What's the Sup Forums equivalent of this?
What's the Sup Forums equivalent of this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Twin Peaks
>Confusing at times
>Bunch of weird shit disguised
>Replays well
correct answer but you forgot
>vastly overrated
What's the Sup Forums equivalent of this?
lost in japlation or some other boring slow movie pretending to be deeper than it is
Friendly reminder MBV is the poor man's Cranes
Goes without saying
why are Sup Forums such faggots?
>listen to this album
>want to here more like it
>shoegaze is all the same bland shit.
Makes me think is album was just a meme in the first place. Sick of downloading albums that all sound the same.
movie > remake >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> band
Friendly reminder Victorialand is the greatest album of all time
Self righteousness combined with contrarianism
Watch how it all comes tumbling down when the mainstream Radiohead released a new album
literally cherrypicked the best song, the rest doesn't live up to it
This board could benefit from more of that elitism. Sup Forums feels like a capeshitter/adult video game player hugbox most of the time.
>No drums
Cannae be having this with no BEAT
if you want to hear more like it, you're basically stuck with early lilys (a few tracks on 'in the presence of nothing') and the fleeting joys. most shoegaze bands sound more like slowdive than mbv, and slowdive are boring as fuck.
real taste comin thru
I know ur probably memeing but I usually agree with that, Cocteau Twins and Coil being some of the few exceptions.
>See Ride in thumbnail
>that shitty british accent
Nah, i'm not gonna do it
Away to FUCK m8
>boring as shit
pick two m8
True patrician taste. Sweet Trip a goat
This is the most patrician thing I have ever heard. I can feel my musical sophistication inscreasing with every second.
Shoegaze sucks
>Go to Sup Forums to find new music
>every sharethread is people posting arabic chanting albums or ethiopian drum circles
this brings so many different bands to my mind. baths, blonde redhead, blue hawaii, U.S. girls, some witch house bands even. cool find m8.
Only listened to Heaven or Las Vegas and man was it incredible
some decent oc for the next Sup Forums cringe thread here
>glitch shoegaze
why is this not a bigger thing
Just realized that shoegaze is pretty nu-male.
Is this the most nu-male genre?
Sup Forums is more of a r*ddit cesspool than Sup Forums is these days. that board jumped the shark sometime around to pimp a butterfly (but in reality, long before that)
i can say this as someone there since pre-MBDTF days. it's a shit hole now. enjoy your cringe.
What's the In The Flat Field of Sup Forums?
2001: A Space Odyssey
>most acclaimed release of its genre
>babby's first
>boards flooded with plebs who listened to/watched it once and feel like they need to tell everyone they didn't like it
I thought everyone agreed Milk & Kisses was the best Cocteau Twins album
How is Loveless even remotely weird? It's basically aural xanax
no, rap is.
awful choice
kpop and meme rap is still pretty nu-male
kanye's fanbase is almost 100% nu-male betas
>Lilys made five really good albums, each in a completely different genre
>all anyone knows or cares about is the Loveless ripoff
Feel bad for kurt desu
Also, Wonderfalls is the answer to your question
not exactly glitch but maybe you'll like it
It's a 'Sup Forums discusses music' episode
depreciation guild are good in their own right. i usually hate chiptune stuff but they do it really well.
>bragging about how much pussy they get and how they aren't afraid to kill their enemies
the entire Sup Forums board is cringe fuel for the rest of Sup Forums.
For a board exclusively about music it always amazed me how underaged Sup Forums is.
>sweet trip
>cocteau twins
>hate of ride
more patrician than many people on Sup Forums desu
Musical discussion is actually superior outside of the Sup Forums cuckshed hugbox. This place is free from the "Blacks are capable of having talent" meme.
do underage people not like music?
Music is for faggots and nerds
Exactly. They think they do, but they don't.
im 35 and i heard nothing of this band during their peak and the genre shoegaze itself until recently when i browse Sup Forums. its funny because people just call everything alternative rock at the time making it hard to find
you can't post tpab without being showered with cuck memes. meanwhile game of thrones and capeshit is the norm here
let's reflect that of the 14 threads currently on the front page of Sup Forums
>5 are generals
>3 are recurring threads (mu makes an album, etc)
>3 were started by tripfags
that leaves 3 threads left for everyone else. and those threads will get 4 replies and die.
