lord forgive me he looks like the mouse from catdog
I knew this was gonna happen 10 years ago when they announced the plans for a movie.
b-but is like le new lord of the rings for this generation!
We all did, user.
Keep posting that shit site. RT has been crap for years.
It's about time that Sup Forums get with the times (it's 2016, fyi). I for one am proud that this board is rejecting this hateful garbage for what it is: a thinly veiled racist attack on people of color! Thank you Sup Forums, and don't forget to vote for Sanders!
Why? All the site does is objectively compile reviews and then show you the average score and the percentage of reviewers who liked it and didn't like it.
Rt..objective. user try harder.
t. Disney
RT is right far, far more often than Sup Forums is.
I-it has a morally complex story!!
>Those reviews
Absolute savages
Your ignorance is not an argument.
RT rating is, the critics used for polling like that one chick who went PMS over there will be blood arent
my 8 ball is more right than Sup Forums more ofter
>liked it
You mean, matches their political ideology, which by default needs to match a neo-cuck-liberal slant in order to receive a high score. They are glorified bloggers, nothing more.
The reviews are fucking brutal
I love it. Blizzdrones had it coming after all the overhyping.
>under 30%
so I guess you can call it k-kino now?
we found the director the JUSTice league movie guys haha xd
I'm still not seeing any actual examples of why it's bad in the reviews. All of the ones not complaining about racism say "it's not emotionally impactful enough." Why isn't it? Can you give examples? Are there other movies which do this better? The purpose of a critic is to have a position and to EXPLAIN it, not shovel out shlock to get clicks. I have no real beef or love for Warcraft, but god damn, these reviewers are total ass.
Have you even read any of the reviews? Pretty much all of them complain about the godawful pacing and editing, the toddler-tier dialogue, the lack of world/character building, the absolutely shitty acting and casting and how it desperately tries to set up sequels instead of actually focusing on the quality of the movie itself.
I liked it but it was a mess of a movie. I really hope there will be a directors cut. Also the forced diversity everywhere was kinda funny especially the asian elf.
>still hasn't premiered in the us
Broke Furious 7's box office record, vidyakino is here to stay! Suck it Rottentomatoes!
>objectively compile reviews
I've read most of the top reviews on RT; where are the reviews you're talking about? But cool, some legit criticism. So it had awful pacing, stereotypical dialogue (not that that's necessarily a bad thing, seeing as it's a 80s-90s shlock fantasy flick), no world building (in Warcraft? wtf), and shitty acting. Hm, interesting. Thank you for the summary, I guess.
>Troubled in production and destroyed with it's editing, if they wanted to make this they should've just called Uwe Boll.
Thats savage af
>Troubled in production and destroyed with it's editing, if they wanted to make this they should've just called Uwe Boll. [Full review in Spanish]
Hay caramba!
reviewers used to be different. now any clown with a blog is accepted there.
It's going straight to the top of the box office in the US and you all know it, it will be a moderate success. Pic related rated it as quite good and half the critics are just dogpiling it because nerd hating is fashionable now and it's video games. The rest are just like the PhakePheminist Mary Anne Hobbs shit tier bloggers, opinions which belong in the trash.
Let me tell you something. Critics are scared and generally too stupid to follow something that goes against conventionality. They need glitz and glamour and hope. They need the American dream neatly wrapped into 90 minutes. This is not what Warcraft is about. It deals with real issues and real people. Critics don't want this, they want to dream, like children. Their idea of 'cinema' is a corrosion of the worst kind, it dumbs down the whole world with infantile culture, where grown men are celebrating Avengers and Star Wars late into their twenties.
>furious 7 made $390m in china
>This is not "Lord of the Rings." It's barely "Dungeons & Dragons."
what did he mean by this?
>still linking to RT
they're both fantasy movies. one good, one terrible. so it's barely terrible.
> what are top critics
God Sup Forums is retarded
holy shit!
Disney shills blown the fuck out!
>RT is only good top critics, so only the good top critics make up the percentage
God you are retarded.
Why is Henry Fitzherbert such a snarky cunt?
Awesome movie! I felt for this character as a father I definitely would have fought to save the future
it only takes a little effort to see that top critics are bashing the movie
>since this thread began, it has gone down 1 point
no, it remains in 16%, the same when this thread started
What kinda critic is that?
Seriously baka...
This.. was ... vydia.. kino....
read this one, it's far better
>nerd hating is fashionable now
Didn't Civil War get favorable reviews? Gamers have the worst persecution complex
The fuck has civil war to do with gaming?
Is this a real job?
This cunt has a review on every new movie and she ALWAYS complains about white men in every one.
