How do I write good melodies?

how do I write good melodies?
how do I write good music?

Other urls found in this thread:

have sex with black guys

learn scales
listen to melodic music
practice piano till you hear songs generated in your head before falling into sleep

Tfw when no laurel halo qt3.14 gf

"Why don't you know eight scale forms of five scales?" The post

what are you even talking about nigger

personally i come up with melodies in my head and then figure out the right chords to go with them

it sounds a lot more natural than forcing a melody onto a chord progression imo

would totally make out with her guys

her gaze is so cold

You read the score of your favourite pieces of music and try to understand what they've been trying to do. There's books about musical structure and obviously music theory. Also train your ear to hear chords and intervals. Learn to play an instrument, piano preferably.