New international trailer:
>anyone thinking this will do good in the most sexist asian nation
lol, the manniquine scene was alright though
The mannequin part did get a slight chuckle out of me.
>the black one gets maybe a half a second of screen time
"We're Ghostbusters!"
-Surrounding crowd cheers-
Welp, just saw the ending.
>that pic
yup, thats what I think about when I see ghostbusters, wacky zany cartoon characters.
They understand the Asian market well.
Hit the thumbs down folks!
I feel sick. The fucking marshmallow man looks horrible.
>Is the beam not working scene supposed to be a penis joke?
"We're Ghostbusters!"
the crowd erupts in a bloody guffaw, trembling the chairs beneath them with eruptious a mass of flatulence, seizuring and shitting profusely
a metaphor for a failed handjob?
I'd thumb it down just to see what new way they make themselves sound stupid.
"baby men"
>tfw no qt lesbian ghostbuster in a decent movie
Retro meme.
No it's a metaphor for the rising impotence of men in casual sexual relationships.
t. Erectile dysfunction expeet
holy shit look at how quirky they are
it's gonna be so fucking bad. I can't wait for all the feminists and numales pretending to like it.
>t. Erectile dysfunction expeet
Dr. Babek?
>What we could have had.
Would do Asians dislike loud mouth niggers so much? Why the hate?
I don't understand what she says to the mannequin
Cause the original four Ghostbusters were super attractive, right?
I can't wait for this movie to tank. The critics will hate it and specify that it's not a women/sexist thing. The feminists will have no logical rebuttal and lose any credibility that they might (didn't really) have.
The beast will eat itself.
> pic related.
It's already begun...
>lose any credibility
That's cute, user. That you think that would ever happen.
>sjw's think people are being misogynistic towards the movie
>the main reason people hate it is because 50% of the main cast aren't funny and rely on stereotypical character types rather than be original and funny like the original
Are you a Dyke?
>no Tilda Swinto ay lmao ghost guest performance
This video reeks of Sup Forumseddit
>wiig phoning it in hard
>dialogue is shit
Honestly doesn't look as bad as I thought after watching the first trailer. If you replaced Kristen Wig and the fat one with two no-name's it'd be way more watchable though.
i think she asks it a question and then says "don't reply" then it moves and she says "I SAID DONT REPLY" but i might be pulling that out my arse because I could barely make it out either.
I'm sure Japan will love watching a movie with fat, ugly western women in it.
>The pervading theory though, among expats and Japanese alike, was that Japanese men were in fact attracted to western women but were just too intimidated to do anything about it. Western women in Asia were like the Jennifer Anistons of the expat world. Strong, independent, assertive and outspoken, they were interesting to admire from afar, but no man would ever dream of striking up a conversation with one. Western women were so different, so foreign, they were virtually un-datable.
>Chris Hemsworth Sci-Fi Comedy Movie
>Chris Hemsworth gets top billing in trailer
>a white male
Not marshmallow man. It's the Logo Ghost. For some fucking reason the main Villain Rowan randomly declares "Choose a form" and the Nigress says "I think the logo is pretty cute!" and he turns into it. Not joking. Whole plot has been leaked and it's confirmed legit
>ugly ass bitch self inserting and juxtapositioning herself to Aniston
>strong, independent, assertive, outspoken
Yes. That's why you're single and lonely. Not because you're ugly and delusional.
This is the female equivalent of elliot rodger
>admire from afar
I wonder if she actually thinks people does it to her.
female neckbeards. I wonder if this woman has the capabilities to gun down people like rodgy rod did
What if the controversy was simply an elaborate trick to avoid the costs of traditional advertising? Why spend money to promote your product when you can use gender bait to stir people into paying attention. You could argue such a tactic would kill your film, but this is different because of the times and its female led.
Maybe we should just stop remaking old movies and move on to newer ideas. No one will do it because they know an established brand with remakes/sequels will always bring in some amount of cash. It's time to move on and do something else rather than hoping to cash in on the "I seen the original and I'll take my kids" crowd.
The term is legbeards
>The gorilla jokes
Did someone say Ghostbusters trailer reaction!?
I liked when the laser failed and she said "wah wah"
>Chris Hemsworth sci-fi comedy
Why is noone saying how fucking sexist and retarded a mannequin coming to life is?
Feminism truly is crushing critisizm of this fucking movie, even here on tiny white dick neckbeard basement central that is Sup Forums.
What did she say?
So how much money from this movie is going to help underprivileged women?
>male ghostbusters make proton pack
> it works first time
>female ghostbusters make proton pack
> it fails
Without China it will be a fucking bomb.
Not related but Doc Strange will also suffer the lack of China. They are not allowing magic and ghosts.
>Hemsworth more funny than the women
No clue, something like "Please don't UNGA BUNGA BIX NOOD!"
That's not Kylie Griffin.
Egon was.
I like it.
Rodger knifed an equal number
People seem to forget that
This movie is for all you annoying idiots who thought "Gungdam Style" was funny as shit.
So kids and normies?
Yeah, no shit.
>thinking the Asians are the only one
the only part i liked in that trailer is the Asian guy saying Ghostbusters...
funnier than anything from the actual trailer
>tfw you own that
Feels fucking good, one of the better Kotobikuyas.
Does the nigger only shout her lines?
That is literally the only setting Leslie Jones comes with.
Watch any of her SNL appearances or God forbid, her stand-up. See if you haven't put a gun in your mouth after 5 minutes.
nah the script implies they do their first ghostbusting, then get noticed, but the gov doesnt want any part of it. end is pretty much after they beat the big twinkie man
Finally, after all these years, we've become Ghostbusters.
Wow, what a novel concept!
>there will never be an article about how they only gave the black one 1.2 seconds of screen time becasuse the sjws can't hate this movie
what does hank hill have to do with new ghost busters?
>that Kylie Griffin thread on /aco/
that's AVGN
>Jennifer Anistons
could you drop a more irrelevant name? wtf
bullshit, its a young hank hill
I tell you what that boy ain't right Peggy.
>Japan actively downplaying Patty.
I'm pretty sure it's not a "Lady Thaaang".
Literally the only good bit of that whole trailer was the Japanese voice over at the end.
>the Stay Puft man is Dan Akroyd in motion sensor
yeah okay fine
Are you retarded?
god she is out of this world
why is this movie alienating the virgin crowd?
> "In the original they were kinda cartoony, which I like. But I want everything in this movie to be as real as a movie based on fake stuff can be." - Paul Feig
Did he succeed, anons?
he made it faker than a Scooby Doo movie.
Bill Murray as a ghost?
> Fat shaming ghosts still a thing
What David Lynch movie is this?
It says something when literally the only funny part of that trailer was the Korean guy saying "GHOST-AH-BUSTAHS!" at the end.
found the /r/ShitRedditSays feminist shillposter
why don't you get raped and murdered already? lmao
>triggered Sup Forumsedditer
>nah I'm not a feminist from /r/ShitRedditSays
>baaaawww I'm not triggered, you are
lmao my sides
>the most sexist Asian nation
You mean the one that doesn't murder baby girls?
Doesn't look as bad as Warcraft.
Now I know for sure it's a Sup Forumsedditer who made the video