Also, what are some other great movies that focus on human interaction with nature?
Also, what are some other great movies that focus on human interaction with nature?
This movie was so forgetable
Maybe if you're a literal robot.
You love concrete blocks and asphalt eh? Who can blame you. They are natural to us and so enjoyable
This is a bad moving at everything.
no, actually I enjoy going outdoors a lot, but I was talking about the assholes that think they're "deep" just because they liked this movie and own the book just for the sake of it, and go around posting quotes about it to seem profound
Loved the message, watched it like two weeks ago
Movie was terribly forgettable
You mean other movies where an unprepared liberal asshat gets himself poisoned in alaska?
Can't think of any.
That guy was an idiot. Richard Proenneke is the real deal, that's the kind of guy you should admire not some stupid rich college kid.
If you compare them on the basis of survival skills, sure. But it was that big "fuck you" of the protagonist that is what make people admire him
Proenneke did it right, it wasn't some stupid protest against society it was just a man who wanted to be on his own in nature. You should read One Man's Wilderness, the guy had a lot more profound thoughts about nature and man's relationship to it/with it than McCandless ever did.
He wasn't even poisoned. He just starved like a retard.
Prime kstew
>i hated the movie because i couldn't relate to the main character or understand his motivations
Things plebs say
"Wild" was pretty cool, not quite the same tone but fantastic film none-the-less
No, I hate the actual person.
People who don't prepare themselves and die in the wilderness deserve what they get.
What a piece of shit that movie was. Glad that faggot died, if only fans of this shit would face a similar fate.
>every normie's 10/10
The Hatchet.
But read the book instead.
So is Sup Forums completely made up of shitposting then? All you nerds are projecting so hard on me it's incredible. I never even suggested that I admire the main character in any way shape or form and yet you all leap to this conclusion. Why is this?
Dude loved Reagan. Read the book.
Grizzly Man. It's about a guy who ditches modernity to live in the Alaskan woods with bears. It's honestly heartwarming.
>It's a "trigger every autist on /out/" kind of movie.
Into the wild is an over romanticized suicide flick
That book is fantastic. I must have read it at least 15 times. I didn't even know they made a movie.
Entertaining but the only people that find what he did excusable or rational are 18 yo kids that think it's cool to go live in the woods.
His parents wanna give him the world and he shits all over it so he can eat poison berries and die in a bus.
Not gonna lie, first time I saw this movie I definitely identified with Alex but after watching it again at 24 the kid is selfish, foolish and naive.
Just watch that old pbs doc "alone in the wilderness' if you wanna see this done right