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Television and Film
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Television and Film #708
Television and Film
Who should be cast?
Isn't this movie a great example of kino?
Why don't you talk about me anymore?
Who's your funniest Seinfeld character?
Sexy Actess
Underrated? Discuss
I'm going to kill myself tomorrow
Eternal /got/ general
What are some movies about asexuals?
What is the appeal of anime?
Who's the best Frasier waifu?
Obscure Films You've Probably Never Heard Of
Should women be allowed to direct films considering how bad their track record is with it?
Character turns on classic rock station
It's a Dinesh gets shit on by everybody episode
When did it happen to you?
Why didn't Ned just demand a trial by combat...
Why didn't Count Dooku say anything before he died?
Goodnight sweet prince
Not enough GoT threads in the catalog. Get in here bros
You thoughts?
How can we get him his own show on cable television?
Rolls eyes and spikes camera
B a s e d
Mattel brought mom into the toy test group and she freaked!
Dawn of fishkino
WTF? I wanna be a gangster now!
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Have you watched MEW's new show Braindead?
Which one lads?
Michael Haneke hates Schindler's List
So I just watched it. Any thoughts? I personally loved it. I think its very well written
Imagine being Han in this scene
Michio Kaku
What the fuck was the point of this movie?
After nine years, you know what I realize?
I thought she had a russian accent in age of ultron, now in civil war she has an american one?
/got/ general
What is the gayest nonporn movie that exists?
What's his problem?
ITT: Change one word of a film title to asshole
Podcasts and Commentaries
So what was the point of keanu's character? Did Elle fanning sell her soul to the devil...
*tips fedora*
How is this show still on the air? Who is watching this?
Out With The Old, In With The New
Why is the show so fucking bad now?
Well congratulation, you got yourself caught
Tfw Alex is the better Marine
I never got the fascination/waifuism on this one
Embrace of the Serpent (2015)
(read this is an irish accent)
What made Winston so qualified to join the Ghostbusters...
Has anyone seen the neon demon yet?
TV superman or the movie superman Sup Forums?
What went wrong with her career?
What was her fucking problem?
/got/ general
Dornish masterplan
/Cinema mischief/
British """""humour"""""
Mommy what's that?
Dark Side of Hollywood
Just finished watching this kino, anything similar?
The Walking Dead peeked with season two. It's all been downhill since then
I assure you... that were you in Slytherin, and your fate rested with me - the both of you...
Who's the greatest TV producer of all time?
Let's be honest... we'd all go to the midnight premiere
Actresses with a bright future thread?
What happened to the money in Hollywood? We never again will see another 20 million picture man it seems...
Is this the wurst season of Game of Thrones yet?
Britain First
The war was lost
Peaky Blinders
ITT: Actors with great chemistry on screen
Did Rob Zombie kill the Halloween franchise?
Let's get a jeopardy thread going
Which one Sup Forums?
Yes yes, well done Maximus, well done Maximus
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
/got/ general
Why do people hoverhand?
What are her best roles?
What are some good movies that don't have twist endings...
Shrek May Be Getting A Fifth, Sixth AND Seventh Film
What is the most pretentious film of all time?
What the hell is it with this guy? I mean he's a real jerk
Does anyone else think that Jesse Eisenberg is very underrated actor?
Name a better replacement for Wolverine after Jackman leaves
Sup Sup Forums don't know much about western movies since the good the bad the ugly is like the only one I've seen...
Sup Forums on a date
"Yes, I sense it. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers extended edition is upon that ridge. We must hurry."
ITT: Comedians who really make you think
Is this Brendan's comeback?
New Harry Potter Cast
Alas, earwax! ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Ideas for the sequel?
Yfw DC lost
Did his role flow organically with the story?
The extended editions are fucking terrible
/got/ general
Warcraft: The Beginning
Thoughts on the new NC video?
Holy shit they have gone full blown SBS
What is the best Ghibli film?
Have we even gotten close to getting a reaction from the man himself about bane posting...
Shit about reboots aside...
Why did Emily Blunt's character let the Mexican guy get away with it when she was an assassin...
What did they meme by this?
Any hype for American Gods?
Poll of Sup Forums's favorite directors
Lost in Translation
Wait a minute
Name a better director
Why do people hate this character again? He literally did nothing wrong
Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin
Who's the big guy now?
Post your best pleb filters
Has anyone else noticed the mountain of Warcraft and Xmen shills on this board...
Are there any movies that make you happy when you watch them?
Would you watch it?
I have developed an addiction for British comedy panel shows...
Worst actors in Hollywood
So who's ready for the new Kojima kino?
So who the fuck is this?
His going to be alright isn't he Sup Forums?
Is this proof that vidya has trumped cinema as true kino?
Eternal /got/ general
Letterboxd general /lbg/
Why would I want to see this if I've already seen the original?
