What will happen to him? Jamie seems pretty content on storming the castle if it means going back to KL.
Brienne isnt going to be enough to convince Jamie otherwise.
Knowing Blackfish it must all be some kind of elaborate ruse for him to act the way he did when he met Jamie, but how?
What will happen to him? Jamie seems pretty content on storming the castle if it means going back to KL
Other urls found in this thread:
Will Jamie switch sides and join the Starks? Not against his son of course but against the Bolton?
His fate is uncertain by the end of the season.
t. leaks
he will leave with his men in exchange for the castle, then him and his men fight for jon and they kill the boltens then control the north
was this part of the leaks? i kinda find it hard to believe he would take the castle in the first place if he was just willing to settle for leaving without gaining something anyway
also the freys wouldnt let them just leave like that. even if they would, they wouldnt be trusted for it after the red wedding.
In the books it ends just when Jamie visits the siege.
Now the show has overtaken the Riverun plotline.
>his wives son
You have a general you cocksucking queer.
Why don't you and shit that up with your retarded fantasy trivia?
Fucking autists out in force today.
It really is amazing how many retards still watch this garbage.
Book spoilers along with my predictions: Jaimie will convince Edmure to give up the castle peacefully - as happened in the books. The men will accept Edmure as their leader, because he's a Tully faggot, and they'll yield. Blackfish will be allowed to leave, and will of course take some men with him to save Salsa and Jonny right when they need it
I'm sorry, I'm confused.
Who is this guy and what is his relationship to the series?
I was so confused at this point. Was he at the red wedding? Why do they care about this Castle? And why does Brienne have a connection here?
This isn't in the north so why is this guy saying "the war isn't over". It was the war of 5 kings so who was he loyal to?
I guess I'll post some tasty fap material as a thank you.
>I was so confused at this point. Was he at the red wedding?
Yes, left for a piss before the killing started, escaped
>Why do they care about this Castle?
Castles are bases of operation for trouble makers.
>And why does Brienne have a connection here?
Blackfish was Catelyn's uncle, and Brienne served Catelyn in looking for Salsa and Arla.
>It was the war of 5 kings so who was he loyal to?
The general would be nice to comment this shit if it wasn't full of autist shitposters. it's impossible to have any type of discussion in the general thread because of those retards.
Ah yes. I remember now.
He was the guy that pushed Edmure out of the way to light the arrow during the funeral
What the fuck is this hothead doing here? Get him out
The reason it's filled with autistic shitposters, is that GoT attracts the lowest common denominator.
So when you get a whole bunch of retards riled up about something, you get constant shitposting.
You could also just stop watching that absolute trash, thereby eliminating your trash threads.
Most retarded plot ever.
THIS X 1000
Meanwhile Dorne is marching though the Stormlands rallying houses as they speak.
You want more threads? Why dont you just say so
freys suck at siege lmaoooo what was that
Haha, autist getting buttmad because people with an IQ of above 85 see the show for the crap that it is.
Fucking neck yourself.
>The reason it's filled with autistic shitposters, is that GoT attracts the lowest common denominator.
Or because its the most popular show on right now. Idiot.
Walder is a lazy dick.
Yup, you are triggered
>because it's popular it has quality and depth.
Uh-huh. I guess that's why capeshit is so popular.
Because 12-15 year old kids know what's good.
Fucking retard, your show has been nothing more than semi-descent garbage for a season and a half now, and you still watch it. You just eat that shit right up.
you realize castles are a big fucking deal right?
they allow you to project your power over entire regions - castles are like medieval aircraft carriers except 100x more relevant in relation to the times
as for why they care at this point, it was the bridge fag who started it and they sent jamie and a few troops to end it and by they i mean tommen the cuck - NOT the lannisters
people talking about the lannisters as if it was their decision are literally fucking retarded (based on the show canon)
You really do have quite a high concept of your own intelligence, yet here you are.
uh, then why not just build a new castle right next to it?
>Character assassination of Jaime Lannister
So much for his character developement. Just doing it all for Cersei's pussy.
>Theon is going to Mereen
oh fuck no we are gonna have Varys, Theon and Grey Worm all together while everyone makes le ebin no dick jokes right?
Why doesn't Jaime just offer Blackfish the Frey men who killed Robb/Cat? The Freys & Boltons are a lost cause. They were literally orchestrated by Tywin to be the fall guys for the North to take out their aggression on while The Lannisters try to weasle out of a war.
