dude your room is a mess!
Dude your room is a mess!
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Why you being the Joker bro
Get off it!
He went easy on him 2bqhwyf.
you like the joker? he's pretty cool (oh god is he gonna shoot me)
Anybody else think he deserved it? Shaming weird people is an important part of society. I blame the decline in bullying for the rise in transgenderism and homosexuality
What's your definition of weird? I love captain beefheart and Frank Zappa and they're pretty weird dudes.
What are you, a fascist?
That face at the end...
Y U beintha joker bro
Fuck yes he deserved it and fuck yes abnormies should be shamed, it's one of the few reasons I still come to this shithole.
can you do the laugh tho
>the rise in transgenderism and homosexuality
So your're implying its someone's choice to not be gay? Or they hide it? What...
>I love captain beefheart and Frank Zappa and they're pretty weird dudes.
Back to with you
>Anybody else think he deserved it?
Yes desu if you're gonna do weird shit like that the least you can do is lock your fucking door
> I blame the decline in bullying for the rise in transgenderism and homosexuality
Uhh nah, you're aware that people don't choose to be those ways right
Tumblr trannies choose to be that way, not actual transgender people. I'm guessing that;s what he meant. If people had curbed them when they started acting like degenerates they would have stopped and become normal productive citizens most likely with actual jobs instead of being a "blogger" on welfare.
Thought that was a strange statement. Usually closet gays believe homosexuals have a choice.
Homosexuality and even transgenderism has been around as long as we have. That won't change based on your feelings.
He said homosexuals aswell. Bullying a little kid because he has gay mannerisms doesn't automatically make him straight later in life. Maybe its the parading and openness that makes him uncomfortable.
Fucking Chads. Thank God I'm not in High school and have to deal with them anymore.
The way they curbed gays? Stop being an idiot.
Too bad for you we run the world and you will always have to deal with us eventually.
>he posts on tv and thinks hes chad
LMAO, delusional pleb.
I only come here to make you upset.
Seems like it's working.
Deserved what? What did the guy do?
Chads don't run the world Stacies do. They work in HR and hire everybody.
I have a job that's getting me by so I'm good.
You're both dorks on Sup Forums and so am I.
Shut up.
just being weird
And we plow the Staceys and hire them.
Nuh uh, I'm a cool dude, my mom even said so.
This guy has a strong jawline, strong nose, and good haircut. What is he doing making retarded videos while his friends are partying?
>Roommate's gonna freak
no I mean what did the roommate do? you're all acting like it was such a traumatic event. the roommate was just being a typical college guy.
It seems he may have the autism, my boy.
>Huge nose
>Terrible haircut
How fucking ugly are you that you think this goon looks anything other than terrible m8 be serious.
dude the joker's awesome get off it
i feel bad for the kid he obviously got problems
how does he have such a normie group around him
Pretty ugly :/