Redpill me on guy

Redpill me on guy

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More like redsauce

Fun, upbeat, gives a lot of publicity to quality small businesses. Reddit-tier snobs hate him.

He took me on a one way trip to flavortown

why does he wear the flames?

Nobody cared who he was before he put on the glasses

if i took off that glass, would you die?

It would be extremely flavorful.

It would be very uncool

Guy Ramsay Ferry?

For you

ive been to 3 places hes been to in my state, everyone has been fucking amazing

The flavor rises!

what did he mean by this?


a REAL American. More men should be like Guy.

i enjoy his show but i get too hungry watching it

>>what is that some ap flour?

Yes Guy, it's always fucking ap flour. He needs to stop dipping his pinky in food too. DDD is still the best show on tv, it's always on when you want it to be.

Was cholesterol a part of your plan?

dude overdosed on the 90s and survived

How is vegan life friend? I eat all across the board, am 6'2" 210 /fit/ and have healthy numbers. Ruining your life by eating bland shit does nothing but maybe give you 2 more years of life than me, and that's if you don't get some sort of genetic disease. Moderation faggot.



His reddit tier but Reddit don't like him so we take him

Doesn't zimmerman hate him?

he is INSANELY rich. People think hes just this dumb goofy asshole, but this nigga owns 80% of all american seafood deals

also a closeted homosexual

>also a closeted homosexual

how do you know this

In the funniest twist of the decade, he's actually completely sincere and genuine. But he's so genuinely over the top that people think he's just a huge tool.
The food industry is full of some of the biggest snobs in any form of human culture. Bigger than film even. He's fantastic though, and breaks the mold. You could say he's a loser but the guy is a millionaire now doing what he loves and wearing shorts and shades while doing it.

Homie rolls in stacks as far as I know

my mom said his restaurant was not very good

Your mom is a cunt

Which one


holy shit, fat cunt triggered

He's a time traveler from the late 90's or very early 2000's.

"That's Ganster"

>>Drops mic

He seems like a real righteous dude. I would totally rather hang with him than Bourdain. One just bitches and moans all the time and the other is like the Andrew WK of food.

Literally flaming.

haha he's such a good guy!

His tv persona is a nice happy fat fucking loser everyone just love him!

So what if he's an annoying cunt? Just shut up and cheer and clap and eat at his shit tier restaurant! Such a good person!

you must be angry all the time in real life

Do you mean Andrew Zimmern?

stop projecting

this entire site is chock full of bitter cunts

at least we can all agree that the fat faggot zimmern is the absolute worst of them

I'll never forget the time I saw that ugly cueball motherfucker actually take the wok out of some Thai dude's hands and go "THIS is how you wok"

But about Guy, didn't he fuck over the dude who originally had the idea for DDD? Or is that just a stupid rumor, because if it's true, then his persona seems disingenuous, if it's not true, he is just a dude who is cool with being himself

This is honestly how I feel about Rob Dyrdek

If I took away your lunch would you die?

I would be very hungry.

>Uses the friend meme
>But still says faggot anyways

>stop projecting

Leave or drink bleach.

is there any pics of him with no dye?
when did it start?

he's "that kid" who never grew out of the "that kid" phase

he was born that way

Guy "burn the Jews now" Fieri?

he looks like every suburban kid in 1999. I feel like Smash Mouth should be playing whenever he enters a room.


lol true. pause on any part of any Woodstock 99 footage and you'll spot tons of shirtless Fieris

>Guy will never enter into a restaurant while you're eating there
>He'll never have his camera men zoom their cameras into your food, following your fork as it shovels terrible food into your eager gullet
>Guy will never awkwardly start a conversation with you about what the shitty $6 meal you just ate tasted like
>He'll never make some retarded food analogy about the salty deep fried garbage you just clogged your arteries with
>He'll never slide his tongue around your ear and whisper about the green grass, blue skies, and delicious diners in Flavortown
>He'll never take you out back behind the restaurant and shove his cock down your throat, depositing his slightly tangy and spicy cum directly into your stomach, giving you a fleeting vision of Flavortown
Why even live?


not how i expected this thread to go



A lot of loyalty for a hired cook