What would you do if you were sorted on the worst house ever?

Bang all the huff girls because they have low self esteem due to being in the worst house ever

I wouldn't mind Hufflepuff, seems rather relaxed atmosphere and the people seem chill. I'd love to be in either Slytherin or Ravenclaw as my first choices.

>implying you'd get the chance when Chadrik Diggory is around

>Gryffindor comprised mostly of reckless idiots
>Slytherin no longer ambitious just a cesspool of hate and bigotry
>Ravenclaw full of know it all 'Im better than you' types

Hufflepuff is the best house. It's the only place you can go to find normal people.

I get slytherin on the potter test because I'm an asshole.

enjoy flipping magic burgers and never contributing to magic society

>Slytherin no longer ambitious just a cesspool of hate and bigotry

Slytherin is like that because it's looked down upon to be proud of your white traditional culture, just like real world where anything not white is great and anything white is evil.

This, Hufflepuff seems like where are the people who actually just wanna go to school and hang out would live.

>implying I wouldn't avada kedavra the hat

Fuck all the low self-esteem bitches.

Are you stupid? Hufflepuff is GOAT.

wouldnt fret too much, at least im not a muggle

>all these reddit virgins

>enjoy flipping magic burgers and never contributing to magic society
Implying Puffs don't understand the value of hard work and its payoff more than any other house.

Kill myself because now I'm in one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Best house coming through

You're in a r*ddit thread retard
why wouldn't they be here?

Gryffindor = Sup Forums
Slytherin = Sup Forums
Ravenclaw = /lit/

Hufflepuff= r/cuckold


>complaining that a childrens book is easy to read

whew lad

Slytherin is also /fa/

They call it HufflePuff for a reason.



It's comforting to me that this pasta manages to show up in every Harry Potter thread

it's like the sun rising

Children/teen books before the harry potter poison
>The Odyssey and the Iliad
>The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr
>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
>Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
>A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
>Life with Jeeves
>Animal Farm
>A Member of the Wedding
>Charlotte's Web
>Watership Down
>The Hunger Games
>The Maze Runner
>Fault in our stars
>Fifty Shades of Grey
>flavor of the year YA #7
>Minecraft survival guide
WHAT the FUCK happened?

Shrug and deal with it because it's just high-school.

Graduate and go do better things.

>WHAT the FUCK happened?

>Children/teen books before the harry potter poison

Fuck hippie wizards

i would kill myself if i didnt get Slytherin


He wouldn't be round for long though

I'm pretty sure you can change houses if you aren't happy with the one you're in.

I never go in expecting it to be posted, but I'm always delighted when I see it.

>When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

We have a whole generation of adults watching reality television eating Pizza 4 times a week and considering 50 Shades of Grey was highly profitable. You want to bitch about some kids actually taking the initiative to pick up a book. Get off your fucken high horse.

No its a weirdly set thing, the house your put in when your 11 will decide the rest of your life course, and who your friends are with no chance of a resort.

Are the movies worth watching?

I'd try to get into her little house if you know what I mean.

it you are 18+ and havent seen them then no. the only thing redeeming for me is the nostalgia value from when i was a youngin

Just because she got kids to read, doesn't mean they are truly "literate," much in the same way that just because someone's into classical music, if they're just enjoying it for the "catchy tunes," they obviously aren't truly listening to it.

They aren't truly reading, they're just looking at words and imagining a bad fantasy movie in their heads.

Alright, I guess I won't watch them then.
I only remember maybe seeing the first one from television many years ago

>Slytherin or Ravenclaw as my first choices
Ravenclaw is tedious as fuck - can you imagine having to answer a riddle every time you wanted to get into your dorm? Crap, can you imagine dealing with that when you were wasted?

I feel like no one in the thread has caught on to what the name Hufflepuff implies.

>Ravenclaw full of know it all 'Im better than you' types

That's probably because they ARE better than the mouthbreathers in hufflepuff

>be average ravenclaw student
>anyone can get in if they're intelligent enough to answer the riddles
>our common room is turned into a clubhouse for overachieving cunts from slytherin and gyrrinfdor

unironically no



What is that, a wood bad dragon dildo?

