>Directed by Mallick
Will this be the ultimate Sup Forums-kino?
>Directed by Mallick
Will this be the ultimate Sup Forums-kino?
looks like shit desu
Based on what?
you forgot BASED Danny D
he's one of us
your mom looks like shit desu
They're both so autistic, I'm going to love this movie so much
>It was filmed 3 years ago
Sure taking his time editing it.
He'll be fine.
The guy's a fucking disastrous filmmaker
Terry looks like a mad scientist
why does she look like fucking jared leto?
Is this a new picture or what?
Good, my biggest thing with To The Wonder was that it felt like Malick wasn't entirely comfortable with his own pacing. It could have used a little more time in the editing room
>the goose
>lego girl
>new james bond
>repeating digits man
>qt zionist waifu
>everyone's favourite fat gay, val kilmer
>non-union mexican brad pitt just come back from filming sicario 2
>directed by king terence
>another mallick love flick
it will be pure autism-kino
>another pleb itt
The only person missing in this cast is Tom Hardy
>forgetting Aiden Gillen
[Preisner intensifies]
Didn't forget him. I though about him as well but he wouldn't fit.
why? because he's too big to fit
What would happen if Refn directed a film starring Rooney Mara and Ryan Gosling?
its just too deep for your mate
are you unfamiliar with how Malick works?
>Malick used to make one film every 10 or 15 years
>every time he released a new one it was an event
>now he's made like two movies per years since 2011, they're all forgettable and interchangeable
Seriously, has anybody even seen To The Wonder of Knight Of Cups? They're below 50% on RT jesus christ, why is he fucking up his legacy so much?
Terry was also working on Knight of Cups and Voyage of Time at the same time
with what film should I start, if I havent seen any of mallicks work?
>Muh RedditTomatoes
>I know more than critics!
Why are they so perfect for eachother
I do.
>Goose silently watches Kate change Roon's diaper
shit skin?
>he bases his opinion on "critics"
Funny because some critics hailed it as a masterpiece
Malick is the opposite of Refn
why is a picture of zac effron labelled "jared leto"
>malick or memelick like I call him
his "films" are pure snoozefest
Yes. To The Wonder was a little let down, but still good.
But Knight of Cups was phenomenal, perhaps his most mature film.
Not him, but enjoy. He's a fun director to got though because there are such clear changes from each film to the next. He slowly evolves into what he's become now.
plus he's never made bad film
I used to find her attractive.
it will crash and burn like The Counselor:
>brad pitt
>javier bardem
>penelope cruz
>cameron diaz
>Ryan change my diaper
i liked the counselor desu, Sup Forums just has a really bad fixation with it
What does it feel like to have a girl sit on your lap?
I liked it too
The scene with the garbage dump was unnecessary though
yeah that was really bad, don't know what they were thinking
>I drive
>tfw your waifu finally wins an oscar for autism: the kino
Thank god
Terry will never literally pay you (in cards with his musings on them) to have roon sit on your lap and teach you to make kino
>i want out
sounds like a half decent five a side team at least
>yfw all of them are cut from the final film
>that meme cast
It will be Sup Forums: The Kino. Thank you based Malick.
>cuts all of them from the final film
>instead he focusses on Annie Clark walking around after she gave Rooney a guitar lesson
>Terry Malick thread
>even posting this fucking picture
>not one Malick greentext
>not one
>"Malick was someone who was listening to a high whine in his head," recalls Cohen. "He was very tense and fragile, the least likely person to be a director. I once had to have a meeting with him in Westwood. He was getting up every five minutes and hiding behind pillars; he kept thinking he saw somebody he knew. He would call me, and I'd hear trucks rolling by on the highway, and I'd say, 'Where are you?' and he'd answer, 'I'm walking to Oklahoma!' 'What do you mean, you're walking to Oklahoma? From Texas?' 'Yeah, I'm looking at birds.'"
>In 2004, during the filming of The New World, Malick forced Christopher Plummer to climb a tall oak tree. The task was very difficult for Plummer, who was 74 at the time, and took 3 unsuccessful attempts before Malick was satisfied with his performance [12]. This footage was not used in the final film.
>Malick resorted to guerrilla style tactics where the actors were not told who they would be interacting with, requiring them to improvise entire scenes. Bale said that Malick referred to this as "torpedoing" and that as a result he mistook Teresa Palmer for a real stripper.[23][24] These methods came to a head when the cast and crew entered a Hollywood party without permission.[24] When the production was politely asked to leave, Malick looked the hosts and their security guards straight in the eye and whispered, "Your words are thoughtless, my thoughts are wordless" as a single gust of wind suddenly blew his hat up into the sky.[25][26][27]
youre a life saver
>While on location in the Philippines filming The Thin Red Line, Malick was inspecting a set piece by himself when an explosive accidentally went off. The explosion reached an estimated height of 40 feet and completely destroyed a mock Japanese camp. Fearing for the worst, crew and actors alike rushed to the scene with first aid kits. Sean Penn, the first on the scene says "It was amazing, like witnessing a miracle". Penn Claims Malick walked out of the flames with out so much as a scratch. When Penn asked how this is possible, Malick simply replied "I believed."
