Saw this yesterday.This was a great movie, but was overshadowed by basement dwelling reddit neckbeards whose only critique was "MUH ATHEISM". Now I can't wait to see the second one,since it's realistic and very revolutionary considering it's the first movie to stand up and fight against the gay-liberal-atheist agenda in schools.
Saw this yesterday.This was a great movie...
You're a cuckold.
>believing the oldest jew lie
Oy vey
Pretty shitty moviemovie senpai
There are better ones out there that preach a similar, although not in a way that paints the other party badly, which would be more suitable to watch.
kys btw
>lol le ebin fedora memes haha :DDD see I belong here guise
Read the rules, this site is for people over 18.
>lol i'm gonna call others le cuck even though i'm a euphoric atheist and will vote for Bernie or Hillary
>Le jew meme
>le KYS meme
You're the one that needs to grow up. Inform yourself on the current war on christianity.
Christians deserve it.
>vote bernie or hillary
I'm not american.
>war on christianity
:^) you mean faggot leftist conplaining about it? Guess what they complain about atheism too, because everything they want are tools, atheism is only useful to them if it's under the ideological view that they use.
I'm not even atheist senpai. i'm just not a retarded teen/shitposter like you.
Faggot leftists*
Also Trump 2016
>christian movie
>dude le jew meme LMAO
>there are people Sup Forums so far up their own contrarian assholes that they unironically think god is dead is a good argument for the validity of the christian faith
are you seriously postulating that christianity isn't the new android app of judaism
what would be a good argument for the validity of the christian faith?
>I'm not american
Then what makes you think you can even comprehend the situation here?
>teen/shitposter like you
Were you talking to yourself? I'm over 30, you fucking millenial.
that you believe in it but it makes no sense
oh ok
atheists literally can't refute this
that you want meaning in a cheap way
>comprehend the situation here
I live in a poor, catholic+evangelist, leftist nation.
Basically all my friends are americans and I may not live in the US but I know it.
You're a whiny bitch that thinks he knows persecution, and turns an ideological fight into"muh christianity".
You're not very different from SJWs, what with your victim complex and absurd exagerations of your perceived oposition.
Tl;dr fuck off you brain dead shitpostet
Christianity is more like the new android app of Platonism with some random Hebrew names.
The burden of proof is on the Christians
whose god is he talking about there are so many
Dude God exists because I say so lmao
>claim something exists
>you can't disprove this
burden of proof isn't that hard to grasp.
edgy teenage atheists BTFO!
So I can't disprove there isn't a rat that comes every morning and wipes it's balls on your face, but should you waste your time believing that?
Something which you can't prove or disprove?
Should your base your life choices on the guidelines of dead jews because of something that you don't know and can't prove wheter it's false or not?
And you think you are intelligent?
Ok I'm gonna tip my fedora.
You can't disprove I'm fucking your mom right now.
Shouldn't you euphoric gentlemen be at a Bernie Sanders rally?
typical edgy atheist response. really mature,kid.
Dude my imaginary friend guides my moral compass lmao
>muh atheism is leftism meme
>obvious bait thread
>gets serious replies
What's this obsession with Jews
atheists btfo tbqh
ITT: atheists getting BTFO
"Hoho look at me making shitty bait arguments and expecting serious responses".
Just tell us already, if you can't prove or disprove why do you waste time with it?
Why christianity specifically and not say, fucking shinto?
Oh right, you're just a lazy cunt that doesn't base his viewpoints on what is, and instead tries to mold his arguments based on his arbitrary viewpoints.
0/10 philosophy. Apply yourself
Stop trying to convince yourself your virginity is by choice op.
>if I hide my hurt feelings behind shitposting no one will hurt me anymore!
>Why christianity specifically and not say, fucking shinto?
Because it needs jews otherwise it's not official
>le enlightened atheist right winger
nice meme ideology
I'm a deist, seems like a cash grab at the Christian demographic like Faith +1.
but here's the thing OP
how do you know the christian god is the correct god?
>he is a heeb slave
Oy mofuckin vey, schlomo!
Whaaaaaaat with the goooys aaalready?
>still using this argument
time to get Dawkins' cock out of your mouth my friend
>it's the current year!
that argument is much older than dawkins and christfags still don't have a good answer for it
I don't even know whose baiting who in this thread.
What the fuck is even
Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
That we have freedom of religion and are free to believe whatever we damn well want to.
don't pretend you don't love using that same argument you degenerate atheist libcuck
Everytime. Has Sup Forums gone too far?
>It's a middle class white christians are victims n sheeit thread
>tfw trying to believe in God because I don't want to be a fedora man, but finding it hard to genuinely believe it
Will this movie help me with this feel?
No it's fucking stupid.
He was never alive in the first place because he doesn't exist tbqh famalam.
Nope, only more of a tipper. The best "Christian" movies, i.e. ones that embody Christian values without being preachy or overly churchy, don't explicitly say they're Christian.
Congratulations - you just outed yourself as clinically retarded.
Haha what an insightful quote no one has ever said that before great movie 10/10.
Do you actually think Trump believes in God?
Only Sanders and Cruz strike me as the people who would actually buy into it and not just for the votes.
>tfw agnostic
>tfw no dog in this fight
Try agnosticism guys, it feels good to not care. You don't have to call theists stupid or call non believers neckbeards etc, you just get to enjoy life with one less conflict
I'm hiding this thread now and wont think about it again :)
Why force thyself to believe in a dead God when thou canst live deliciously?
B-But it's true! Milo said so!
Not unless you find sophistry convincing.
Religious arguments are a lot like trying to fuck a rock.
You're not going to achieve anything, your going to look fucking stupid doing so, and your only going to hurt yourself in the process.
Truly a cinematic masterpiece.
Based desu (to be honest).
>You don't have to call theists stupid or call non believers neckbeards etc
In other words, you're a limpwristed pantywaist coward who's afraid to speak the truth. Good going, faggot.
That's an ugly woman. Is this what the average Christian female looks like?
Fedora to tight?
>le indecisive logical middle-ground opinion
you're worse than either side t.b.h. pls kys immediately
This thread is just proof Sup Forums consists of atheists and those who troll them. The only people who would find this movie good are normalfag Christians who would never set foot on Sup Forums.
Y'all posting in a troll thread.
>Claims to know something about philosophy
Lol you millenial edgelord probably wouldn't even understand Atlas Shrugged!
Hercules actor was the best part of the movie, that dude can act, everyone else sucked.
You understand that you can be agnostic and still believe in God/be an atheist, right? Even if you don't.
What a stupid fucking argument.
"Here's a photo of someone wearing a hat... Checkmate atheists!"
Christianity is for retards, true.
Nice job OP, you found an easy way to trigger all these lurking redditors.
He didn't make an argument.
Is this the thread were we all pretend to be religious?
That's because agnosticism is worthless
>can't know for sure if x paranormal entity exists beyond the universe
>live as if it doesn't exist anyway
all atheists afraid of being branded with epic internet memes
>I believe in God.
So if you're not literally a drooling retard, you must post on some website called "reddit"? Nice reasoning, shit-for-brains. Time to end your life.
>nobody can possibly disagree with me
Wow, you're literally delusional.
He literally said if you don't believe in God I won't cheat on you.
is that hercules
cry more kid
Christians are absolutely allowed to disagree with me, I just know a few genuine, true convert Christians and none of them would ever make their home here.
It's you who's out, goddie! Out of your mind!
>Differing opinions? IMPOSSIBLE
Unfortunately, yes
if you didn't like this movie your going to hell
just sayin'
bless yall souls