>this is an acceptable level of beauty in Hollywood now
When did everything go SO fucking wrong?
This is an acceptable level of beauty in Hollywood now
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omg stop oppresing woman by their looks shitlord!
nobody gives a fuck about hollywood entertainment, not even hollywood or this board.
she's not great looking but that haircut is fucking blasphemy, the director is notoriously gay too
>she's hot because she's on muh nerd show
She's fucking perfect
Eh, just a brit slag with a dr. Girlfriend voice
When this became acceptable level of masculinity.
she is fucking beatiful, she looks like a real woman
10/10 would date in a romantic way.
What do you mean? She's gorgeous.
She's pretty cute. Get that cock out of your ass.
I liked her. And I think Sup Forums is acting like a fag.
their beauty standards have always been trash
You're kidding? She's cutie with 10/10 thights.
>implying that's her foot
>that fucked up hairline
She would look a lot better without her hair pulled back
>implying it's not
>what are foot doubles
>when did it go so wrong?
when the gays took over. i think it was sometime in the late 70s. when did rocky horror picture show and saturday night fever come out?
I'd like her to passionately drive my dick forward into her asshole.
She looks like a young Meryl Streep to me. I don't find Meryl Streep attractive but I can appreciate her work. We need more average-looking actresses imo, so long as they have talent. It's too early to judge Sophie Turner on her abilities.
You could have picked worse shots.
Im sorry user, she's already mine. No sweet Sophie asshole for you in this life.
Its honestly how her hair is made up that makes her look ugly. No idea why the fuck they made her go with that but it is what it is. Also the suit doesnt seem to agree with her but she isnt ugly.
>kiddies dont like this
its obvious she couldnt change her hair or it would fuck up her game of thrones work. this is how little time and effort went into this movie. there was no make up crew. the actors show up to set and put on jump suits.
>She looks like a young Meryl Streep
Maybe you should fucking pay attention to a womans face instead of their hair.
Synger only was aware of the cute boys, he didn't cast the girls in his pool.
Because the eternal anglo took over our media
She looks like a slightly below average ruski or ukranian tbqfhfam
she looks like johannson pre-nose job
Stop insulting my waifu you shits
>Those pecs
What does she bench?
Lol you'll never touch anything that comes near to her.
Why does she have crows feet at 19?
That's being incredibly generous.
Man, she looks like shit.
>Potato head
>Super duper bags under eyes
>Pimples everywhere. Make up did it's best.
>Receding hairline that makes Cavill jealous
>Double chin. Signer tried to hide that shit so hard
>Crooked teeth
>Lawnmower hair cut.
Why do you people enjoy her again?
Every scene before she puts on the X men suit she looks pretty good
me on the left
she looks so much like a neighbor I had a few years ago, only thing is that my neighbor had big tits
I still think she is gorgeous, one of the better looks British girls.
She looks like a young Sophie Dee
I want to fuck her
No Sophie please...my wallet
>those bags
how old is she, 28?
At least it isn't for her "acting" ability.
She's pretty hot
did she spend a year high off her ass? no way a normal person ages that fast at 20
>Ugly British actress
>Portraying a beautiful American icon
nice hairline
Sophie is literal perfection, you pleb.
>had a dream I smelled her feet
Stay jelly virgins :^)
negative ass
She's kind of pretty, sometimes, but she's not a good actress.
How to get neck gains like her?
get to it
lol that's what I do though obviously not in public
worked so far
She is white and british wot you expect mate they hardly get sun.
God, i would crash her hymen so hard, you can't even imagine.
>American icon
Well I've never fucking heard of her before seeing Apocalypse.
that ship sailed a long time ago
>It's too early to judge Sophie Turner on her abilities.
She's been "acting" for over 6 years. That's enough time passed to assess her range and "abilities".
Right now she's on the lower end of mediocre.
I dunno. She's pretty lesbian, so it might still be in tact.
Jokes on you, she is keeping her purity for me. Don't let all this lewd pictures decieve you.
shut the fuck up about lady sansa
>exposing her ass cheeks while getting drunk in some warm country
oi ya cheeky cunt never tawk to me or me mum agunn
both are disgusting
>nerds jizzing over photoshop
You thank your god it's not the eighties it worse the seventies.
Barbara Streisand was supposed to be fuckable. Like Anna Kendrick after losing a boxing match is supposed to be the thing to desire.
>nerds complaining about airbrushing
>MFW I find Maisie beautiful and Sophie ugly
I know I'm probably fucked up, but I can't control what my penis likes.
they want to make the male audience into faggots
makes sense, race mixing will drop the overall iq, and the few intelligent males will have their intelligence reduced by faggines
the jew won again
Do you Americans even know how British people talk? You still do the posh aristocratic stereotype whilst this board's only just started to comprehend chav culture.
Beautiful right mate's ;^)
jesus not even photoshop can make her attractive
Literally virgins: the thread
>mfw fakes are better than the real thing
nah, I don't speak arabic
Some people just get insane bags under their eyes at an early age. I'm one of them. But I'm older, an ex-alcoholic, smoke 2 packs a day, insomniac and doped up on medication since I was 12
> faggot Americans calling Sophie Turner ugly
did you creep out the girl serving you fast food today who had a British accent and Ginger hair?
she's a massive whore and a drug addict
>neck isn't even swan like
>skin isn't ghostly pale
>choker isnt tight
I'm surprised you can even see your monitor over your belly you fat fuck
Isn't it a good thing if beauty standards are dropping, theoretically?
In the recent years actresses have been getting thinner and thinner while actors have gotten bigger and bigger. Compare Zac Efron to how he looked in High School Musical 2 and 3, I remember thinking he was ripped back then, but now he seems like a skinny faggot in comparison to his body today, pic related. It's not that evident in the pic but if you watch youtube.com
It's good that normal women like Sansa or Emilia Clarke are taking over Hollywood, they only look chubby in comparison to Gal Gadot tier skellingtons really. I hate Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer as much as the next guy but they do have a point. I wish this body positivity movement or whatever it's called had better advocates, real role models young girls could look up to for what a normal, healthy body should look like.
You are massive faggot and lier.
yes, she's had mad coke bloat on and off for the last few years.
she's ok
>not having one of those swivel stands you can move in every direction so you can see your monitor over your belly
no wonder you have a shit tier waifu
niggas jealous that it's British actresses who are remembered as being the best.
>coke bloat
no kidding!
>thinking sansa isn't hot af
Best singers too.
She grows on you after a while,
but fatter
>used to think this guy was just trolling with weird shit
>one day happened to come across his youtube channel
>weird as shit videos
>subscribed to it in hopes of it just being an ebin ruse and something funny to show up
>over a year later the videos just get shittier and shittier and you have to admit that he is a legit autist fat retard kind of like cwc except much more boring
well said user, I'm with you 100 percent here
Realistic, humanely relatable movie stars are pretty much a win for everyone, right? Neither gender grows up with absurd standards of typical body types and we as an audience are able to connect much more with the people we see on the screen.
I also agree that the people who champion these ideas are shitty ambassadors of a cause they use for their own publicity... but I guess that's a pretty common thing these days.