Sup Forums. We have to talk. If you want more of male oriented action movies, then you have to go and pay for it. Thats it. The Jews in Hollywood only care about money. They will pander to the largest movie paying demographics. Stop pirating and streaming or at least go and see it in cinemas once. Lel lel shill alert! It's basic economics.
i already watched it with a friend, said he'd enjoyed it
Maybe i should go rewatch it with my 50 year old mom.
>c-china d-doesn't matter guys!
>a-america is the only market that matters
How is saying that something might interest white people a criticism?
she only likes gay men tbH
because haven't you heard? white men are the devil
How the fuck does an article like that get published?
This is a pleb's cry.
i dunno what youre talking about user
I like the movie, it had the purpose to entertain and it did well.
However the costumes seemed way too unrealistic and the dialogues weren't relevant to the universe.
2016 edition when? With additional news outlets like our so-important blogosphere. Possibly with additional CONFIRMATIONS.
on all my partrician review sites there are like fucking internet nerds showing up and defending this abortion. I have no idea why they would bother defending it. wtf.
>white males
why black men are "black men", but white men are called "white males"?
its always like that, why? not a burger so i dont understand your retarded language tricks.
Warcraft looks nothing like Frazetta.
Because "white men" gives it a positive spin, like that's something to take pride in. SJWs don't want that.
>implying those pretentius fucks would ever give a vidya movie a good rating
their reputations as esteemed intellectuals would be ruined! i havn't even seen the movie but i know this means nothing
Whats her fucking problem?
>people still fall for the Rotten Tomatoes meme
Trapped - Avg Review 7/10 - 100% Approval
Civil War - Avg Review 7/10 - 90% Approval
Catfish - Avg Review 7/10 - 80% Approval
The Hateful Eight - Avg Review 7/10 - 75% Approval
This cunt I swear.
>The Hateful Eight - Avg Review 7/10 - 75% Approval
This is a good movie though.
>Rotten Tomatoes
No1 gives a shit about that paid shill reddit site.
China is singlehandedly going to ensure a sequel to Warcraft.
Apparently it's just as good as the other three movies. But people only look at the approval score.
I for one can't wait for this movie. Why do we keep forgetting every day how pleb rotten tomato is?
How do I send death threats to her
Warcraft - Avg Review 4/10 - 18% Approval
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Avg Review 4/10 - 36% Approval
The Angry Birds Movie - Avg Review 4/10 - 43% Approval
Hahahah holy shit I see it
Just saw it and it is utter trash.
I felt embarrassed as a Warcraft fan knowing there were people in the cinema who know nothing about the universe - the editing was awful and the jumping from character to character in the first 15 minutes was so jarring it almost made me want to walk the fuck out.
Could complain more but it was so forgettable I don't know where I could begin.
>Shit review
>Great openings in many countries
>My plebe non-gamer friend thinks it's a good movie
>My gamer friends think that it lacks some things but it is an okay movie and would like a sequel
I got the same opinion as them, fuck the critics and RT.
>there are people on Sup Forums right now that thought MMOvie was gonna be good
Salon is just a blog with retarded writers
Honestly it seems like a rare case where it's a bad film, but it's true to the source material and has high production values so the fans of the source material and genre fans will enjoy it.
Unlike something like dungeons & dragons or the super mario bros movie which was a bad film that was nothing like the source material and was made on the cheap so it looked like shit.
>but it's true to the source material
Not even this.
Half the "fans" watching this haven't played WC1.
It's a garbage film, it's just getting overhyped because bilzzshills will eat whatever Blizzard shits on their plate.
It's a huge fanbase of tasteless drones.
How is Rupert Murdoch gay senpai?
What did she mean by this?
Ha. That's what these hacks get for trying to use FANTASY of all things to push a post-racial, one world, globalist message.
This ugly cunt needs some good dick, maybe she'll cheer up and enjoy movies then
Can somebody toss this bitch into the middle of Pakistan or Somalia since she hates white men so much?
I'm sure she would have a great time there with these totally non-misogynistic, non-violent nonwhites.
>"I like that Warcraft knows that even in a fantasy realm the world is run by white guystweet, so this gives me hope for the future. I may not be a jock or a brain but as long as I’m a white guy, I’ll be okay. I like when movies make me feel good like that. There’s this one scene where the King who is of course played by a white dude called Dominic Cooper and his army leader guy who is played by another white dude called Travis Fimmel are arguing about military tactics and there’s like a black guy and an Asian guy and maybe another not-white guy standing around listening, but they don’t get to talk. It’s like Yes you are men, you guys, but you’re not white, so you don’t get to be in charge or make decisions. That’s just the way it is. I mean let’s be realistic about this. Who would you trust to fight invading orcs from another dimension who are using magic against us? I think we all know the answer to that."
She's right here.
How many wars have niggers won?
He was probably there just because of forced ratial quota by the Stormwing Nigro Party or something.
>from 1987
how and why is this bitch a professional film critic