Is it true what they're saying? was she really raped?
Celebrity lookalike thread
Caleb, what are you lookin at teehee xD
What is your favorite Kurosawa film?
What are your ideal woman's top 3 favorite movies?
This random nameless orc is more memorable than anything in the hobbit trilogy
Warcraft: Extended Edition
Do video games pose a threat to movies and television?
What happened to her?
Quick! you're stoned, alone and cooking pizza on a rainy night! what movie do you watch?
What's the worst spoiler you've suffered?
What's the best black movie? It can be a drama, comedy, etc. I don't care as long as it is made by black people
My spanish professor looks like monica belluci and i can't pay attention in class. pls help me i'm failing
Hannibal Thread
Your new girlfriend just told you tonight is Kevin Costner movie night and it's your turn to spin the wheel...
Louis Theroux offers heart-warming update
Which one is more prestigious?
Post 10/10 Hollywood actresses
This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen
What's her next move?
Webm thread
Is Mamoru Hosoda the new Hayao Miyazaki?
Now that the dust has settled
Why's The Shield so undermentioned?
Best Simpsons seasons?
Ghost or Alien? Which scares you more?
Worst TV show you stuck with
Started watching Vikings
Those moments when Betty was happy, only to get shot down by Don :(
Top 'o the mornin' to ya. I'm Kate Mulgrew
Steven Spielberg throws serious shade on Fantastic Four director Josh Trank: “Who’s that”?
Eternal /got/ general
BVS Ultimate Cut
ITT: cartoon characters you have a crush on
What is it that makes a good horror movie Sup Forums?
If Captain America were to pilot an Iron Man suit, would he be the most OP character in the MCU?
Who is the best Frasier waifu?
He beat the system, prove me wrong
A Chris-chan documentary exists, it's only a student film but it's an okay watch
Whats a some good documentary that'll educate me on a subject I'm unfamiliar with...
What is the best era of the Howard Stern show?
Why doesn't he have a mainstream show?
Hey remember that one time Pixar failed miserably?
Daily reminder the final boss in the MCU is literally a grapefruit
Who else here is hyped?
Batman V superman Ultimate Edition Leaked Deleted Scenes
Tfw the latest owner in hotel hell literally shits on the floor
Do you find this funny?
March 2006 his special goes platinum
How much more do you want from me?
Webm thread
Who is the most likable character in TV history? and why is it Kevin Garvey
Total Recall
It's so fucking hard to get my hands on this show. All the torrents suck shit, no netflix or anything...
How do we even know he died in DKR?
BSG movie incoming
Star trek thread
I'd like to have a thread specifically on the topic of confused identity in There Will Be Blood. Please contribute
What's the most normie-core movie ever made?
Welcome to Sup Forums's Who's Line It Anyway?
It's not just Leto
/got/+/asoiaf/ general
The Carbonaro Effect is one of my favorite things on television solely for when he reveals to people they're on a...
Yes, these are real
Admit it
Tfw you'll never be rich white and popular
How much media do you pirate?
Star Trek general thread
Will Refn ever make Elisalamkino? I wanna see this so bad tbqhfamilia
ITT: Movies Rotten Tomatoes were completely wrong about. Warcrafy was a very good and entertaining fantasy movie
Mad Max: Fury Road is the single most overrated movie I have ever seen
The X-Men are recruiting! Are you cool enough to join?
Can we all agree godzilla vs mechagodzilla 1974 was the best of them all?
How is Project X?
Whats the best kino to marathon while I eat some 'go 'za?
Hmmmmm could be
Shows and movies that push you that much closer to the brink of suicide
Just finished S1
Was this the peak and logical conclusion of television?
Malazan adaptation when?
Why is she so poor? I actually feel bad for her because she's way passed her prime
Do you think Tony would've became a rat if he was faced with possible incarceration?
What's your favorite Sandler-kino?
Why do people think this film is in any way gay at all?
Is this the best portrait of a Trans person in movie history?
What happened to her career?
The VVitch
Was this the greatest deconstruction of the ancient sitcom format ever?
Green Room Thread
Oh hai mark
Eternal /got/ general
/got/ general
Why is it demeaning for midgets to play midgets in movies...
Post comfy crime movies
Gambon Dumbledore:
Why is he so loyal to Cersei?
Worst movie you've ever seen
Was this made to look like islamic calligraphy?
I'm being serious
This fucking guy, holy shit. This is easily the greatest show ever created
What the fuck was George thinking?
You have 10 seconds to name a stronger filmography
What are some films about wrestling?
How can you say you don't like Guy if you've never watched his show?
ITT: characters who they should have listened to
Why didn't he just fight off the gator?
Any good films about transgender women?
Tell me a joke
Mention a certain director having pool parties with underage boys
Eternal /got/ general
So this was actually pretty entertaining. Not as good as The Mist or even 1408...
