Its gonna flop and dc fanboys are gonna commit suicide

Its gonna flop and dc fanboys are gonna commit suicide.

1 capeshit company down, one to go

If dubs, Dr. Strange will be top tier kinography

Well it's settled then

Your quipgame is lacking.

If dubs, Thor 3 kills capeshit.

If dubs it breaks a billion

if dubs kaijukino will replace capeshit

If dubs, it's more badly received than Dawn of Justice

Wew rip dc

Flop? No.

But I doubt it'll be that great.

If trips captain boomerang gets his own spin off

if trips faora gets a spin off


>doubting this movie


what happened

Oh fuck


They'll just pretend it's anything above mediocre like they do MoS and BvS

Perhaps they'll do it together in some sort of group or... team.

Why would I commit suicide? I like DC comics, haven't liked any DC movies since Batman Begins. I'm not only still here, but generally pretty happy.

Just by one