First Ciarán Hinds, then Alexander Siddig, now Ian McShane

First CiarĂ¡n Hinds, then Alexander Siddig, now Ian McShane.

Why does D&D always waste the talents of truly good actors?

Dont forget Sibel Kekilli

>Sibel Kekilli

I don't think it's possible to take anyone with "Kek" in the name seriously.

to feed the mother of burgers


The show can't use genuine actors long term, it makes you realize how bad the normal cast can be. Also, they want real money.


kill yourself

OP forgetting Max von Sydow

To be fair, I didn't care who played Lord Bloodraven.

because they don't want to stay on a sinking ship of a show, they want to make a splash then leave

You forgot based Darling talking shit to Jon and Sansa's face this episode.

>cast an incredibly versatile, well-liked and seasoned actor for a throwaway one-episode part
>cast a fucking terrible nobody who can barely film one line in a believable way as one of the best villains in the series




Guy phoned in the whole performance and it was just disappointing as fuck after such a build up that I didn't even care when they killed him. He was better in Judge Dredd for Christ's sake.

I don't know if that's his fault or not though. He probably thought the whole idea of him reading lines while inside a tree was retarded and the TV directors don't have it in them to tell him otherwise.

>Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi, also know as Alexander Siddig, is a British actor

>one of the best villains in the series

Who are you referring to?

There was nothing for him to do.

There was barely any need for his character either.
What exactly did he do?
Train Bran? How? Bran could've acquired all the necessary skills and info just from doing shit on his own or talking to the children.
Nothing Bloodraven did was in any way necessary.
I don't think they even used his name in the show and I don't think it even matters.

What a name.


Ah, yeah. That was disappointing.

Go away Gurm

I'm the guy you're replying to and yeah I agree.

>His maternal uncle is English actor Malcolm McDowell, with whom he appeared in 2008 in Neil Marshall's Doomsday, and his paternal uncle is the former Sudanese Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi

Well, shit.

Yeah, what the fuck was that?
>I sailed through the ruins of Valyria, and all I got was this shitty scar

He must have not ran into any "Stone men".

agreed, show Euron is Dorne-tier terrible

I'd argue that they wasted Stephane Dillane the most since he was a major character. They cut out his skepticism and made him go full Melisandre and burn unbelievers when Stannis says he will not burn unbelievers in the books. Show Stannis sucked

real actors aren't going to take real parts in GoT anymore because they can see the "prestige" era of GoT is over.

This. I think Jonathan Pryce will be the last legit actor with any kind of significant role in the show. As far as I'm concerned the only good main actors left are the three Lannister siblings, all of which are shells of their former characters and completely under utilized now.

I miss their spats with Sean Bean. I REALLY miss Charles Dance.

Stephane Dillane is also a great actor. Have you seen the tunnel?

>pretending stannis isn't dead

let it go, davos

Are you retarded? Stephane Dillane has moved on to acting in the tunnel I never said he was having his acting talent wasted in shit of thrones anymore.

Hello its me Shae the funny hoare