Post a director's best, worst and most over/underrated

>best: Lolita
>worst: Spartacus
>overrated: The Shining
>underrated: n/a

Best: 2001
Worst: Fear and Desire (it sucks)
Overrated: The Shining
Underrated: Eyes Wide Shut

Bringing Up Baby
Today We Live
Rio Bravo
Land of the Pharaohs

Kube -

Best: 2001
Worst: The Seafarers / Flying Padre / Day of the Fight
Overrated: A Clockwork Orange
Underrated: The Killing

>best: Barry Lyndon
>worst: A Clockwork Orange
>overrated: 2001
>underrated: The Killing

>implying you have seen all of Hawks films
Hell, this is Sup Forums. You probably only saw a couple

Of the big ones that most people actually ever watched (post Paths of Glory).

Best: Full Metal Jacket
Worst: Lolita
Overrated: Barry Lyndon
Underrated: Eyes Wide Shut

THIS IS NEO Sup Forums

I implied nothing of the sort. I have seen 31 of his 46 films, and that's based simply on what I have seen

Why do you hate Rio Bravo, you bully?


I don't hate it, quite the opposite. I just wouldn't rank it among his very best, nor do I consider it one of the greatest Westerns.

I think the pacing could be tighter, and the romance subplot isn't very compelling, but other than that it's a fine film.

>Lolita as Kube's best film
Said no one ever. You are very high on the hipster train, that's all

best: Barry Lyndon
worst: Fear and Desire
overrated: Eyes Wide Shut
underrated: Paths of Glory

Best: Touch of Evil
Worst: The Immortal Story
Overrated: Citizen Kane
Underrated: F for Fake

best: jackie brown
worst: death proof
overrated: res dogs
underrated: jackie brown

havnt seen hateful 8 so this may be incomplete

best: Vertigo
worst: Vertigo
overrated: Vertigo
underrated: Vertigo
prove me wrong

Great answer. Nonsense, but still an excellent post. Rare feat

Best: Black Sunday
Worst: Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs
Overrated: Planet of the Vampires
Underrated: Lisa and the Devil

Let's do three.
Best - Barry Lyndon
Worst - Lolita
Overrated - 2001 (it's a good and important film, but not his best)
Underrated - Paths of Glory

Best: Taxi Driver
Worst: New York, New York
Overrated: Goodfellas
Underrated: The Age of Innocence

Best: Citizen Kane
Worst: The Immortal Story
Overrated: The Magnificent Ambersons
Underrated: Mr. Arkadin

When someone criticizes a movie for it's "pacing" you know ypu have a pleb at hand. Hawks made film, not shitty entertainment for you.

Definitely agree about underrated, Paths of Glory is pretty incredible

fuck you too