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Good job /who/.

When does filming start?

Don't know. Don't particularly care. Nice trips btw.

I can't wait to see Pearl Mackie's dingleberries sticking to Capaldi's face as he pisses for joy!

This is what I too am hoping for from series ten.

>Put off watching The Green Death because I didn't want to deal with the emotions of Jop leaving
>Currently putting off Planet of the Spiders because I don't want to deal with the emotions of Pertwee leaving

Lucky for you Planet of the Spiders was shit so it's not like you are missing out on much.

>Jop leaving

Jop was a great companion.

>Planet of Spiders bad

Come on, the ending with he proud Third Doctor risking his own life, knowing he'll probably die, ut still facing the evil spider thing, and realizing that his own greed caused this, is good.

How long have you been on /who/? I think I came here between series 5 and 6, I have very distinct memories of coming here right after the "tick tock goes the clock" nursery rhyme to check exactly what the words were because my dad asked me

Indeed she was. I warmed to Satah very fast though

I've been here since right before Series 8. I came here right around the /who/ leak era.

You seem to be under the impression that the last 10 minutes are the entire 6-episode serial.

>severe autism

i came here when series 9 first trailer happened

I started coming here some time around the 50th.

>all those clara pics in last thread


there are lots of other enjoyable bits in that 6-episode-arc.

Haven't seen the "reminder that new Faction Paradox" guy in a few threads so I thought I'd fill in for him

I came here between Nightmare in Silver and Name of the Doctor. At the time there were various reports that some fans got their season 7 dvds with the unaired season finale earlier than expected and I figured if there was one place to get leaks from it would be Sup Forums.

needless to say I was heavily disapponited

It's one episode that keeps the regeneration seeming mysterious.

Can't wait.

a few days ago at a Dallas convention Capaldi said it started in two weeks


It's interesting how Cornell dosn't like goig outside the era's "limitations" as it were. Perhaps it's because I came from NuWho and encountered the classic Docs through the novels first, but I've never thought one should be restricted by the era.

>Of all the reactionary critique of the New and Missing Adventures [spin-off novels from the ’80s]

I'm a newbie by other user standards. Came on Sup Forums during series 8 looking for spoilers as to the identity of Missy (altho I'd suspected she was a female Master, and looking back it seems so obvious now).

Darnit gif doesn't work.

Yeah I thought Missy being the Master was pretty much a given lmao. The big surprise reveal in Death In Heaven was more for the Doctor than the audience, I felt. And casuals I suppose.

Yeah, we all hoped she was someone else but deep down we all knew it would be the Master.

I didn't really know what to think and didn't care much.

>Missy being the Master was pretty much a >given lmao

Hold up. That's some serious revisionism--you know how many people thought she was the Rani? Maybe you thought she was the Master, but not everyone did.

I'm not the user you're replying to but Missy being the Master is what most of the fans I interact with were expecting.

Nobody knows who the Rani is man she's never coming back

>you know how many people thought she was the Rani?
They were meming. Like I said, we all wanted it to not be the most predictable option so we would throw around every female Time Lord ever in the show as possibilities. But Moffat is a hack (not that the Rani would have actually been a good idea) so we got the Master.

I liked how they did a red herring at the start of the finale, casually introducing Missy as just an android who worked for the death-institute. The actual master-introduction later caught me quite by surprise.

She's not the Master. The real Master will be revealed in Moffat's final series. Watch it happen.

>being this much in denial
Female Master happened m8, nothing will ever change that.

It's okay. Missy still has a penis.

Is it a feminine penis?

The irony is its probably more impressive than those wielded by her male incarnations.

I don't care that it's happened, it's just something Moffat would do because he'd think it's clever.
He'll say something along the lines of "it was never actually proven she was the master. She just said she was"

>your willy is weak, Doctor


Your name shall be frozengifanon.

Came here since Asylum of the Daleks.
Man series 7 was mediocre but you guys made it better.

Why are the Pertwee gurning gifs called 'Yes'?

I don't remember why I called them that

"Murder and How to Get Away With It" is a S10 title according to a forum spoilerhound

Tfw according to the responses to my question, I'm like the biggest old boi here

Thanks, I'm glad it's not, like, taking pleasure in the Doctor's torture, or misreading Pertwee's expressions as orgasmic.

Oh great.

The common theme amongst them is they all look like he's/the cyberman is on/doing drugs I guess

I thought this was the "I'm high" gif.

When did you get here? How has /who/ changed (or not changed) since then?

>le fake spoilers

Ever since "check the metadata", no fake spoilers can compare.

Some time between series 5 and 6. Tripfaggotry is actually a lot better now than it was back then, although there was a terrible bout of it recently. I was actually one of the worst trips and I would intentionally rile people up with random off topic bullshit, but I've grown up since then.

There was a lot of rumours and discussion about the show, the S6 arc, River's identity, even Rory's identity with the "Rory is the Rani" meme.