Now that Tywin is dead, The Roose noosed, & Freys are the North's prey, Why does Jaime (Or the Lannisters entirely in that matter) support men that can't even fight worth a shit?
Rad is going to inherit the castle and the title after he renounces, probably married with a Frey/Fray?.
Lord Salmon was loyal to Robb, because even though he's not in the North, Catelyn was his sister.
During the red wedding, he was taking a piss outside and thus missed execution. However, as punishment for joining Robb in defiance of the crown, it was decreed that his home Castle of Riverrun become the property of the Freys.
Despite this, Lord Salmon was able to retake Riverrun before the Freys could get there and fortify it. He has held it since.
TL;DR he's the last active remnant of Robb's "King in the North" rebellion.
It makes sense when explained, but it also brings to light one of the shows biggest problems: there's too many active primary plot threads that are straight up gone from the viewer for too long. Same shit with Iron Islands. They apparently were raiding the north this whole time and we only know this because we just found out that the raiding has ended.
>oh fuck no we are gonna have Varys, Theon and Grey Worm all together while everyone makes le ebin no dick jokes right?
>there's too many active primary plot threads that are straight up gone from the viewer for too long.
I was genuinely surprised Benjen was the same actor of season 1, I wonder how many normies even remembered he existed
Who's the retard here
I can't wait for the rest of Westeros to give up and just hand themselves to Dany like everyone else in the world.
You really are a faggot if you'd accept that.
Benjin has been all but confirmed to have been cold hands this whole time in the books.
You are on Sup Forums. You get shit down your throat no matter what
>there's too many active primary plot threads
And most of them go nowhere or we forget about them half way though.
You know it to be true Kelly C
60% of it is GoT related though.
30% is capeshit.
The last 10% are the usual cancerous shitposters.
If we had some actual mods on this board, imagine how great it could be.
I can't be bothered to go back, but in S3 when Cat frees Jaime, does she make him swear the oath not to take arms against the Starks/Tullys?
Nah, bad mods that can't do their job are better than mods than overly active mods.
Look at Sup Forums. It's literally NO FUN ALLOWED: The board, but since console war shitposting isn't technically against the rules, the entire board is filled with console war baiting. But make one vidya meme thread? NOPE! DELETE THIS!!!
>being this retarded
it's about projecting your power. if you don't have the balls or the men to retake the first castle who is going to respect the authority of the second.
>I can't be bothered to go back, but in S3 when Cat frees Jaime, does she make him swear the oath not to take arms against the Starks/Tullys?
It's irrelevant
>there's too many active primary plot threads that are straight up gone from the viewer for too long
I can't wait for gendry to come back after tommen kills himself
>expecting oathbreaker sisterfucker to respect his oath when he can't even respect the laws of nature
Didn't the leaks confirmed he will die and that Jaime doesn't a shit about anything, even after brienne meets up with him? This is the same leak that said Bronn will choke Podrick as a way of saying hello, which we saw in the preview.
But it would be more evidence of the hackery of D&D
That's the point of Jaime's chapters in AFFC and what makes them interesting
Fucking idiot.
T. Frustrated bedwetter
No, in the books Jaime ends the siege by telling Edmure what will happen if he doesn't give up the castle, then releasing Edmure, who is the rightful lord of the castle.
>You've seen our numbers, Edmure. You've seen the ladders, the towers, the trebuchets, the rams. If I speak the command, my coz will bridge your moat and break your gate. Hundreds will die, most of them your own. Your former bannermen will make up the first wave of attackers, so you'll start your day by killing the fathers and brothers of men who died for you at the Twins. The second wave will be Freys, I have no lack of those. My westermen will follow when your archers are short of arrows and your knights so weary they can hardly lift their blades. When the castle falls, all those inside will be put to the sword. Your herds will be butchered, your godswood will be felled, your keeps and towers will burn. I'll pull your walls down, and divert the Tumblestone over the ruins. By the time I'm done no man will ever know that a castle once stood here. Your wife may whelp before that. You'll want your child, I expect. I'll send him to you when he's born. With a trebuchet.
Radmure, unlike Blackfish, cares more about his people than his castle, so he surrenders Riverrun.
t. plebeian redditor
The constant "no dick" quipping is an actual build up just for this event
Except there's no reason for Blackfish to surrender. He made that clear when he showed his apathy to Edmure's life.
