I'm pretty sure he's aware that Margaery is faking it and is already one step ahead of her plans
I'm pretty sure he's aware that Margaery is faking it and is already one step ahead of her plans
What is his plan?
Get her pregnant and then hold her baby over her head to control her.
crashing this plane
The actor is great and his writing is at least decent compared to the wet dogshit that is the rest of the writing. I just can't stand how he never loses and seems to always know everything despite being a fucking poor ass preist with the education of a shoe maker..
you have a got general, fuck off their
There is wisdom in faith, him outsmarting everyone around him is not so surprising.
He understands life, and people, better than they do after all.
Not Gonna help him when Jon (Azor Ahai) Snow rolls up with Daenerys plot armor Targaryen with two armys to unite the kingdom against the white walkers.
Marge is the smartest of them all. she's already aware of his awareness.
What if he's aware that she's aware that he's aware?
>I'm pretty sure he's aware that Margaery is faking it and is already one step ahead of her plans
Yup can I can't wait till he puts her in her place and btfo House Tyrell forever.
>Implying his entire plan isn't to rule the world.
He knows exactly what he is doing.
What's the next step of his master plan?
Then it's just a matter of if her plan pan's out or not. Marg knows her husband is brainwashed by the Bernie Sandals guy and she just needs to find her Trump card
>What's the next step of his master plan?
This fucking guy...
Who's gonna rule the Reach after all the Tyrells are dead?
I mean, they still have the rest of their family and their army in Highgarden. That simply means that the Reachmen will be opposed to the Sparrow and crown after he betrays them
He's obviously a mix of Sanders and the Pope, becoming the most morally righteous and incorruptible figure in the history of fiction.
Serious question. What was the deal with the rose doodle? I honestly missed that point.
She's still loyal to her family, and not the church.
Gotcha, ty
Sandor will be killed for real after Dany's dragon's fire spooks him
Screencap this
Nah, this entire season is all about female dominance
High Sparrow won't be in charge
But what is HIS plan?
You could say he has Varyous plans.
I worked with a guy named Anthony who looked just like this. Cool guy.
Anyone else find it strange that Loras' and Margery's brother that was going to marry Sansa is suddenly gone and Loras will inherit Highgarden?
The fuck are you talking about, they don't have a brother
>Winter is approaching.
No he won't. He already passed his trial by combat. If anything he's going to knock on the brotherhoods door and be like "the fuck are you doing" then he's going to kill the mountain
>tfw Margaery is memeing, but Tommen is too dumb to recognize it
Margery doesn't have the targaryen plot armor. She can legit die and nothing really huge will cause an immense backlash.
For supposedly being a master manipulater, Margera's latest showings have been total weak sauce. Sparrow knows it's an act, and the only way it could possibly come out in her favor is if it's a ruse within a ruse
The previews show a sparrow guy pretty much getting his shit shoved in by the mountain. So clearly someone made some moves
>brother is only in the books
Whew, HBO going full on anal penetration. I remember when you couldn't say "damn" on TV, so we're at another historic crossroads
I think he probably didn;t much care what happened to QoT, he just wanted her out of the way in one form or another, by throwing her in a cell or getting margery to send her back to highgarden
Oh she will at end of the season
hbo is a private network. its rules are different
>the actor
>not knowing who johnathan fucking pryce is
Average plebeian GoTfag holy shit.
This board is absolute dog shit trash
>most morally high
Pick one
Deny Cersei trial by combat since she has the Mountain, who can kill just about everyone.
Or force Tommen to fight the Mountain in hopes that Cersie will plead guilty to treason to spare her son.
The later will lead to Cersei going irreversibly evil when she willingly lets the Mountain murder Tommen, if it means eliminating the only thing standing between her and Jamie saying "fuck it" and declaring themselves king and queen and coming out of the incest closet.
Switch Jamie and Tommen and you got it
They are heavily pushing the plot point that Cersei's love for her kids is her sole redeeming feature this season. So they will definitely be building up things up so that Cersei turns 100% evil by way of her selling out her only remaining child, for the chance to both take the throne all for herself and Jamie, plus beat the wrap for her past crimes
The point of the show is there are different worldviews and paths to power. Some use military force and command, others manipulate. HS has been systematically underestimated because of he's appearance and background.
yeah i'm sure no one will have any problems with a 14 year old king fighting in a trial by combat against a space marine.
not sure how he could possibly compel jaime to fight the mountain of his own will
the foreshadowing with brienne is that she's going to guilt him into fulfiling his vow
the prophecy was that cersei would be killed by her little brother. it never said which one.
