Watching the trailer gives me the chills! I loved BvS! Saw it 3 times in the cinema. The visuals, the soundtracks, all of it... Freaking amazing! Cant wait for this ultimate edition
Watching the trailer gives me the chills! I loved BvS! Saw it 3 times in the cinema. The visuals, the soundtracks...
Other urls found in this thread:
I wanna buy it but how much does it cost???!!!
Found the Redditor, or shill.
Hi Mouseketeer
Hi irrelevant DCuck.
This doesn't look awesome at all...
I can't believe they actually put this in
Unironic day one purchase.
Does it also have the theatrical version?
>The extended cut of "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" includes 30 more minutes of story and action not seen in theaters! Also includes the Theatrical Version of the film plus over 2 hours of bonus content.
That looks so fucking dumb.
Still looks better than 90% of the shit Marvel shits out.
>b.but muh nerd company wars
Leave, virgin.
Looks good to me. Plus it's taken directly from TDKR (no not your shitty Nolan movie). The comic so revered that some highschools go over it.
Snyder is a kino god, sorry you don't understand that
top keke. thats a youtube fan made movie right?
>Batman V Superman Cinematographer Says Ultimate Cut Won’t Change Minds
Yes, fat neckbeard, high shools pay attention to your dead medium.
Yikes. And people here shit on the Civil War airport battle.
>It copies this one comic a little so you can't say its bad
Its bad.
TDKR was better at being TDKR than this shitty copy with effects that already look dated.
Still pushing this shitty meme? Ok kid, whatever
>expecting the cinematographer to understand character development and plot
I see the CGI is still as horrible as in MoS
>all these MCUcks
I'd trust more someone who worked on the movie rather than a neckbeard in Sup Forums tbqh
It's priceless honestly.
Calling Hannover Fist
WW was kinda OP in this.
why is supes so rubbery?
>that CG clusterfuck
What the fuck is even happening.
It's a native issue of the Unreal Engine 3.
I still can't get over Batman being physically bigger than Superman.
still citizen kane tier compared to cw tbqh
Bahahaha what the fuck is this.
How are we the cucks?
Everyone loves Citizen Kane. Everyone loves Civil War. Everyone hates BvS. What the fuck metric are you grading BvS above CW?
>all this Batman bin Suparman shilling
Only on Sup Forums. Why do you act like R--dit is worse again?
>Watching the trailer gives me the chills
Well of course, that's pretty much what BvS is: a bunch of "cool" scenes without context that looks pretty good in a trailer.
Objective quality and originality
This cover is F*cking EPIC!!!
>BvS thread
>Gets saturated with insecure MCucks
Didn't take long
The cover makes it look like a porn parody.
Snyder certainly didn't
Looks like a cool game, since it's the ultimate edition, it has all the DLC right?
>implying it wasn't a brilliant move from Snyder to make the first movie of the DC franchise full of unrelatable shitty characters with motivations noone can understand
Seriously though, why didn't anyone during the production said "Hey, this is completely retarded. Why don't we try to make the movie good instead?"
>reeeeeee company wars
Get a personality
The porn parody is kino though.
Says the angry DCuck.
beep boop must insult rival companies
t. mad DCuck
Bad plot and pointless action scenes? Yeah that's Civil War alright.
meanwhile captain america is a secret nazi and Thor is a woman.
i don't care if marvel have the more sucesfull movie ubiverse. their comic universe is a god damn joke
All comic universes are a joke for different reasons.
>Wonder Woman eclipsing both of them on the cover
that skirt, damn
>The comic so revered that some highschools go over it.
Now, if only Snyder was able to read the words between the funny pictures...
Somewhere between the irrational "kino" or "hack snyder" flinging lies the truth...
Pic related (my opinion) is closer to it.
BVS is nether art nor is it dreck. Its simply mixed like most films.
Well yeah. But somehow BvS did it worse
>Now, if only Snyder was able to read the words between the funny pictures...
He literally takes some of the dialogue from the comic.
That's blood splatter, even if it wasn't between the eyes he did shoot him.
And rubber bullets wouldn't be causing the massive explosions in pic related.
She's a terrible actress who can't even speak properly, who didn't even try regarding the accent, and who can't for the sake of living make an angry face.
She tried to come as ''badass'' and she was probably the blandest part of the movie.
Because she is being introduced in the film.
>Aquaman looks awesome
I fucking laughed when they showed him, popping up and saying
It was a complete joke.
She sounded fucking fine.
She didn't need to look particularly angry she was enjoying the battle.
You replied to the wrong post. Get your shit together.
Then your a fucking retard who can't even respond to the right post.
I could barely understand what she was saying, it was like she was half asleep, and she always has the same expression on her face.
I seriously don't understand what made anyone think she would be a decent Wonder Woman, and I still don't know why she's in this movie apart from the fact that they wanted to introduce her.
Nope, I still feel butthurt over those $7 they took from me.
Everyone knows he shot the girl, the point is he didn't do it lethally. He shoots a single bullet to knock her out and save the baby. The animated movie rendered the scene a bit more clearly showing he shot her in the hand or something
It's a big plot point in the comic that even after all those years Bruce still refused to kill anybody. You can post all the cool action scenes you want and imply he killed, but the story proves you wrong. The police didn't hunt down Batman for murder until the Joker killed himself to frame him. Or are we gonna assume the comic is full of plotholes and nobody noticed until now?