Blackfish is in his home, and has no intention of leaving it. I honestly doubt he'll just surrender it.
It's like you are my wife. Fuck you honey I'm not pausing the show mid-scene just to explain to your daft mind what happened 3 seasons ago.
he'll be aloud to march north to help his niece because reasons
>using the word plebeian unironically
t. redditor fedoratrash
>unironically defending GoT
t. autistic fuckwit
edmure is lord of riverun; only while edmure is prisoner does his uncle the blackfish command the loyalty of riverrun
that feel when Blackfish looks like Karadzic
>they didn't kill him
>only while edmure is prisoner does his uncle the blackfish command the loyalty of riverrun
I think you forgot the part where Blackfish said 'go ahead, cut his throat' in front of all of Edmure's would be men.
Because then they can't bargain with him.
i-i like edmure
I did enjoy how the entire Lannister army walked through and the Freys were completely un-aware of them even coming.
Do you like being married?
Radmure is based as fuck. Also, you're a faggot.
Post the goggles pic and I'll agree.
Blackfish is way cooler, he's like the Moonman of GoT
Edmure fucked everything up going for glory.
If Edmure didn't leave Riverrun to march on Tywin then Tywin would never have reached King's Landing on time and based Stannis would be ruling it. Robb would likely have defeated Tywin, leaving House Lannister in ruins and forced to bend the knee to the new King. Robb withdraws North to defeat the invading Ironborn.
The North has no will to fight and remain independent after defeating the Ironborn again and ends up bending the knee to Stannis, who leads the easy mode and successful defense of the 7 Kingdoms against the others.
>Bring back based Blackfish and hire Ian Mcshane
>Kill them off immediately to focus on cockless idiots and a chubby dragon bitch
I don't think Ian Mcshane would have agreed to the role if the character was ongoing.
>attempting to teach a female
because tommen doesnt know how to rule
thats the whole point of his character, the lannisters must suffer for it.
hes not worth enough to bargain, no one cares about him
can we talk about how based ian mcshane was instead
>both entire scenes with him
>he was squinting his eyes
was he trying to do a clint eastwood impression?
All the Sup Forums mod do is delete cunny threads, which used to be the first line of defence against normies/plebitters/outsiders.
People used to come to Sup Forums and go EWW PEDOS and leave immediately, now there's no cunny to scare them off and we have /got/ general.
Old men need to squint to focus their eyes idiot if they arent wearing glasses
why the fuck would jamie want to go to kuala lumpur?
>unless you're a pedophilia them you don't belong here!
Jesus Christ
fucking this.
They dont even sell Balut there kek, its basicly a noncity
... reading comprehension.
cunny scared off normies, it wasn't for fapping too (although there was probably legit pedos)
what was cunny? i dont understand
Brienne will tell him about the situation in the North. About Sansa, Jon, Davos, Mel, others, wights, and Ramsay and wildlings.
Blackfish and his army will leave the castle sneakly in the night from a back entrance and march to Winterfell.
Jaime will take the castle effortlessly and go "wtf???"
it's ok redditor, it's ok.
Castles are a HUGE FUCKING DEAL. It's an effectively impregnable base that you can use to launch raids for miles around, safe in the knowledge that as soon as you get behind the walls you're pretty much immune. You straight up *cannot* afford to leave your enemy in a position of strength like that, especially considering the fact that the Blackfish says they have enough provisions for a two year siege. Imagine how much longer they could continue to be a threat if they were left alone and given more time to gather men and materiel.
Jaime says his army is eight thousand strong, which is apparently the bulk of the Lannister forces. That's really not many men at all. That's not enough to cover the extent of the area the Blackfish could fuck up from Riverrun, so they either commit to a two year siege or lose thousands of men in an assault. Both of those are preferable to letting the Blackfish harass and raid the surrounding area for years to come.
young actress posting
talking about bopping noses and rubbing bellys.
ofc it's still allowed in /got/ anyway with stark-fu & now bear-fu
>he doesn't remember the fucking Blackfish
I'm sure Jamal can explain it to her while his cream drips from her gaping pussy.
>post yfw sansa didnt wrote to the blackfish but to jaimie
DABID will kill him off since he can actually act.
His dick is about the only thing about him that's not lazy.