what is her fucking problem?
What is her fucking problem?
She's jealous Jaqen is giving Arya more attention than her
shes not sitting on my face
it's because are-ya is from a noble house
Perfect diddys
i wanna try and fit them in my mouth
lol you wanted the boobs for THAT face?
they pretty nice tho
She's from a noble house just like Arya. When the Waif was a young girl her stepmother poisoned her but botched the job basically freezing the aging process in the girl after she was healed from its damage. When her father learned about his wife's deed he gave 2/3 of his wealth and his daughter (the waif) to the Faceless Men in exchange for his wife's death. She's pissed that Arya is there by choice when her father gave her away to kill the person who wanted her out of the way in the first place. She's bitter and resentful
I want her to bully me. Am I weird?
Nope, its the natural response.
Why the fuck are they standing up to defend people who want to cut their heads off?
Mental illness
Who cares? Jaqen is going to kill her when he finds out she let Arya suffer.
that wasn't Arya. Didn't speak like her, walk like her, had more money than she could have hoped to steal, and didn't have needle. That was a faceless man testing the Waif because her identity as No One was called into question through her interaction with Arya. She let who she thought was Arya suffer so she failed. She's someone. And someone is of no use to the Many-Faced God
How it will play out.
The Arya that got stabbed is obviously Jagen and will die. We've seen him die and come back. Waif will report back to "Jagen" with a smirk on her face and tell him Arya is dead. Jaqen will say a girl did not keep her promise and stab her. Then removes a mask and it's Arya. Waif will say, shocked of course, you're dead... then Arya will say...............Not today!
Screencap this.
The fuck this come from
and bran orchestrated it all
The one the waif tried to kill was Jaqen himself and not Arya.
could this be
Go back to Sup Forums
You can come to mine for dinner
It might.
"Why is a man four foot three?"
"A man is totally not Arya in a mask."
"A girl doesn't buy that shit."
"A man is totally telling the truth."
"Well, a girl is stupid as fuck, so a girl reports that Arya is dead."
hmmmmmm she doesnt have needle and they deliberately showed her getting it
Perfect waifu thread.
If you play the game of thrones, you're either Arya or you die.
The penalty for homosexuality under Islam is death.
FMen's masks change one's whole appearance, including height.
because blood magic
>gets stabbed
>"arya kidding me? I just bought this shirt, ugh!"
who the fuck writes this shit
If this comes true I'll actually commend D&D for not outright killing not-Arya on screen for extra shock-points before the reveal that it wasn't Arya in the next episode.
I don't get it. When they were at Harrenhal Jaquen was murdering people left and right with nobody suspecting a thing, almost magic like.
Then we actually see what the faceless men do and it's just spar with sticks and put on masks made from peoples faces. That bitch didn't even keep her mask on when she stabbed Arya in the middle of a busy street in the middle of the day and didn't bother to even make sure the job was done.
this is cool but do you have a source?
Because their dumbfuck liberals, or just fucking traitors.
>a new waif thread
The Waif is not no-one. She is the waif.
Also in the books the faceless man Arya first met was a top-tier one, sent to do some shady shit in Oldtown. I wonder if he's connected with Euron in any way.
not by beheading.
commending them for a nonsensical plot twist is just as dumb as commending them for cliche'd filler.
She's not real, she's just a manifestation of Arya's desires
>yfw realize she's been talking only to Jaqen and Arya and not anyone else
That depends on the country. In Saudi Arabia and most Arabian states they prefer to behead gays, in Iran and most Persian countries they prefer hanging, in ISIS, which is based out of Syria/Iraq they prefer throwing them off buildings
no one said there isn't freedom of choice in Islam.
>arya outright fails not one, but two jobs
>gets blinded temporarily for the first mistake, and ""killed"" for the second
>waif does her job, and fails just a little detail (not making arya suffer)
>gets killed forever
oh fug, I don't know if she can stay being my waif(u) after looking at that.
But the tits are calling to me, what do?
When Arya is blind and fights the waif on the Braavos streets don't we see someone watching her fight with no one? We're supposed to assume the waif left, but what if she was never there.
