What went wrong with Smallville?
What went wrong with Smallville?
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She saw the news about Amber Heard and got inspired
Somebody save him
>agrees to pay
I'm sure he had a lot of choices in the matter
Damn he looks different
>women deserve your money for doing literally nothing
>this is common practice still to this day
God, he was a such a godly looking man.
Too bad his movie career never blew up during/after Smallville
Nothing, Smallville was perfect from beginning to end. It sagged in the middle seasons and was a completely different show by the end but growth was the whole point so.
Anything and everything related to lana/season 8 chloe
Jesus Christ, this is why I need feminism
Why didn't you save him, Sup Forums?
Smallville was shit.
And rights bullshit made it even shittier.
I still can't believe people have seen the whole thing.
It's like imagining people sticking around for ten seasons of even shittier and shittier Dexter.
i watched smallville back in the early 2000s as a kid. hated it. every episode was the same. some random nobody gets superpowers from kryptonite.
I only watched for Lana
>ywn be a 10/10 half white/half native-american stud
kill me
>20 percent of his net income
Why do people get married in the first place?
i just checked his wiki because i am a bored retard and i don't get this at all
>Spouse(s) Jamie White Welling (m. 2002; div. 2015)
>Welling is one of four children with two older sisters, Rebecca and Jamie.
>people still believe in marriage
His sister is named jamie, his wife was also named jamie and she took his last name in the marriage I guess.
The retard child is always kept from the public
>men still believe in marrying American women
20 percent is pretty reasonable. She either must not be a huge bitch, or he must have a good lawyer.
t.literal cuck
He shouldn't be paying anything at all.
Smallville was goat. This makes me sad.
IMDB says he only had 3 gigs after Smallvile. How can he even afford the 20%?
they look pretty good!
holy fucking kek
He looks a lot more JUST
Yeah tell me about it, only 20 percent? pffftt fucking patriarchy at it again
>native american
I feel sorry for him, I really liked his performance as Clark.
Much more faithful to the character and a trillion times better than Le Look At The Top Of His Head Man.
Jesus, how fucking hard is it for these people to just not get fat?
You were born with 9/10 genetics, you have one fucking job
He's trying to unjust himself by getting ripped.
What the fuck is with this JUST epidemic?
man that kryptonite is some tough shit
when will men in Hollywood wise up and not get married?
cunt wouldn't wear the suit and cape
no sympathy
fuck depp too
Needed more Kristin Kreuk nudity mmmmm sexy eurasian pusy
Only reason I can think of.
did she get JUSTed too?
>Well in debt
Top smirk
This, literally top tier Clark Kent on par with Reeves
He should've embraced the Superman role instead of getting worried about being "typecast". Now all he gets are Christian drama miniseries.
>Now all he gets are Christian drama miniseries.
I would've put a gun in my mouth long ago if it ever came to that
It's not even as bad as it sounds.
It's 20% up until she's gotten $5 million from it.
it was pretty good at the start, though it dragged on way too long and way too many villain of the week episodes
superman, more like Superbald xD
in all honesty it's hard as fuck to not fall into hardcore hedonism when you have enough money to not work or worry about anything for the rest of your fucking life, if I had as much money as he did after smallville was over I would have most likely died some years after the show was over and I'm a hardcore /fit/fag
>only %20
damn, that guy got a good deal.
They CAN'T keep getting away with this...
>I only watched for Lana
When JUST?
What did she do to earn that 5 million?
Superman curse
happens to everyone, Caville is balding and was in MoS and BvS
why do people specially in hwood think. "hmm marriage? yes sounds good"
Still would
All married men look like they've been castrated.
I have had an unnatural crush on that woman since Smallville. Chloe is going to have to JUST a lot harder than that to shake me.
-poor education
-social norms
-superiority complex
Idc how shitty it could get at some points. I would watch Smallville again just for the Lex & Clark relationship.
I still can't believe they refused so much for him to use the costume and to fly but somehow everyone is witches is fine.
aw fuck
best laugh of the night
that's the same thing they do with literally every comic book or supernatural show
It made sense when the point of the show was Clark Kent's development into Superman. However the show went on for too long to stick to that excuse. I mean by the end of the series he had defeated:
- Brainiac
- Lex Luthor
- Doomsday
- Zod
- Darkseid
It was pretty ridiculous.
Remember how Rory Gilmore was cute and how is a monster?
>Rory Gilmore was cute and how is a monster?
i dont even know if I wanna search this
Why doesn't he just get a divorce from the alimony payments?
The guy spent 10 years looking the same and when the show ends he literally ages like 15 years. What the fuck...
They have usually been thrust into the mood for compromise.
good show but lana lang was cancer
20% doesn't sound as bad as it could have been
>women are so smart that they easily take advantage of men, under the laws of men
>men whine like the turds that they are
>>Remember how Rory Gilmore was cute
still is
That's a great example of why you should never listen to women. "I'm not looking for a hook up" = bang the shit out of me ASAP then ignore me. It's obviously happened before judging by the potato she's holding
Man, she better hope some guy falls for that bullshit before she hits her late twenties, because it's all downhill after that for women.
I'm 32, and the dating women in their thirties is like shooting fish in a barrel. They're all so desperate, and they are acutely aware that their worth is plummeting by the second. And I'm only like a 7/10 tops, on my best day.
didn't she go all crazy and join a cult??
>I'm 32, and the dating women in their thirties is like shooting fish in a barrel. They're all so desperate, and they are acutely aware that their worth is plummeting by the second. And I'm only like a 7/10 tops, on my best day.
yeah but on your side, you will sooner or later accept to shack up with this used goods, especially when her children are teens or adults.
Both her & Kreuk were involved with Keith Raniere and his fucked up cult, but seems only Allison is still really involved as she still constantly tweets about him.
Nah, I'm okay with dying alone.
Everyone dies alone.
liked and subscribed
So deep, man.
Go to bed, House
You were lucky. If you were born 10 years earlier you would've watched Power Rangers for Kimberly. And believe me, as bad as you think Smallville was, it was not nearly as horrible as Power Rangers.
But that's not true you retard