all. certainly you can't get a past crime in in a criminal case just for a general bad-moral-character argument, but there are a lot of complications, and the rules here are especially permissive for a civil proceeding.
>7 years ago
>damage control like fuck
Cunt had to fuck a midget twice her age and pretend to like his shitty 'music' just to enjoy the spoils of the hooker's lottery. Wasn't enough for the Imp; he had to start smacking the bitch around.
>Deppfags will defend putting hands on this
You all deserve slow deaths. She deserves every penny she gets.
>on this
therein lies your problem
Does it matter if it feels good?
She just Heard her acting career vanish at this point.