Who Eurotrip here?
Who Eurotrip here?
>Road Trip
>Old School
>American Pie
>Not Another Teen Movie
I miss when comedy was good, family
>that scene where they go to Eastern Europe and a few American dollars get them thousands worth of luxury
is there an unrated 1080p version?
I liked this film, much better than Road Trip and Old School.
Old School was shit, actually
Back when crushes were Kristen Kreuk and Michelle Trachtenberg.
Right here, motherfucker.
I was just about to post that you bastard
Your life is shit actually
This film wouldn't work today.
When they arrive in Europe they'll be greeted by gang of Muslims, the woman will be raped and the men beheaded while the small group of native citizens cheer them on.
what's wrong with that faggot?
>she will never be your sister
The pain is real.
Slovaks are still butthurt because of that. That and Hostel.
I've never seen it, but I've heard a lot about it. Well specifically. Me scuse me scuse.
t. a person who has never left his homestate
Love this meme xD
yuro here, loved how they handled stereotypes, great fucking movie desu
>Here's a fun fact
"A nickel! I buy my own hotel"
thread theme
Has Trac done anything since that Bill O'Reilly movie with Rob Lowe?
she should do porn
man prime michelle trachnenburg was so god damn hot.
I jerked it to her as a teen watching buffy so much.too bad like so many hot women, she turned into a cow. ah well
So Eurotrip threads = Michelle threads, basically?
I got these kind of movies exclusively for the boobs, and they were always disappointing and not the actress I wanted to see (sans American Pie 1)
She was perfect until she became literally perfect
how can a woman be so perfect in such distinct incarnations
I want to time paradox them and have both as my consorts
>she turned into a cow
Nothing wrong with that. It's evolution.
I mostly remember her from the old Nickelodeon shows and movies like Hariett the Spy.
And I still have no problems jerking it off to her. If she lost some weight she'd still look good, she's still got a cute face.
>all this trachtenburg circlejerking
kreuk was way waaaaaay hotter
you're out of your mind
still would
That DVD cover still upsets me to this day.
I never watched any of those shows, but I remember she cameoed in an episode of Blue's Clues with Amanda Bynes wishing Blue a happy birthday.
lel I remember my country went up in arms after this film, politicans were getting mad as hell that the movie portrays my country extremely negatively and that it'll affect tourism
would bang her in every single stage of her life from birth and onward
>ywn make out with your hot sister
why even live? seriously. not even meme'ing here. gonna go kill myself
We indeed are. All you need to do is mention Euro Trip and you'll trigger Slovaks into yelling "FUCKING AMERICANS, STUPID CAPITALIST PIGS REEEE" while pounding shots of borovička
IDK. But I saw Killing Kennedy. Not bad.
>On October 10, 2014, Bynes was hospitalized in Pasadena, California, and placed on a temporary psychiatric hold after she made accusations via Twitter that her father sexually abused her as a child; shortly after she tweeted that her father had not molested her, but she claimed he implanted a microchip in her brain that forced her to make the accusation
We get it. You have autism.
*You're, retart
t. fag who hasn't been to Europe lately
it's basically under sharia law at this point
Everything matches, that was about the time Miley Cyrus was replaced with a sluttier doppelgänger.
*retard, retard
I love Eurotrip, its such a comfy movie. I dont understand how anyone can dislike it, or how it got bad reviews.
Let's be honest here. You don't own a passport and you've never left your country.
Oh how i miss the Europe of 2004,a peaceful,prosperous,happy place.Now every big city is patroled by soldiers with assault riflea and by IFVs,this continent looks like a warzone now.
>tfw this deleted scene will never be remastered in HD
ya your right, I don't know what i'm talking about. better let about a million more muslims in everything is fine.
Yeah, I was. You don't own a passport and have never left your country. No need to tell me.
Finally an excuse to post this
>Xena the warrior princess calls Hans Gruber to sodomize some american kid
>Mikas baby brother turns into hitler
>Miami Vice is number one new show
they just don't make them as they used to
they were both amazing in their own ways but allison mack was the hottest
Trachtenberg > thick Trachtenberg > Mack > Kreuk
When eurotrip was made miami vice was as an old of a TV series as europtrip is an old of a movie now.
t. Mohamed
how's the euro invasion going my goat fucking friend? rape any white children lately? keep me posted
why are Amerifats so obsessed about the Kennedy assassination?
mack = thick thrachtenberg > kreuk = skinny trachtenberg
have you guys ever seen prime michelle's feet? they are god tier
I have one quest
I'm talking about when the lady is confessing her sins and she looks at the talking box and the ass comes out of nowhere pressing on the grind
was it the girls or guy's ass? I recognized this movie because i vaguely remember that scene
Her only bikini scene needed a body double. LMAO.
It's her ass.
i would let rabbi do bad things to my dick for her
this gives me a reason to fap again
For some reason I remember her being completely topless, isntead of having a bra on
Because the fact that everyone knows the mafia did it but nobody is willing to admit it is interesting.
she's pretty thick nowadays now tho, not that i mind
Man I really want to watch Eurotrip again. I only saw it when I was 13 but it always stuck with me as my favorite, I bet if I watched it now I'd get a lot more of the references
>We all go to Amsterdam and Jamie's the one that hooks up!
Someone made a gif way back that replaced her bra with someone else's tits.
Oh really?
Any better pics of her forearm hair?
It was a really convincing fake
>they eat the pot brownies and freak out
>they're not pot brownies
me too. Wtf.
fucking jewesses man
A goddess
I'm pretty sure you just shopped a bra on her tits to make that gif
is 'unrated' and 'extended' versions the same thing?
now if only she had some cowtits
yes or no
This is one of those films that had an absolute beast of a soundtrack full of unknown songs you would never normally ever find and listen to.
Oasis is my favorite band and it just so happens that there is a song sang by Noel Gallagher that isn't attributed to Oasis that I had never heard before, now it's one of my favorite Noel songs. m.youtube.com
Those almost definitely will look like disgusting pancake tits, ie shit like smirkfu on GoT
me too desu
Did you just say Flugegecheimen?
why must you ruin my fantasies?
The perfect thickness