Pehaps my favourite /who/ meme of all was the one about Paul McGann being depressed he was never canon and never asked back for the show, and making his own 50th minisode in his basement before becoming suicidal with his catchphrase "why live".

This image was, at the time and in context, the single funniest thing I have ever seen on Sup Forums

There were semi-regular streams of classic serials that I'd watch and fall asleep to after I came home from school. I miss those. They were incredibly comfy.

According to Katy, everyone who wasn't Jon Pertwee was having non-stop sex and drug parties on set during 3's era.

It's something to wish for but it would be futile to do so.

Poor Jon

Jon intentionally abstained. He was married, after all.

>my favourite /who/ meme of all was the one about Paul McGann being depressed he was never canon and never asked back for the show, and making his own 50th minisode in his basement
Yes, basement McGann was best meme. And it had the best death when Night of the Doctor came out.

Speaking of Pertwee, why is he so salty nowadays? He hasn't done an interview for years and never goes to conventions. Sad they couldn't get him for the Fiveish Doctors. He's a funny guy

Reasonable then.

Be fair, isn't he ancient now?

He died in 1996 buy you already know that you memeing twats.

Shit really he is dead?

How did I forget he was dead?

>Rani, from Classic Who, that many viewers of NuWho would have no clue who she was.

>An evil Clala echo from the splintering in the Doctor's timeline (seemed a possibility at the time)

>a regenerated River (wot?)

>a female Rassilon escaped from the pocket universe (wot?)

>a female Master.

Pick the obvious.

Fuck off John Simm. You were a shit Master.

He's not dead. It was a hoax that the BBC admitted to draw attention/an audience to the TV movie in 1996.

And don't call me a twat, please. Young children use this forum and they don't need to see that sort of language.

Katy Manning is in this by the way


This is all she got after leaving Who

But she did fuck him. We know this. Not for nothing is she known as Katy Manning, who could fit your entire tackle in her mouth.

>mfw a 18 year old co-worker of mine refuses to calls John Simm his name and refers to him only as The Master


"In Campbell's film, a writer, a producer and a director are hired by seedy erotic film producer Benny U. Murdoch (Roy Kinnear) to make a dirty movie based on the poem. However they run into difficulty when each of the production's backers want a completely different style of film made. Then Murdoch makes off with the money, and the three have to produce four different versions of the movie to keep everybody happy - a gay Western, a hardcore porno, a family version and a Kung Fu-style production."

reminds of the pre series 9 rumor where the master would be transformed into a woman by the sisterhood of karn as punishment

>“Russell T Davies had a specific idea of what he wanted him to be like. So I just had to do exactly what he wanted me to, and he wanted a giggling lunatic” Simm told the Cheltenham audience, “I started annoying myself after a while”.

Will John Simm do Big Finish and redeem himself?

I saw her in a pretty good Aussie film once with the kid from ET.

Drew Barrymore?

I can but hope so. I have no beef with the guy himself but his Master was shit tier.

From the era when real porn was illegal in Britain and every softcore movie had to feature aging comedians with faces like tainted meat gurning in long johns.

No, the boy.

>With the Doctor nowhere to be found and Rassilon ready to unleash hell on Earth, Bill must contact the Doctor's old friends to save the universe.

This is the finale. Calling it now.

What, E.T.?

Oh fuck off you spastic.

Since before /dwg/ and before /who/, using this trip even.

Definitely, Rassilon will be back, although i hope they change the actor
tfw this story is literally the same as end of time


No it won't. Calling it now.

I liked John Simm's Master. It was the right approach for that point.

also with "old freinds" sounds like mixed with stolen earth/journeys end


This. I predict he'll be the K9 of NuWho, hated by the autistic fans of his time, appreciated by future generations.

Amy, Rory, River, Clara and Ashildr confirmed to return.

I mean Moffat has the characters to pull a Stolen Earth.

>Amy as Rose
>Rory as Mickey
>Clara as Martha
>Bill as Donna
>Kate Stewart as Harriet Jones
>Osgood as Jackie Tyler
>River Song as Jack
>the Paternoster Gang as Sarah Jane


Please Moffat make it happen, but with a coherent plot.

Stolen Earth was shit, plz no

I got here between Time of the Doctor and the S8 premiere. I wanted somwhere to hang and get into audios/books/other less mainstream stuff with people who were as passionate about the show as I was. I've been here ever since, although I usually only lurk during live threads. /who/ becomes a black hole of hate and disappointment during live threads.

I also came here because I thought (and still think) /who/ is the funniest and most memetastic of all the Doctor Who communites on the web.

He had some good moments in S3 but End Of Time was just too much. They cranked everything up about him x10000 and added a few extra bits on top to boot. They should have went the opposite direction.

Would have been GOAT if written by Moffat and with Moffat's companions.

It's not happening m8.