Hey Sup Forums. Just made this. I figured it would be fun if we chart actor's abilities or make a game out of it to see if we can guess who other's are talking about. I wanted to see what you guys thought.
Hey Sup Forums. Just made this...
Just for example, here's one I did of Brendan Fraser.
>I made this
Are you a spider?
pretty cool, brah
Guess this one. It's pretty easy.
What exactly does "method" entail? The method at which the script is presented, the movie is shot, the choice of camera angles, the type of narration - what?
I don't get the hint on the filename, but I'ma say Ryan Gosling.
I think this a pretty fair and accurate assessment.
It's not a hint, it's a reference to this guy No, not Goose. Someone older.
This would be strictly from the actor's perspective, so I would say the actor's actual overall ability in making you believe they are the character they are supposed to make you believe they are, how well they get into character, and their range. So Will Smith, while a good action and decent comedic actor, would have a low method score based on the fact that his performances do not differentiate from one another. It's not the same as being type-casted, but it's pretty close.
is he from the 80s?
I updated Brendan Fraser's.
I'm not good at this
Is this Russel Crowe accurate?
He's been around since the 70's, became popular in the 80's and 90's, and faded away in the 2000's to today, but he's trying to revive his career these days.
Further update for Brendan
i would have guessed arnie or stallone, but i think im wrong.
I'd probably give him one in niche, just for playing in Les Miserables.
Here's Jackie Chan.
This one's looking too high for some reason. Probably the niche and horror.
Hahaha You cheeky bastard. Even had the font type and size right.
That niche is too high.
You're correct, it was Arnold Schwarzenegger.
cool. Could you do one for keith david? (add a awesome voice bar instead of horror)
Here's a Bruce Lee one, but what exactly does niche mean? Everything not covered by the other genres?
Forgot my chart.
I was gonna say what about Wicker man in horror? Then I remembered
>Wicker man
>Horror movie
I agree with all but romance drama and method.
Would you take them all down by one?