Pure Capitalism Edition
Quark did nothing wrong
Star Trek General
So I have this idea for a new television show set in the Star Trek universe that would be a prequel to Star Trek Voyager.
It would be centered around chakotay B'Elanna Torres Tuvok and Tom Paris for a short period of time.
We get to see Ben's old friend maybe even roll Aaron Commander Eddington and some of the other hockey greats
Whhataya think?
The Bajorian hit-girl is a underrated hottie of star trek.
Benjamin Maxwell did nothing wrong.
The girl went on to be the main girl in the Jeeper Creepers franchise.
>ywn recieve oo-mox
>Jeeper Creepers franchise
That was a franchise?
>It would be centered around chakotay B'Elanna Torres Tuvok
Would it show the wedding and how they became a harem?
>and Tom Paris for a short period of time
Third movie coming out in 2017, so that makes a franchise.
Who do you like more, Klingons or Romulans?
aside from other races, of course
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
Romulans are better villains. Klingons are better bros.
>niggers or romans
gee I dunno
Klingons are more than that. Don't be rude.
Their culture degenerated when mixed with the diversity of the Federation.
Why is Dax so perfect?
but diversity is strength
The empire used to be strong.
>NF: It really reveals how little progress we’ve made in terms of racial issues. Some will point out that in the original Star Trek series, the Enterprise crew included an African-American woman, a Japanese man, even a Vulcan, played by Leonard Nimoy, a Jewish actor. Captain James T. Kirk was played by William Shatner, who is Jewish. However, Shatner looks and sounds like a gentile! This is not a Semitic looking guy! White gentiles watching Star Trek could easily see him as one of their own, identifying with him, and forgetting that he was Jewish! What could be more Anti-Semitic than selecting a Jewish captain who neither looks nor sounds Jewish? Not only that, but there isn’t even a hint as to his Jewish identity in the series.
>Kirk is presented as an all-American boy who grew up in Iowa of all places, it doesn’t get much whiter than that! The women that Kirk is interested in, are all invariably gentile. Kirk even chases after a green woman. That’s fine with Star Trek, as long as she isn’t Jewish! Likewise Spock, played by Nimoy, shows no signs of being Jewish in Star Trek. Although the Vulcan hand sign derives from the Jewish priestly blessing, how many people will recognize it or even know that fact?
>Although Star Trek features a variety of races, even in the original series, the actors of those minority groups were marginalized and oppressed. Non-whites were taking orders from whites. Women were taking orders from men. This is unacceptable. It is immoral and it disgusts me. Star Trek can rightly be regarded as an extreme expression of white neo-colonialism. We don’t keep our blacks on plantations anymore, or our women in the kitchen. Now they are on space ships, but they are still our servants. They are still taking orders from whitey!
>6,146 words 35,892 characters
All of this text over 50 year old shit?
This is worse than being a Sup Forums janitor.
always the oppressor
let me help you with your sexual organs
The second Dax was not nearly as cute
What do they want, Kirk observing the Sabbath and always complaining about everything and missing his moms home cooking and being cheap and beating his wife?
>in the original series
Well yeah, it was made in the 1960s! They could only make baby steps back then! Lrn2context
Marquis = ISIS
This guy gets it. Romulans got that Ale but they are too uptight and cowardly conniving. Klingons drink bloodwine and want nothing but to die gloriously in honorable combat to enter Stovakor(spelling? it's been a while since i trekked) Also who doesn't want some Gagh and Raktajino.
best dax
>main combat shtick is cloaking
>honorable combat
That's just to get the pussy ass shields down. Once that happens its boarding and hand to hand combat.
Victory is honorable.
If you were a good combatant you would either detect that cloak or use one yourself. Starfleets ban on cloaking is dumb
Shhh, you'll make the wingons pouty.
This is a model built by the FX guys of the original design of the Voyager before they changed it to the one shown on the show.
I have to say I like this one a little more.
