Muh standing ovation at the french premiere

>muh standing ovation at the french premiere
>critics will love it they said
>the CGI will be groundbreaking they said
>it'll be the next LOTR they said
>the music will be amazing because muh pacific rim and muh game of thrones

Fucking KEK

Blizzdrones got BTFO so hard

Sup Forums's TORtanic, everyone

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't understand what happened... The writing was far superior to LOTR.

>Yet ANOTHER fucking Warcraft thread

Fuck me, the Sup Forums boogeyman is real.

The difference is that absolutely everyone knew this was going to be a failure.

is there really any sane mind out there giving a shit about online movie critics? more than half of those so called experts writing on rotten tomatoes are just ejaculating their political and social views on everyone instead of reviewing a movie for what it is. That being said, i don't even like the warcraft franchise or blizz that much.

Who cares you mindless RTdrone

Movie was mediocre
Critics were overly harsh
It's making box office $$$ so sequels will come

That's fucking it

Literally Sup Forumseddit.

Is this a reference to "this movie hasn't been written based on the story of an old man in a trench"?

>It's making box office $$$ so sequels will come
It's projected to make pretty much the same as NFS and Prince of Persia

>It's making box office $$$
What kind of Redditor speaks like this?

While I haven't seen the movie, a bunch of critics are giving itnyad reviews because they see the movie as politically incorrect.

The movie looked like shit all along. Seriously, if you watched those trailers and thought it would be good your either a blizzcuck or 9 years old.
Already broke record in China and is #1 in every other country. Getting a sequel girls.


Only about 25% of the box office comes back to the studios from chinese box office.

>can't shitpost on Sup Forums about Overwatch because it's actually successful
>comes here to shitpost about an irrelevant movie
Man you autists are sad as fuck, please stay on your containment board.

>Chinks like it
This confirms how fucking awful the movie is.
Those idiots gave like 200 million to Age of Ultron and are the reason Transformers 4 made that much.

Fucking chinks with their shit tastes, they probably thought it was going to be SFM porn and were desperate for some release with all the smut blocks on their internet.

i remember the first time i got a boner i was so scared i cried

THEY SHOULD ALL BE not so hot but those PECS and MUSCLES and shoulders augghhh

They also liked F 7

Nope, as Wanda/Legionary own alot of the cinemas in China they are expecting 50-57% of the box office takings

Legendary is owned by Wanda studios a Chinese rivaling studio of Disney now so that % is not accurate.

I fucking love Prince of Persia. I don't know who was sexier based Jake or eternal waifu Gemma

Here's the source,
Wanda/Legionary will take half of the box office takings with a current estimated total of $305 million during its run in China

So its going to make its production budget back just off China

>critics will love it you'll see!!
>movie comes out and gets brutal reviews everywhere
>w-whatever the only thing that matters is the money it makes

Why do chinks have such shit taste? Do they not have their own version of Sup Forums to educate them?

>It's projected to make pretty much the same as NFS and Prince of Persia

This is objectively incorrect

>tfw still waiting quality Chinese TCrip on torrents

>opening for USA projected to be less than 20 million
>chinese box office much less profitable

Blizzard will just keep to videogames.
Much more profitable, won't damage their reputation.

It's the generation before who hate video games...........

Reminder that this movie killed David Bowie.

>c-critics just hate it because it's based on a videogame!

No, the movie is just shit, deal with it

>they didnt go full CGI

Dont say I didnt warn you

It looks fucking stupid.

except it doesn't. I was worried it would look bad but it looked just fine on screen.

Stop smearing the name of Warcraft, you LOSERS.

>fat nerd who watches videogame movies calling others losers

>standing ovation at the french premiere
french boo and cheer the most random shit

Sup Forumseddit invaded in 2014

Movie looks like dogshit how come anyone expected something different?

The only thing that looks good in the movie are the orcs.
And they're CGI.

Is this your first shilling campaign?

Do you not get embarrassed reading this?

>fat nerd loses it

mostly shills, but some fans of WoW possibly couldn't grasp how the design wouldn't work in a film because it looked enough like the game to seem "faithful" to them.

anyone who understands how the uncanny valley worked took one look at the orcs and immediately knew they would look like cartoon characters when animated.

>old outdated

Literally nobody said the critics will love it.


You are getting on my nerves. Get out of my sight before i smash your ugly face.


Armond White will praise the shit out of this

*teleports behind you*

The cgi didn't look bad in some pics. But it kinda looked off in others.

Still, this will probably be huge overseas

When are they finally give the Warcraft rights back to Marvel?

The question is, when will the CIA rights go back to Blizzard.

I remember some idiots on this board saying that critics would love it because it received a standing ovation on some random french premiere

They were all like "lol whatever you'll see in a couple of days once the movie gets released that the critics will praise it"

Fucking hilarious. There were even some guys who asked to take screenshots of their posts just so we could see they were right about the critics loving it. I wish i saved them.

>sales and ratings shit
Fuck off, Sup Forumseddit.

Stay mad, Blizzdrone


Does tv really not understand how the tomatometer works or is this some sort of meme?

>tfw I've gotta keep editing pic related because the score is literally dropping daily

>the music will be amazing because muh pacific rim and muh game of thrones
Oh, it's got a Djawadi score? Might pirate it then.

Can't wait to add

>i-it's going to make tons of money!!

To this list

people here think they better but they pay attention to RT LOL

Mommy didn't feed you yet?