Will Mace stay in KL as master of coin?
The show hasn't had a master of laws since Renners left the city, and never had a master of ships?
>her little brother
No, it only said valonqar, i.e. a little/younger brother. It didn't specify it would be hers.
so tommen then
Arya is the valonqar. It's a very Gurmish twist
he will do something gud 4 him. i so smurt
You people think they'll be using Chekhov's' wildfire? I think some of the leaks said that Cersei will go mad after Tommen gets rekt and will try and burn King's Landing
Cersei is going to blow up the sept with all her enemies inside it. She will probably accidentaly kill Tommen why doing it.
Thats why she wanted Olenna to stay in Kings landing, so she could blow her up too
Why don't they just kill the sparrows and be done with it?
because now the Queen is (pretending to be) a zealot, and the King is following along. It would be treason
>giving a fuck about actors
"the movie was shit but Cucumbersnatch was so HOTT"
woman/nu-male detected
>a girl has a dick
You're all getting it wrong. Cersei's manipulations will get Margaery killed and in response, Tommen will kill himself by jumping out of a window.
I don't know, they should've done that 10 episodes ago. This whole plotline is fucking stupid.
And then she burns King's Landing
>How will she do it? She has no loyal men by her besides Qyburn and the Mountain
trying to validate your ignorance of top actors, come on man it's ok not to be top dog all the time or at least act like it
This. The Tyrel's untouched, well trained, and well armed army is literally there. They have Loras prisoner, but there's no real reason to be forced into anything. The majority of them are just men in robes with fucking clubs.
>yeah i'm a film buff
>Klaus who?
Seeing as the show doesn't really think these things too far through, it literally could all be put down to Qyburn.
And to be fair, it does seem possible. All the wildfire being in that one place under the city is a natural stove cooker. All you'd need is one flame.
>The later will lead to Cersei going irreversibly evil when she willingly lets the Mountain murder Tommen
Do you even understand Cersei at all as a character? All of her value is wrapped up in her children.
don't think you can force anyone to fight in a trial by combat
But for that she would need a master rooseman, and he is no more
>the education of a shoe maker
Just rewatch the conversations he's had with various characters in each episode. He's dropping philosophical truth bombs left, right and center. Whether he's educated in formal sense is neither here nor there. He's obviously highly intelligent and seems to understand humanity's nature better than just about anyone else.
Is this even a shoop? I really can't distinguish anymore
What a shit show. Can the pope guy do something or something or just in general move the story line along. I really dont care to watch the religion hour anymore. No fedora its just not the show I signed up for.
Made me chuckle, probably due to the fact that I'm merry on ale
>He's obviously a mix of Sanders and the Pope
The Sanders comparison is ridiculous. Their only similarity is their concern for the poor, but their solutions to poverty are completely different.
The High Sparrow's position is the equivalent of the Pope, and his character is obviously based on St. Francis of Assisi
So when does Stannis come back and fuck everybody up?
Also kind of like Savonarola. He preached against the sinful corruption of the de medici's and took control of florence/firenze.
Thank God, I quit watching after his daring escape. Waiting for his revengeance
>Also kind of like Savonarola.
Agreed. Now that I think of it they're actually quite similar, probably more so than St. Francis. Here's to hoping the High Sparrow doesn't end up like Savonarola, though.
The mountain is shit. Oberyn already showed that the mountain can be killed, and he was only a manlet. Imagine what a real man could do to the mountain.
>tfw after all these episodes CHAOSH IS A LADDAH is still the best moment in the series
Based CIA.
kek, nice touch with CIA's face
Just like Roose didn't see how much of a bad idea giving his son more power was.
>No one fpbp'd this post
Wew lads
As long as he dies I'm cool with it.
stalin was poor and had no education
>spinning a needle
For what fucking purpose
>sweet girl
What did she mean by this? Whom was she talking to?