I'm sure he did
Doesn't matter tho, that interview proves he either doesn't understand the source material he's handling or he's willing to lie about it to legitimize his personal decisions
Because she's the literal V in Batman V Superman. Bravo Snyder! Bravo!
Hello Deborah Snyder
> doesn't understand the source material
The source material in this case was a script written by Goyer/Terrio. It's inspired by TDKR but there is no obligation to adhere to anything happening in that comic.
>not muh Batman
>not muh Superman
Just stop it.
in this movie does she stand on anyone's face?
I'm not saying "not muh", i love the Burton movies just fine and Bats kills in those too
Look at the user i quoted when i posted the collage, all i'm saying is you can't praise Snyder for his brave original decisions and in the same breath claim his movie is superior because it's inspired by the superior comic when in reality he just borrows visuals
Skirt kino
Cyka Blyat
>2 hours of bonus content.
>2 hours of bonus content.
>2 hours of bonus content.
>2 hours of bonus content.
After the world-building that accompanied Man of Steel, I'm HYPE just based off the possible implications of this alone.
2 hours of bonus content.
_________G E T_ _H Y P E___________
_________ ________________________
This has me hyped
Ripping imagery isn't inspiration. Dark Knight Returns is a story where Bruce and Clark have know each other for most of their lives and is not a Justice League prequel.
It was how the movie was meant to be seen. Question not Snyder's decisions.
Jena Malone is love.
I could understand her fine burger. What did you mean by "didn't even try regarding the accent"? I'm not sure why you think someone from a mystical tribe of Amazonians would have a burgerland accent. Maybe you should leave the town you were born in once in a while and learn that not everyone speaks your burger tongue.
What about one where the arcs are inverted and instead of Superman being inspired back to the path of the righteous by Bruce's uncompromising principles, it's the other way around?
As a guy who read the entire Death of Superman story when it was originally released, I like the fact that they gave it an actual purpose here - his sacrifice inspires Bruce to go out and gather the others. As a long-time fan, that story arc moved me but only in light of the fact that at the time, I thought it was going to last. I thought it was going to actually carry some weight and have a long-standing impact on not only the comics, but also pop culture in general, as well as me personally as I'd always loved the character. That was literally all the weight it carried. Looking back on it now, it comes across as one of the most cynical things they could have done with Superman. It didn't say anything new about him as a character and a hero. Here, it's the act that has defined him as a hero and inspired Bruce to live up to his heroic sacrifice.
In short, the comics arc could have never even happened and it would change almost nothing. The movie death is an integral part of the story being told.
That's literally the definition of inspiration
Dis you read the book? Batman says that their misses and grenades bounce off the car.
The main theme of Snyder's "Batman v Superman" on spiritual dematerialism is not eschatological, but a phenomenological ontology. Thus he implies that we have to choose between predialectic construction and deconstructivist neodialectic theory, essentially Heideggerian as seen in the concept of Dasein. The subject is interpolated then into a cinematic dematerialism that includes spirituality as a whole. But if the Kierkegaardian worldview holds, we have to choose between the cultural paradigm of expression and atomism. In Snyder's own "Man of Steel" he has a character says that "the world's too big”. Inherent in this is how the function of Lebenswelt (cinematically translated by Snyder as "world of life") operates in all his films, chiefly in "Sucker Punch" and "300". We see a phenomenological approach to the world showing a cinematic logic that presupposes a strucutral constraint in rootedness, another intentionality central to his filmography and philosophy. Because "metaphysical comfort" is not an object of temporality per se, but rather an aspect of automatic condition, as suggested by Cavell. Hermeneutic interpretations are also apparent in his post-"Watchmen" movies; in fact the interchangeable subjectivities are but another representation of Husserl's and Wittgenstein's "form of life". As his academic hero Heidegger succintly noted, "freedom is the ‘abyss’ of Dasein, its groundless or absent ground". This is essentially the thesis operating in Snyder's films.
“Art is intrinsically meaningless,” says Ben Affleck. The primary theme of BvS' analysis of Sontagist camp is a mythopoetical totality. The characteristic theme of the works of Snyder is the common ground between society and language. But the premise of dialectic superheroism holds that the establishment is capable of social comment. The subject is interpolated into a social realism that includes narrativity as a whole.
“Society is unattainable,” says Kal-El. It could be said that Luthor uses the term ‘neomaterial desituationism’ to denote not sublimation, but presublimation. If social realism holds, the works of Snyder are an example
of purposeful superhero movies, also known as "capekino."
In a sense, Marveldrones promote the use of postdeconstructive objectivism to attack capekino. The subject is contextualised into a neomaterial desituationism that includes reality as a reality.
But dialectic superheroism suggests that culture serves to entrench outmoded, elitist perceptions of capeshit. Terrio uses the term ‘neomaterial desituationism’ to denote a self-supporting totality.
Another guy, here, but you do realize that the implication is that he's rolled into the fight in a ride he knows they can't hurt and that he's ambivalent about the injury and death they're inflicting upon themselves?
It's not exactly a huge leap from that to what we see in the film - a Bruce so obsessed that the ends justify any means, and as an added bonus, this Bruce never even snapped the Joker's neck(that we know of), so whatever happened in his past, his return is markedly different than his prior career. Even Alfred calls him out on his new callousness.
>I loved BvS! Saw it 3 times in the cinema. The visuals, the soundtracks, all of it... Freaking amazing! Cant wait for this ultimate edition
kek faggot