Curling Nacelles, not over sized Delta Flyer, is better.
Just cuz the Federation prefers to gimp themselves.....Romulans use cloaking too why in the fuck would the Klingons not use every tech available. The only reason the Federation doesn't use it(in b4 the Defiant) is that the shows would be boring if all ships were cloaked.
You just described pragmatic combat. Pragmatic combat =/= honorable combat.
The Klingons are a sham.
>it's a space jews episode
Victory is honorable.
This one looks like an actual ship rather than some weird abstract shape...
Because every battle in Trek is just between ships.... please.
>ywn fight gloriously in combat with a Bat'leth.
>Klingon apologetics
>can't argue it
They improved on it and added it in later in the show as this bad ass mother fucker pic related.
It would be hell of alot cooler if the they altered the warp nacels so they were more like the E swept back and more angular looking.
DS9 > TNG > Voyager > TOS > Enterprise
Objectively correct.
>asserting is arguing
>proving me right
If the ends justify the means then you don't have a code. Klingons are all about code and assorted bullshit.
So however you slice it, Klingons are hypocrites.
Not if honor is gained by winning. If you don't understand that, you don't understand honor.
>Nothing wrong
I'm fairly certain he went against the Book of Acquisitions at least once.
Their targets are prey. Is a hunter a coward for sneaking up on a deer? No. There are hypocritical klingon's throughout the show but overall, no they are not.
pic not related though. definitely no honor here.
just hotness
The whole Klingon honor thing was always massively overblown by Worf, it's more an ideal than a necessity for most Klingons
Agreed, but that stupid meme picture has got to go. (read: you gotta' go back)
>implying every possible episode hasn't been discussed in extreme detail many times over for the sake of argument alone
Off the top: Silicon Avatar, Similitude, and maybe the Inner Light.
This is obvious bait, but a ship of that design on top would feel even more old to the casual viewer who isn't interested in a return to TOS.
Wish there were Keikhole nudes.
>Lieutenant Tasha Yar: On my home planet, there was so much poverty and violence, that for some the only escape was through drugs.
>gif related
I feel like I just looked at gore. No fucking thank you.
>be me
>me on Sup Forums
>OP on the ocean
>me and Sup Forums on the ocean
>the beast of Sup Forums
>OP his arms wide
>his sails unfolded
>OP when the walls fell
I don't know any hunters that beat their chest and talk about honor, either. They wouldn't describe it as dishonorable, but neither would they go on and on about the personal honor of killing an animal to feed themselves or their families.
So hypocrites. Got it.
Why not just use WMD's then? If winning brings honor, why not just fire I Win weapons?
I never realized how much this guy was Sup Forums incarnate
Obviously you don't understand honor. Probably American.
God, are Klingons just about the most tediously forced race in the history of the franchise?
Yes, I like Worf. I like Gowron, Martok, the Duras Sisters, and Kang. A few others but in the end, the entire race and concept gets so fucking old. It's the same... fucking... thing. Over and over. Honor and death in battle and eating worms and qaPla petaQ etc. etc. etc. over and over again.
I'm not trekkie enough to remember specifics but there are plenty of instances i can recall 1 on 1 fights or stories of honorable combat. enough i'm done with you're trolling.
kek, it's been a while
B-b-based B-barclay.
Imagine if the middle bit blows up and then the top and bottom are like "Oh shit, what do we do now?"
>assuming the top and bottom can't connect. They'd still have 2 nacelles.
Guaranteed you haven't watched Enterprise
FUCK were being raided!!!
For everyone: Don't come here anymore. Sup Forums is run by Tyrnos, Kaito Hasegawa and their friends. And moot the c. u. c. k. is helping them (yes, his last news was a big fat lie)
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anything
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it's fun", especially in a defensive manner
>Forced generals (/hor/, /cape/ etc.)
>Against every board culture, particularly lolis, cunny etc.