Was this list made in that brief 6 months when people wouldn't shut up about that film? Because the Harry Potter world is dumb as fuck but it at least had more imagination put into it than Pocahontas with Smurfs.
>Fuck they both even had Quidditch.


It's an edit that became more popular to use than the original. Also look at Citizen Kane again.

>newfags literally just announce themselves nowadays

Go away, Ravencuck

Avatar is a cinematic masterpiece

Everything is said through visuals that's where real cinematic depth and emotion comes from, not pseudo-thoughtful explanatory monologues. Cameron is a true auteur following his vision, a real master

I'm not surprised an immature Potter babby cant form his own opinion on his movies and just hate on it because it's not "grimdark" and "capeshit" enough for his pleb sensibility

my sides

>Pottermore sorts me into Hufflepuff
>gives me a manlet 8 inch unicorn hair faggot wand


Citizen Bane, heh OK I missed that, don't suppose the originals still kicking around?

>Not best house
All the rest of the houses are for twats and the Huff is the only chill house around
It's like the Shire of houses

How did you get an 8 inch? I'm a short guy and still got 11.

>hate and biggotry

come on reddit

>entry in the kitchen
>free food
>free booze
>wizard weed
>become friends with the house-elves to get them to do errands for you

best house

>normal people

Back2reddit, normie

>8 inch


I'd be proud to be Hufflepuff. All the other houses are tryhards at buying into an identity. Hurr must be hero chad, must be smart, must be elitist douche.

This badger will justfuck your shit up.

Hufflepuff is the party house

Ravenclaw is the worst house, full of nerds, probably a bunch of niggas who be postin on

who the fuck has job, sex and gf at the age of 10?

You mean her Chamber of Secrets?

muggles = refugees

voldemort = saviour of white race

>Citizen Bane

Why didn't Harry go into Hufflepuff if he wanted to be liked?

This is even worse than the ape roleplaying as deadpool in that other thread
/film/ when?

lmao 520 blaze it amirite xD

fuck off to negro twitter

Slytherin: Edgelords and Sup Forumstards
Gryffindor: White knights
Ravenclaw: Nerds
Hufflepuff: 420blazeit

But the two biggest cucks in the series, Snape and Rodolphus Lestrange, were slytherins

Also the head of Hufflepuff is literally an old hippie in charge of herbology. That pretty much tells me all I need to know.

Also based Hannah Abbott. Typical HufflePuff stoner chick.

At least Dumbledore won't take away my points and shatter my hope.

>Yes, yes well done Slytherin.
>Well done Slytherin.


You forgot Animorphs and the Hardy Boys

>these tards and their manlet wands

>not enrolling in Durmstrang


>Huff Le Puff brah
Obnoxious cunts


>this is what passes as a 10 in yurop

Did they even let boys in?

Boys are kept in the underground dungeon, used as sexual relief for the girls.

>not sneaking in as a sissy

SPOLIERS: it's actually an all-boys school

>Slytherin's success is a result of a disproportionate points-per-student rate that outweighs the other houses', based purely on Slytherin's historical privilege.
>As a result, we will be taking all points from all four houses and distributing them equally.


how many of them would be white in 2016?

>pure blood evil Slytherins lose 10 points each on tolerance points so by my account


Little black African mine slaves.

>he thinks the classics actually teach anything good

Novels are the most condecending way to get a point across and if it is a point worth making it is better stated outright like John Locke. Not writing a bad story surrounding a point. Classical music isn't inherently better than pop music. In fact a genre like jazz fusion or even hip hop is more rhythmically intricate than most classical. Perhaps not melodically though.

I literally (not figuratively) cut myself on that post.

but user

those ARE boys

Alpha niggers of Gryffindor

Did you cut off the part of your brain that can make a rational arguement?

Excellent meme you dumb pedo slavshit

Please don't do this to me at this hour.