>In early 2000, during an interview with Le Monde[18] regarding his new production facility[19], Poilâne asserted that he had unwittingly employed Malick between the years of 1980 through 1986 as an apprentice baker. Malick was using the pseudonym Antoine de Tournesol, and Poilâne recalled one of his interview responses 'de Tournesol' gave for wanting to work with him; "Our minds are like dough, our hearts like flame." De Tournesol was a model employee, according to Poilâne, and the reason given for leaving was "hearing again the drums of war." Poilâne proceeded to laugh the experience off, and was apparently "fond of Antoine's war movie," though didn't care for the pacing.[20]
>During the filming of Days of Heaven, the crew took a break midday for lunch. The cast and crew, including Malick, sat down to eat at a set of pre-fabricated folding lunch-tables that are common on film-sets [4]. They leisurely discussed the filming process and exchanged personal stories throughout the luncheon. However, when some crew-members had finished and gotten up to return their lunch-trays, to their astonishment and horror they realized that despite Malick having been sitting with them at the table and engaging in mundane discussion, Malick had no chair beneath him. He had instead been levitating in a sitting position 3 inches above the ground for the entire meal [5]. Malick calmly finished his lunch and got up from his levitating position to return his lunch tray, and then nonchalantly asked everyone to return to work, giving no acknowledgement to his astounding feat.
>In an interview conducted for the Criterion Collection DVD edition of the film in 2007, Richard Gere speaks of a shot in the film during the wheat fire where a "monstrous" antiquated tractor is driven through the flames. According to Gere, director Terrence Malick was the driver.
>The reclusive filmmaker's experimental techniques were in full force while filming his latest project, now titled Knight of Cups. Actor Christian Bale weighed in on the unusual methods of filming that the critically acclaimed director employed.
>"Start of the day, I'd sometimes be given just two pages of dialogue. I call it dialogue now, but it had barely any lines for me. It was just filled with all these philosophical excerpts - Heidegger, Kierkegaard - all that good stuff. And then there'd be notes in Terry's handwriting - "Feel the Joy", Joy with a capital J, and "Cosmic rapture in the moment!". And then when I'd be in the middle of a 10 minute take, improvising all of my lines, I'd look up and see Terry shooting the squirrels. And they'd scurry all over his feet, into his hands, up his legs, all over him. Once a couple of sparrows landed on his hat and I said to him, "Terry, there are birds on your head!" and he replied, "I know, isn't it just a wonderful day?""
>One story from these early days was offered by Martin Sheen, who detailed a fight Malick had with his producer. "Terry beat the hell out of him," Sheen says. "In true Texas style - he was so Texas. Didn't even hesitate, just started swinging. Terry just whupped him. If more directors would beat up their producers, we'd have a lot more artistic freedom."
>According to Affleck, on his fourth day of filming, he was handed notes for the day's scenes by Malick himself, which consisted of only two phrases; "Dance," and "Be love." In addition, Malick had doodled a small unicorn in the margin.[14]
"Terry, the light is pretty harsh right now. I'm not sure it's a good idea to start shooting yet. We should wait until it gets a little more towards sunset," said the camera operator.
Terrance glared up at the sun. A deep raspy growl exuded through the air, seemingly coming from everywhere at once, "This movie waits for no sun"
Batman couldn't believe what he saw next. He stood there, gaping in wonder as the the sun swung from high noon to sunset over the next half minute.
"Roll cameras," commanded Malick.
>Rooney getting fucked in every hole by Fass, Gos and Mallick
delete this
>Ryan "Women are better than Men" Gosling
>Ever being kino
Fuck no
>it's a roo roo rubs her pits with her hand and makes everyone smell it episode
the dialogue scenes are great because you have actors who can do the heavy lifting conversation wise, but everything else is teenage girl writes her first script tier.
I have a b.o. fetish but not for girls that look like rooney thats rancid man
>It's the I-Want-The-Sup Forums crowd cast
How wasted is she there?
>he likes men better than women
Spotted the homo
Wow, looks like he would do an amazing Joker.
soft and warm
why did you have to remind me...
You know, I think Malick is a perfect match for Goose.
I'm always happy when I know he'll learn more about his particular taste in film. I root for him.
what a whore
oh no a woman sits on another man's lap, that must make her a whore
>I base my opinions on other peoples opinions instead of judging a film for myself
Is Malick literally (LITERALLY) the second coming of Christ?
he's been making a lot of "personal" films lately that are really dull
Oh, this looks pretty go-
>>Directed by Mallick
It's shit.