>Responding to very old posts
>YIFY is good (usually against everything from each board)
>Generally, every stupid and/or aggressive post
>Destroyed /lbg/ and /swg/ threads
If you see one or more of these points, then you can be almost sure that it's someone
from the german forum Anipodium (according to the animation textboard, check that place).
Don't let that subhuman trash go wild on Sup Forums and other boards!
dis.Sup Forums.org/read/anime/1392740610/200
You nazis are now embarrassing yourself on other boards too? Quite something
>Samefagging so the other guy need to understand he is wrong
>Opinions aren't absolute, each one has his own
>But my opinion is correct, you're wrong and the game is a 7/10!
>YOU are mad!
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anythin
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it'
For everyone: Don't come here anymore. Sup Forums is run by Tyrnos, Kaito Hasegawa and their friends. And moot the c. u. c. k. is helping them (yes, his last news was a big fat lie)
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anything
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it's fun", especially in a defensive manner
>Forced generals (/hor/, /cape/ etc.)
>Against every board culture, particularly lolis, cunny etc.
>Responding to very old posts
>YIFY is good (usually against everything from each board)
>Generally, every stupid and/or aggressive post
>Destroyed /lbg/ and /swg/ threads
If you see one or more of these points, then you can be almost sure that it's someone
from the german forum Anipodium (according to the animation textboard, check that place).
Don't let that subhuman trash go wild on Sup Forums and other boards!
dis.Sup Forums.org/read/anime/1392740610/200
You nazis are now embarrassing yourself on other boards too? Quite something
>Samefagging so the other guy need to understand he is wrong
>Opinions aren't absolute, each one has his own
>But my opinion is correct, you're wrong and the game is a 7/10!
>YOU are mad!
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anythi
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it'
Does anyone have a theory as to why this person is specifically targeting Trek threads? Just like last time, I checked 20-30 popular threads and didn't see a single other instance of it
For everyone: Don't come here anymore. Sup Forums is run by Tyrnos, Kaito Hasegawa and their friends. And moot the c. u. c. k. is helping them (yes, his last news was a big fat lie)
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anything
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it's fun", especially in a defensive manner
>Forced generals (/hor/, /cape/ etc.)
>Against every board culture, particularly lolis, cunny etc.
>Responding to very old posts
>YIFY is good (usually against everything from each board)
>Generally, every stupid and/or aggressive post
>Destroyed /lbg/ and /swg/ threads
If you see one or more of these points, then you can be almost sure that it's someone
from the german forum Anipodium (according to the animation textboard, check that place).
Don't let that subhuman trash go wild on Sup Forums and other boards!
dis.Sup Forums.org/read/anime/1392740610/200
You nazis are now embarrassing yourself on other boards too? Quite something
>Samefagging so the other guy need to understand he is wrong
>Opinions aren't absolute, each one has his own
>But my opinion is correct, you're wrong and the game is a 7/10!
>YOU are mad!
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anyth
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it'
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.
Shields up. How many lights are there Mr. Data?
Well they eventually give them a bit more depth when we see how hypocritical they are in politics. Since they are fan favorites I think they were more cautious at humanizing them like they did with the Ferengi.
He may be targeting high reply count threads or one's that the janitors are less likely to be actively monitoring.
Or just a dedicated troll (god bless his soul).
>no qt3.14 Ensign to go on a holodeck date with
Why live
>some nose ridges
>totally different species
Star Trek was so lazy sometimes.
For everyone: Don't come here anymore. Sup Forums is run by Tyrnos, Kaito Hasegawa and their friends. And moot the c. u. c. k. is helping them (yes, his last news was a big fat lie)
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anything
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it's fun", especially in a defensive manner
>Forced generals (/hor/, /cape/ etc.)
>Against every board culture, particularly lolis, cunny etc.
>Responding to very old posts
>YIFY is good (usually against everything from each board)
>Generally, every stupid and/or aggressive post
>Destroyed /lbg/ and /swg/ threads
If you see one or more of these points, then you can be almost sure that it's someone
from the german forum Anipodium (according to the animation textboard, check that place).
