Snoke is An Anakin Skywalker Clone...

Snoke is An Anakin Skywalker Clone. The emperor had him cloned in case Vader didn't survive his transformation into the Vader suit. The major clue that hints to this is that in The Force Awakens Ren discusses Snokes access to creating a clone army.

You heard it here first.

Scars don't transfer cia cloning , you doofus


Did the clone also get cut apart and burned by Obi Wan Kenobi then age for decades with his scars as well?

I'd agree with you here, but we are talking about jj abrams here... For all we know the cloning process "scans" them and makes a copy of what was scanned, not just growing them from DNA like we would think. So its quite possible depending on the way they execute it.

>"we need a bad guy."
>"ok great Disney, you have a lot of opportunity for a new great villain, how abo-"
>"Vader "
>"he died at the end of re-"

>Actually caring about The Shekels Awakens


I thought it was pretty obvious that she's gonna br Luke's daughter.

God don't post this. I could totally see Disney milking the offscreen death.

It saddens me that this makes sense in terms of JJ.

Rey is the good from Anakin, Kylo is the evil side.

Literally kill yourselves

No, the Emperor tried to have him killed after it was realized Anakin would survive in the Vader suit. so the emperor had Anakin Clone he thought.

So she is basically Paul Muhadib in that she is the perfect bred while kylo is a genetic failure

That would be awful. Nope, let's not introduce a new and completely unrelated character. It's not like we have an entire galaxy worth of storytelling opportunities or anything. Almost everything and everyone must be as similar as possible to what has already been done.

Disney/LucasFilm actually toyed around with the idea of Anakin not having fully been redeemed in RotJ. He has this twisted appearance, half man and half machine. There is official concept art of the idea floating around. Let's just overlook his complete redemption at the end of the original trilogy.

>Let's just overlook his complete redemption at the end of the original trilogy.

Well to be fair, the guy spent like, 20 years being evil. It's kind of hard to redeem that in one fell swoop.

To be fair, throwing someone down a reactor shaft doesn't really make up for the millions of people you killed.

But do we really need another retcon?

He's Disney's Darth Scion, mate.

What's the retcon? I can't see Obi-Wan or Yoda wanting anything to do with Anakin for eternity, and he can't just pretend that he didn't fuck up the galaxy for the rest of his existence.

that's established since he a white male

>There is official concept art of the idea floating around.
Why do people say this as if it wasn't PUBLISHED in the "Art of Ep VII" book. I'm fine with speculation, but stop acting like this force ghost shit was ever this hidden tidbit of information that makes it seem more meaningful than it is. There's tons of other shit that was in there that nobody talks about.
>primitive lightsabers that look like prison shanks
>deep sea exploration to investigate the ruins of the Death Star II
>Red and blue double bladed lightsaber

that explains why she has no character

Chill out. Didn't mean to imply that. Poor choice of words. And the other points were really relevant for the matter at hand.

>she is the perfect bred while kylo is a genetic failure


watch out for the plot twist: Rey becomes evil and Kylo redeems himself, becomming the hero and stopping her

Since where there are clones in star wars universe. Stop with your fanfic shit

Kinda funny how Christian Andersen does a better job at making an angry expression.

>Implying Yidney would allow a white protagonist in 2016

I still don't get why Lucas just pasted his head and not his entire body, because Anakin wore completely different Jedi robes.

It's just a shitty, typical, uninspired character design.

Well he's not a 5' tall girl without defined facial features.

Rey is turning to the dark side

??? But it doesn't even make sense then. Why does Snoke still have both his arms/legs but also scars if this is some sort of scanning process?

It's Sheev behind a giat hologram ffs

Just watched the original Star Wars trilogy. It doesn't make any sense in light of the prequels and newer material. Obi-Wan and Vader barely move during their lifesaver """battle""" in Star Wars. The aliens are all clearly wearing rubber costumes. It's very primitive and 70s. The only good effects are the spaceships.

The prequels have dope af fights and the aliens are CGI but they look way better than that 70s puppet shit. I see why Lucas was so embarrassed that he edited them and tried to supersede the originals. They don't hold up, same as the original Star Trek and other stuff from that ancient bygone era.

The Force Awakens wasn't the greatest movie but I'd surely rather watch it than any of the original 1970s Star Wars crapfests. I'm deadly serious. If you disagree, please go watch the original Star Wars movies right now with a critical eye. They're 70s trash.

Snoke is Lukes daughter.



I'm glad they didn't go with this idea, because it was retarded, they didn't need a literal personification of Kylo Ren's conflict

then again, considering how many of you stupid fucks didn't understand Kylo maybe it would have made you like the movie more


You need to revise your bait my friend because its very bad atm.

I'm tired of responses like these. I actually just did watch the original Star Wars movies and those were my actual opinions.

Ironic detachment has gone way too far. You can't even make an honest criticism on this board and have it taken seriously, and the worst part is, no one ever feels the need to explain why.


TESB lightsaber duel is the best of any film though, with RotS second

I'll be honest friendo. I stopped reading at 70's rubber costumes because it was written like a baitu post before that.

But yeah, I still don't agree with you that the OT is a crapfest due to its dated alien costumes just like I don't think the PT is bad only because the CGI they used then is dated now.

Its about the story for me and I think the OT does a stellar job at telling one.
The fight between Obi and Vader in Star Wars is pretty shit I agree most who would disagree with us probably praises it too much either due to nostalgia or just sheer peer pressure.

Episode 5 has a good saber fight as do 6. Rather than looking cool its meant to convey the story further and I suppose that could be said for the Episode 4 fight as well but its still badly done.

As for TFA. It is a decent popcorn flick but too hectic and filled to the brim with useless stuff that's meant to incite a "wow" response from the audience for a minute or so. Like that tentacle monster. Its not there one minute, the next they are running through the ship ala' benny hill and then it all abruptly ends a minute after. This happens a ton of times throughout the movie which causes the movie to feel like some generic space flick instead of a more slower paced story driven Star Wars film.
That's my critique.

go talk about ghostbusters faggot

70's crapfests that still can't even be replicated technically nor with the same satisfaction with state of the art modern technology? if your garbage opinion was right then every movie would be better because it set the bar, but you could not be farther from the truth.
