/got/ general

First for Ray Frey

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First for Jonsa

They're hanged face is on point this season.

>They're going to do all the Stoneheart shenanigans and its connection to the Jaime and Brienne arcs but without Stoneheart

bearloli = NOT ANIME

ASIAN STYLE FACE, because her eyes are small and single eyelidded. anime =western style face

please remember

first for jon not being azor ahai

fuck off jonfags

I really enjoy when retards cherrypick shit

Arya = Waif
Sansa's pregnant with bastard belly
No Cleganebowl this season ;_;

I don't get it, why did Jaqen H'ghar put on Arya's face, and then Jaqen H'ghar put an old lady's face and stabbed Arya (Jaqen H'ghar), only to reveal himself (Jaqen H'ghar as old lady) as Waif (Jaqen H'ghar as Waif)?

Extra confusing because Arya(Jaqen H'ghar) was walking by at about the same time.

>Or maybe it's a big black bitch with sixteen tits!

What did he mean by this?

What did Swerjen do to deserve dis bois?

They know better. It's to troll autists who find untruths unbearable.


We did Saddam back in 2006. Why are we still posting pics?

my nameis idiot and i pretend the bearloli is ANIME when she is an asian styled face therefore not anime

Kill yourself.

Reminder that cordy is still best girl.

Bearloli = anime

t. Kim Jung Chi

thanks for proving my point


ok, compliment me? thanks for it, and you are america fatass fucker george?


Anime faggots kill yourself


agreed, and it has no place in GOT, it reduces the quality only of everything.

what anime should I watch?

i feel like starting a new one

Stop spamming Kim.

>Reddit thinks the Waif is Arya
Best Alumina in town

1st for salsa offering her cunny to cia and actually following through with it after the battle making all you retards go into autistic seizures

Excited as I am for Sandor to be back, I'm hoping he doesn't get killed off in a stupid way in the near future, there's been too much of that happening this season.

And are we taking bets on why the waif hates Arya so damn much? I know there's a theory that the waif is Arya and this whole thing is her trying to kill herself and become a true Faceless Man, but I find that unlikely.

That's wrong, she has slavic face, and slavs are literally the closest race to anime.

The Waif is my new waifu


she has no bottom eye and red thing dont show therefore a JAP face clearly

desu Lord Glover seemed interested in fighting if it looked like they had chances to win

>assblasted koreans visit /got/ to shit on japan

But to what end?



What the actual fuck is going on with the layout of King's Landing?

post yfw armchair ethnologists invade /got/

i wonder if she does anal

Blame D&D for including anime in the show.


So apparently some super autists put together a video about how the mainstream critics treat this show with kid gloves.


It's $1 to watch. Anyone have a free link?

Didn't they change shooting locations for s2? And that's why it looks different.

did the script just say "teamwork"?
wtf is this shit

house Cerwyn 1/2 days ride from winterfel strong house (in the books) really pissed at ramsey (flayed the lords mum and dad and uncle s4)

For Varys.

Will he EVER get to crossbow someone /got/?

The first shot is S1, second is S4, last two are S5.

i reckon he'll strangle someone with his bare hands prob LF 2nd to last ep ever
>screen cap this

Does jaquen worship khorne?

The last one looks really small, the sept is barely bigger than a three story house.

Didn't Ramsay have a conversation about him flaying some people and the roose got mad because he was supposed to collect taxes? Does anyone remember what house that was?

u may be a shill but that actually looks funny someone with a $1 download the create and post torrent

No, he just believes in giving mercy to those suffering with terminal life

Looks pretty consistent to me

Who shipping Leanna x Rickon here?

Rickon best stark, most ferocious and best dog.

Shaggy dog isn't fake they found another back dog pup and gave its head.

Leanna best woman character that doesn't shout about >muh power and >muh justice. Actually acts and respects tradition.

Wolf x Bear who with me?

Yeah that's because you're an Amerifat

This is low tier 2ch trolling

Rickon dies episode 9 you idiot.

>Next season finale
>Salsa leads Littlefinger into a trap
>"I was wrong to think I could trusht you, Sansa."
>Varys comes out of the shadows with his crossbow
>"For all you were wrong about, my friend, there's one matter in which you were correct. Chaos is a ladder. You appear to have just fallen from it."
>Shoots him with the crossbow, then high-fives Sansa
>Jump cut to Dramatic Danaerys speech as she's teaching the unwashed Westerosi masses how to eat gluten-free and love feminism

Tune in next season!

thats the one House Cerwyn
closest house to winterfel BIG ARMY (in the books)


I was thinking the same thing. Not sure about the houses/small buildings, but the general shape and the positioning of the sept in relation to the Red Keep seem to be consistent throughout.

Who's the better loli, Lyanna Mormont or Shireen Baratheon?


Kevan will just die in the chaos after cercei storms the sept

Why did the brotherhood kill them all?

Aren't they supposed to fight for the common people?

heretics and good steel

Actually he dies with all of the Tyrells and Septon in the Great Sept explosion in the finale

why does anyone do anything?

Rhollor hungers infidel

>Jaime Lannister pulled 8000 Lannister troops out of his ass

Were did they come from?

Can you direct me to this leak?

Thinking of the wrong Leanna

>a couple of axes and maybe a shovel
>good steel

wew lad

They are from a different faction from the BwB.

Apparently they split up or something.

Another leader could have swayed them in a different direction. The show could be adapting a big thing here, if you're not aware the surprise would be best.

yea i'm watching the whole show again now bKings Landing stays pretty consistent
The armor sure don't, once you watch the whole thing in one go the change in the KG armor is sooo obvious and really bad, it looks like cheap tin now, never thought much about the whole armor complaints...I was wrong.

They are protecting people from the sparrow.

>Lyanna as conqueror queen and Shireen as her maester


>the cast of Deadwood are at camp, showering Sandor with gifts and the songs of their people
>The Hound smiles, enjoying this valuable cultural experience
>a cry is heard in the distance
>suddenly, the camera pans to the thundering stampede of a thousand men on horses
>we see Beric Dondarrion driving the men to fight by cracking a flaming whip
>in the distance, peasant women and children are burning, the soundtrack a high screaming wail
>"Yes," cries Thoros, "R'hllor hungers!"
>Sandor looks on, his burned face grief-stricken
>"Old Gods save us," the Hound whispers, "he's even making the women and children pay the Iron price!"

30 or so axes, pots pans knifes, cooking hunting gear, a dozen shovels nails hammers, coal etc.
If I was running a band of outlaws I'd steal their shit.

more m8

i think it was from docmantistobogan but he's deleted all his comments, hopefully someone screenshotted them.

>respects tradition.
>doesn't give a fuck about Longclaw
Dayne, Tarly, etc. shit on Mormont respect

They hung "meribald" because he was a frey man before he broke.

They killed them because they recognised the hound in the group.


yep 10 mil an episode for this

It was part of the treude leaks

i'd rub my dick over shireens crusty face

Not even the same armor retard

Based Mrbtongue btfos DnD for being shitty hacks.


I'm so pissed at the old christian guy! Muslims never tell other people how to live

I am so pumped that he's back. Feels good /got/

exactly, its suppose to be tho.

I don't get why they changed it

Fuck off nigger

why is she wearing the bolton X on her dress

>Real gold is more expensive than aluminum with shitty paint

Oh wow give us more wisdom troll.

Sorry, no Linda or Preston, no watch

It's a shame that he'll die in battle