Don't let that subhuman trash go wild on Sup Forums and other boards!
dis.Sup Forums.org/read/anime/1392740610/200
You nazis are now embarrassing yourself on other boards too? Quite something
>Samefagging so the other guy need to understand he is wrong
>Opinions aren't absolute, each one has his own
>But my opinion is correct, you're wrong and the game is a 7/10!
>YOU are mad!
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anything
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it'
For everyone: Don't come here anymore. Sup Forums is run by Tyrnos, Kaito Hasegawa and their friends. And moot the c. u. c. k. is helping them (yes, his last news was a big fat lie)
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anything
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it's fun", especially in a defensive manner
>Forced generals (/hor/, /cape/ etc.)
>Against every board culture, particularly lolis, cunny etc.
>Responding to very old posts
>YIFY is good (usually against everything from each board)
>Generally, every stupid and/or aggressive post
>Destroyed /lbg/ and /swg/ threads
If you see one or more of these points, then you can be almost sure that it's someone
from the german forum Anipodium (according to the animation textboard, check that place).
Don't let that subhuman trash go wild on Sup Forums and other boards!
dis.Sup Forums.org/read/anime/1392740610/200
You nazis are now embarrassing yourself on other boards too? Quite something
>Samefagging so the other guy need to understand he is wrong
>Opinions aren't absolute, each one has his own
>But my opinion is correct, you're wrong and the game is a 7/10!
>YOU are mad!
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anything
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it
For everyone: Don't come here anymore. Sup Forums is run by Tyrnos, Kaito Hasegawa and their friends. And moot the c. u. c. k. is helping them (yes, his last news was a big fat lie)
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anything
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "it's fun", especially in a defensive manner
>Forced generals (/hor/, /cape/ etc.)
>Against every board culture, particularly lolis, cunny etc.
>Responding to very old posts
>YIFY is good (usually against everything from each board)
>Generally, every stupid and/or aggressive post
>Destroyed /lbg/ and /swg/ threads
If you see one or more of these points, then you can be almost sure that it's someone
from the german forum Anipodium (according to the animation textboard, check that place).
Don't let that subhuman trash go wild on Sup Forums and other boards!
dis.Sup Forums.org/read/anime/1392740610/200
You nazis are now embarrassing yourself on other boards too? Quite something
>Samefagging so the other guy need to understand he is wrong
>Opinions aren't absolute, each one has his own
>But my opinion is correct, you're wrong and the game is a 7/10!
>YOU are mad!
hey moot, take Sup Forums offline for a few hours. The spammer is here again
Don't tell me, you thought I would stop? Just because you wrote a fake news?
>Retarded and/or aggressive shitposting
>Hard samefagging
>Poorly written posts
>Viral threads for Scarjo and her movies
>Trying to sound smart, although they have no clue. About anything
>Posts with the terms "enjoying", "i
just beam and a photon torpedo onto their bridge captain
It's like the Voyager simulator without the shame and wet clothing.
subtle hint that jews are not human
Why the fuck did 5/7 episodes in ENT involve people trapped somewhere when they clearly had a transporter? I just dont get it.
Post other specific issues with ENT.
Why is it that, for all the spess qt's, there are no tits in the post scarcity future? Shouldn't all qt's have tits?
IIRC the transporter in Enterprise was experimental technology. They had never used it to transport humans before so they didn't now what the effects would be. In short, it could be used to transport material, but they didn't want to risk vaporising the captain or something
>it's a Geordi episode
why were they always so comfy?
What? Geordi's were the worst. He was always spilling his spaghetti or being a confrontational dick.
would you a nana?
They didn't even use the Transporter until quite a few episodes in because people were afraid to use it. It's like that DFW quote-
>Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors.
>captain, the french are about to kick my ass
Never gets old