/mg/ - music general when
Shoegaze is for musicians who wanna be in a rockband but cant sing and are extremely mediocre at their respective instruments
Lost in Translation is literally scored by Kevin Shields and the story itself is exactly the vibe I get from his music.
i want to know the tv equivalent of a Keiji Haini record
music is the most emotional art form, the best at conveying emotions. teenagers are more emotional than adults. it doesn't matter if the adults or cynical or manchildren like those in Sup Forums.
I'll have you know it's a shitty singing style that merely emphasizes the shitty accent.
its because the Sup Forums userbase is the exact same people as /fa/ and /soc/
go look at some of the people on /fa/ and realize that is what Sup Forums looks like
>literally scored by kevin shields
no it's not
sofia coppola is just good at picking music
Nu-males love Islam too.
Sup Forums is as much about fashion and keeping up with trends as it is about music, and that's something that's not as important to adults as it is to teens
Music faggots are the worst. The only good song I've heard so far is the True Detective season 1 theme tune.
Sup Forums is literally a board for people to list music they've listened to once or twice on youtube and have absolutely no genuine emotional attachment to.
Teenagers really like to use music as tool for social capital. You can't really do that with other creative mediums like books or movies. Also notice how trendy their taste is and how much they rely on critics' opinions.
That intro was so good
I've noticed this too. Sup Forums wasn't always like that though, just in the last year or so.
This might be up your alley
Very underrated band imo. Most of their songs don't have lyrics though.
it's an irreparably broken board. hiroshimoot should just end em once and for all.
2001 would be some canon prog album
loveless is hipster shit
>Sup Forums is more of a r*ddit cesspool than Sup Forums is these days
This is adorable
Go back to Sup Forums for the sake of both boards, redditor
>You can't really do that with other creative mediums like books or movies
what the fuck are you talking about. "have you seen X yet" is a standard conversion starter. Harry potter / Twilight were huge with teenagers.
you're thinking of old rap
new rap is about getting dumped by your girl
Sup Forums represents the biggest faggots on this website.
When someone is "into" music, they are typically already a faggot. But when you get really snobby and contrarian about music, you transcend into a completely higher level of faggotry. People can be snobby about movies and literature and still be cool but being a cunt about music is the true mark of a permavirgin hipster shitstain.
TV faggots are the worse fag, keep watching your jew shit.
Whats the film equivalent of this?
>call Sup Forums for the cesspool that it is
this triggers the Sup Forumstant
face it bud, all the users that were there even 4 years ago are gone now. the only people who still use it are simply oblivious to how shit it actually is. it's kinda sad and delusional really.
music boards have the same problem as music journalism: most people who want to talk about it have no musical vocabulary so they can't really say anything. music is more immediate than anything you can say about it anyway.
thats every board on this shitty site tho. just let people enjoy their shit in peace.
some pleb shit
It's not the same thing. No one is considered cool for being a Harry Potter fan or seeing the latest Avengers. You are cool for liking the Velvet Underground or My Bloody Valentine, at least in certain circles.
Sup Forums is even worse
fast and furious
Freddy got fingered
>tfw Sup Forums is closer to old Sup Forums than the current state of /t/v/
How do we go back?
How do we get all the cancer thats shown up on this board since 2013 to leave?
Margot Robbie
Fight Club
how to spot a tryhard """"""""""""""patrician""""""""""""""""""""
>we will never undo star wars
>We will never undo capeshit
>We will never undo GoT
>we will never undo TDKR
>we will never undo Breaking Bad
>we will never undo Drive
find the equivalent
That's probably true but not in a good way.
>endless waifu threads
>spamming the latest hyped bullshit
>obsessing over critic scores
Sup Forums is way better now than it used to be, with a few exceptions
>in certain circles
it's doesn't work in any wider way because people haven't heard what you like so they don't give a shit. honestly you're more likely to get points by being good at widely-played normie videogames these days.
You weren't around during Avatar, were you?
>Sup Forums is way better now than it used to be
t. Sup Forums pleb that would cry that everyone with more interest in film than him is a pretentious hipster
>Sup Forums is way better now than it used to be
I literally spit water all over my screen.
The video game sensibility infantilization of this board is at an all time high. Every thread is GoT, capeshit or star wars. We've seen more adult video game players post on this board so far in 2016 than any previous year.