Fuck nigga
No no, I'm not commending them for the silly twist. I'm commending them for not making it even sillier by clearly killing "Arya" off to give the episode a shocking ending, to try and recapture the Red Wedding.
Well the way I see it is, she'll have to tie you up and brutally torture your testicles until you agree with her politics.
an user must choose
i dont think she would want to be ur waifu so the choice is ez
aww shes just trying to share the happiness she feels everyday with unhappy people
Someone post the Dr Who dance.
I think Jaqen is helping Arya again. He even booked a cabin for her in the ship. Arya had no money and no other clothes.
why does arya want to be part of these faggot killers anyway?
being part of them entails not being a stark anymore, renouncing her name. if she is ok with renouncing her name and her family forever, why should she care about avenging them?
She's Arya, that is her problem, and she's supposed to be no one.
Anyone notice how she sees the same woman three times after she's out of the water? What did they mean by this?
it never ceases to amaze me how right wingers always appeal to the superficial when "discussing politics"
Always the strawmen good looks pictures.
It never fails to make you realize those people are sad and hurt inside and just rally behind movements to give their otherwise pointless life some meaning.
I remember when i used to think like that - i was 18. Thought myself superior to others, smarter and a "better" human being.
Usually in teenagers it's a normal thing, still trying to find a role in life - but if it persists through later years...
Im sorry.
She'll stay as my waifu for now, the tits and smugness are too hard to give up.
>Thought myself superior to others, smarter and a "better" human being.
Funny because that's exactly how leftists and SJWs see themselves.
Eh? What kind of joke is this?
good poast
Are ya?
>Stuck in a brain-washing assassin cult for years
>Constantly told that this is communal, collectivist living and that personality traits are to be picked up and dropped only for the benefit of the Cult
>Is always, constantly in a state of looking smug and impressed with herself for beating up a common acolyte
>Goes out of her way to disobey orders as frequently as Arya
They can't write their way out of this character. She's awfully done. I feel like every stick fight with her on the screen is a waste of my time and for the last year I have just skipped every Waif scene as quickly as I can because it is always the same thing with the same lines of dialogue and the same smug and undeserved look of satisfaction as she beats Arya yet again in a stick fight.
What was the point in having Arya escape the faceless men after 2 seasons of this shit if she doesn't even learn how to make or collect faces? It seems her training has done fucking nothing for her except allow her to listen in on conversations (a skill that literally anyone has.)
Yeah she's a feminist SJW
And she's engaged Sup Forums so it's back to your hand.
Apology accepted.
TO WHOM??!?!!?!?
>Funny because that's exactly how leftists and SJWs see themselves.
It's both. Both dumb sides feel like that.
It's a classic defense mechanism that humans use to preserve their own bias. If we decide that what we think is by default right we don't need to improve or challenge our views as we reached perfection.
this is why these arguments never lead anywhere, people just come here to say their part and then just start shitposting when the other side starts arguing back
See what i wrote in this post, you'll find it eye opening.
Who am i kidding? You won't. Your ideals coud never be wrong.
Yea, I noticed that too, there were body doubles left and right, didn't make sense, wasn't only of the woman, one chick from behind looked like Arya.
> engaged
Sup Forumstards literally think they are superhumans because they were born, by chance, in a first world country. the rest of the world is comprised of subhumans. no matter what kind of miserable fat neets these Sup Forumselickers are, and how educated and hardworking the "subhumans" are.
i don't expect for you to understand any of this. Sup Forumstards are more brainwashed and blind than the worst social justice leftist.
eh i wanna fuck her not marry her
I am telling you, the waif is Arya's Tyler Durden.
you are kinda right
>swn waterboard you with her ass until you declare yourself a feminist
Stephen Lock
> engaged
More like engorged amirite
Yes, luck is a major part of life. I'm not going to be miserable like the rest of the world just because I was born into a good situation and I'm not going to give these fucks my money either.
whats her name
> swn grip your pathetic cock like this in utter disappointment