Is there any fucking hope left?
Is there any fucking hope left?
Fuck you, Stannis fags are cancer.
If the Hound and literally come back from the dead, why can't Mannis?
I want him to come back.
I'm sorry. He's dead, Jim.
>Hound last seen alive on-screen
>Doesn't die
He is gone but not forgotten.
Same but not until they replace D&D.
We need a spin off series run by competent showrunners where stannis actually lives. Basically high budget fanfiction.
What grinds my gears is now mary sue Jon Snow is basically stealing all of Stannis's stuff. He's taken Melisandre's magic power which was meant for stannis, taken the wildling army, and going to storm winterfell, which is what Stannis rightfully should have done.
No, stop being a delusional moron and move on with your life, such as it is.
Also, checked.
Why do they keep dragging his character though the mud?
He's dead fags
Brienne had literally zero motive not to bash his brains in
i don't think so, but i still believe.
>GoT thread #71
If you have so much to discuss, why don't you got to the general, and actually add some creative discourse to that otherwise cancerous cesspool of absolute horseshit?
Your show became absolute trash an entire season ago, and yet you still watch it. Why?
Why would unironically waste your time with such plebeian drivel.
Didn't somebody mention in this episode that he was decapitated
Brienne told Davos and Melisandre she killed him
>Didn't somebody mention in this episode that he was decapitated
That doesn't prove anything
Yes he was
Oversized man lady left him to rot as well
cant wait for headless limping zombie stannis
no, and his scenes were boring as fuck anyway.
>no body
>no head
this nigga is alive
>We need a spin off series
YESS I so hope they do spin off shows in the GoT world, like alternate universe of "what if" this happened instead of this
I miss the old characters they're all just young men and women now.
>and his scenes were boring as fuck anyway.
Kill yourself asap
>storming the gate at the blackwater
>choking out melisandre and doing some of the greatest acting i've seen.
Plot twist: Ramsay is keeping Stannis tied up in his dungeon.
as soon as I saw Sandor I got fucking HYPED!!! THE ONE TRUE KING STANNIS BARATHEON STILL LIVES!!!
Why the fuck would a site filled with normies root for an autist like Stannis?
Stannis will be show equivalent of book's lady stoneheart.
>implying Stannis isn't a Sup Forums thing.
Honor. He survived on the battlefield and if she believes he has committed crimes than who is she to dole out the punishment? She literally just committed murder.
There is hope my fellow kingsmen
Bend the knee, our king has returned
>full of normies
holy shit this level of insecurity. Have you been on reddit? It's full of slightly less cynical nerds.
There was never any hope left from the moment he said "do your duty." Stannis accepted Brienne's obligation to kill him for kinslaying. The morons on this board never accepted this, because they are bad at everything and that includes being a Stannis fan. They are the cancer that got the general banned, they are the cancer that post truede spoilers to every thread. Their failure is the only joy I can find on this miserable board.
>they didn't show brienne actually killing him
I think dillane just didn't want to be in the show anymore.