Now that the dust has settled, what's your honest opinion on Civil War?
Now that the dust has settled, what's your honest opinion on Civil War?
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its really good like every mcu movie.
Im so confused
Pretty decent.
Not amazing, but more than passable.
Props to that couple
omg is this pic real?? O__O''
It's okay
Not as polished as TWS but a better avengers movie than either of whedons
Why are all manlets huge faggots?
I want sebastian stan and chris evans to fug.
would have been better with more quips and some Captain Homolove
I mean, come on, it's 2016 and we all know how gay america really is, so why can't the personification of the gayest nation on earth be gay?
>Jarring as fuck tonal shift in and out of airport scene
>Shit tier villians, literally no need to be in the movie
>Shakeycam, piss poorly edited action scenes especially anything with Scarjo
>lack of motivation for many characters to even be in the movie
>ham-fisted shoehorned characters just to introduce for sequels
>literally no stakes, you know there is no chance a main character will die
>Tony in suit Cgi was laughable
>obvious product placements
>instantly forgetable score
>the accords are meant to be the pivotal plot device yet they are forgeton as quickly as they are introduced
>many more problems but loosing the will to talk about this over rated pile
Suppose the quips in the airport scene were fun though
Pretty much, plus they should've ended on a more ambivalent note but its fine.
>All of those Chads and Stacies
i thought it was pretty crap to be honest.
I can't remember the plot but I'll give it a 90% anyway for the fun action.
That Bucky is a pretty cute manlet tbqh senpai
Civil War is really good. Liked it a lot.
>even shorter than an asian woman
Are white people really like this?
>mfw the patriarchy is real
BvS was better
Hahahah what the fuck
Hitler was right.
It was pretty good.
>That airport scene
>Best movie Spidey so far
>Black Panther is awesome
>Best performance from RDJ since Iron Man 1
>Zemo done well
>A N T S
>The reveal that Bucky killed Tony's parents
>That final fight
One of my favorite MCU movies, that's for sure.
Okay you're points are all good but I honestly can't remember a single MCU score. It's all generic movie music, certainly nothing that sticks in your head.
Only the ultra normies.
I remember Ant Man's and Civil War's soundtracks pretty well actually. Besides those, I can't really say I vividly remember the other scores.
She's probably wearing heels though. Also he must be around 5'7"?
>>Best movie Spidey so far
pretty good for capeshit senpai
Garfield and PIZZA TIME didn't really do it for me. Garfield was a good Spidey, but a bad Peter. Toby was a good Peter, but a bad Spidey.
The Avengers has a cool main theme but thats it.
Me on the left
Oh yeah, that one too. Pretty solid.
>can't even pull some fugly niggress
>in the fag community he'd be pulling bussy left right and center
straight boys are so wild
A film with a lot of plot holes that got a free pass because is a Marvel formula film.
this is not helping them
Name the plot holes.
>camera surveillance in the middle of rural buttfuck nowhere
>white people
xmen apocalypse > bvs > the amazing spiderman > civil war
He's a trained assassin.
The camera could have been placed there early, and knowing that the car would drive down the street.
Bucky may have been given the order to crash their car in that specific spot
Holy fucking kek
pretty shit tbqh
>literal sexual assault
>dances away
She kept her cool better than most people.
That list is terrible. Is this what counts as shitposting in this day and age?
white people baka
>praising him for 60s peter parker
>faulting him for 60s spider-man
I'm not saying a theoretical best movie spidey wouldn't combine a peter from one decade with a spider-man from another, but it seems weird so say Tugboat's Spider-Man was bad when it was the Spider-Man that belonged with his Peter.
can you explain why this list is terrible, why he's wrong?
>drunk people having fun at parties
>sexual assault
I want reddit to leave.
Bucky is trans btw
Three words:
I like how chris evans grinds his crotch into fans butts when he takes a picture with them. GOAT celeb.
hahahahahaha fuck
I actually hated it, almost as much as I hated Iron Man 2 and 3. The pacing was horrible and the melodrama was way too much. Also the Spiderman shit was so shoehorned that it worked as a detriment to the main plot (we're supposed to believe that Tony cares about that one kid he got killed in madeupland, but then he'll go recruit a 15-year-old on a dangerous mission for no reason and almost get him killed? What?).
That said, Black Panther was great. Shame he was introduced in such a garbage movie.
That girl has some fucking patience
There were exactly ZERO stakes in this entire fucking movie.
The big ass airport fight scene everyone was creaming about was total bullshit because none of them were actually trying to hurt each others. They even had that quippy little "We're still cool, right?" Between Sgt. James and chubby alien.
Bucky would have been perfect... if the writers had the balls to make him morally ambiguous, instead of just adopting another BS "mind-control" plot so he could do bad shit but you could still like him.
Random ass Human Torch / Agent Carter's grand-daughter romance, totally out of place.
Spider-Man and Black Panther (while the latter was probably the strongest character in the film) were both completely pointless. And the irony of Tony wanting the accords in order to protect innocents, and then recruits a 17 year old kid who barely knows how to use his powers to fight with full on super humans. I know I mentioned that they all weren't trying to kill each other, but anything could have happened.
Total waste of Baron Zemo. Was hardly necessarily. Could totally have made the conflict work even without him.
And the worst part of all? In the end Cap and Tony basically make a semi-truce. What the fuck was the point of the fucking film? Once the Barney looking motherfucker shows up in Infinity War, no one is going to give a fuck about the accords so none of it mattered anyway.
And they didn't kill off a single major character. They need to grow some stones and just do it already. If none of these fuckers die by the end of IW Part 1, I'm gonna bust a nut.
Dude, they didn't even have the stones to kill Coulson.
At this point it's Sunday-morning-cartoon-tier.
Nice pasta.
Prove it dickshit
Didn't even expand on Fury planting the Captain America cards in in pocket - probably the most interesting twist in the entire fucking Marvel universe.
>And the irony of Tony wanting the accords in order to protect innocents, and then recruits a 17 year old kid who barely knows how to use his powers to fight with full on super humans.
That was Tony Stark being Tony Stark.
>Total waste of Baron Zemo. Was hardly necessarily. Could totally have made the conflict work even without him.
They needed a character that could serve as a foil to both statements and as a representation of all the people that suffer because of their failues.
I agree with you my friend.
The fuck does that even mean? It was a hypocritical move not just for the character, but for the entire argument he was in favor of.
> "needed"
As I said, could have made it work without him had they had some better writing. And why use Baron Zemo? Such an iconic comic villain reduced to that fucker from Insidious Basterds
>literally has a fucking boner poking out
fucking kek
>Such an iconic comic villain reduced to that fucker from Insidious Basterds
Except this isn't his last movie.
prove it
No it's not, that's just how black girls look like.