Oh hello there welcome to the zone!
Physical Media
Why don't they make movies mixed with animation anymore? They are always fun
You are now aware that this should have been the cast of the new Ghostbusters
Why is this allowed?
Why does this happen so frequently?
ITT: Desired Vidyakino
Cast this man Sup Forums
They told me it was CGI
What happened here?
Just came back from this movie, feel free to ask anything
This is supposed to be the most beautiful woman in the DCCU
So i'm looking for movies that was inspired by the 80s in their aesthetic and in their soundtrack
Wanna Fight?
Films with good use of color
Eternal /got/ general
Cinegrid thread. I'm looking for some new ones
This is X-23 in the new wolverine movie
Why am I not triggered by this type of diversity?
Amber Heard Withdraws Request For Spousal Support
What are some movies that portray sexual fetishes?
Game of thrones, season 6 ending. Spoilers
ITT: best movie related vidya
They're not even hiding it anymore
How do you go from this
American """"comedy""""
I got fired today from my dream job...
/got/ general
The moon landing is arguably the single greatest achievement in all of human history. And, these days...
The VVitch
Where were you when Memes went too far
United States soldier
Hey Sup Forums i wanna get into anime and this is what netflix is recommending me. which should i watch?
Guys I REALLY need to talk about the Chronicles of Riddick
What a ‘Ghostbusters’ Online Attack Says About the Digital Age
Is this the ultimate JUST?
What's the verdict?
Chris Hansen
Post 'em, lads
Say what you want about Julia Louis-Dreyfus, but you can't deny she's aged like fine wine, and still making good tv
Socially anxious Chad
Just got around to watching Zootopia
So is Taylor Swift going to be a new Bond girl?
Eternal /got/ general
Loki and Taylor Swift
Here's your popcorn, sir
So what do we know?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
What's so bad about Cinema Sins?
Only 2 eps left
Tfw no STALKER TV adaptation
Who is ____
Given the right armour and weapons, how many Boltons could Wun Wun take on?
He doesn't have to poo in loo anymore
It wasn't bad
Name a sadder ending to a TV series, particularly a comedy
What are some kino documentary series?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
What are some films where girls loves other girls?
After how many pumps would you stop her?
The Nerd is making a Horror Movie!
Deep Sea Movies
ITT: "That guy" actors
Anybody seen Richie?!
I wasn't paying attention when this aired originally, what did Sup Forums think of it...
Can we have a horror thread
What's next for her career?
Based fucking Duncan Jones
/got/+/asoiaf/ general
/got/ general
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
What was the last truly great season of It's Always Sunny (if one exists), and should they just call it a day?
ITT: unintentional movies about Autism
Female Ocean's 11
Guys... is it over now? is the a-alimony gone for good?
Pays for superhero and videogame films and dvds/blurays
Janice was TWICE the woman monica or especially rachel and phoebe were
Resident Evil The Final Chapter trailer leaked
Really makes you think
Brendan Fraser to star in Bollywood movie
Dr Paveleer ? Check these repeating integers
Just saw this. technically flawless, and the last 20 minutes are wicked, creepy and beautiful...
Claiming Warcraft is the greatest vidya movie ever created
Eternal /got/ general
X-Men Apocalypse
What's her endgame?
Is this the dawn of Cut-Kino?
The Last Blockbuster
/got/ general
ITT: Actors you want to punch every time they come on screen
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Thoughts on this?
Immortal Dracula General
ITT: Actors and actresses who would probably sleep with you
What do you guys think of Max Landis?
Oh, the GARAGE. Well la dee da mr. Frenchman!
ITT: Give me movies with asshole protagonists
All Part III's suck
I know what you've been doing user
Vice Principals
Should Wolverine wear a mask for at least one scene in Hugh Jackman's final movie as the beloved comic book superhero?
Here's your popcorn, sir
Is Rick Chaotic Evil "done right"?
/got/ general
How i catch a giant ghost?
That loud "chung!" as the FM's mace buried into his chestplate
Horror movies that actually scared the shit out of you,pls no sci fi shit
Why is she so darn mean to everyone?
So I went to see this last night at the theater, and my mom met up with me...
Fuck you Sup Forums. Fuck you for giving me hope that this would be good. What a disappointing pile of garbage...
What's Sup Forums's opinion on this?
Brendan Fraser to play villain in Bollywood movie
Why didn't he just use rings as Horcruxes and wear them in his fingers at all times?
What did she mean by this?
Hating on a lighthearted comedy just because the MCs are female
Brendan Fraser To Play Villain In Bollywood Movie
Shrek Movie Series To Be ‘Resurrected’ By DreamWorks
/got/ general
People fear what they don't understand
So why is this getting so much praise? Everyone seems to be loving the movie and saying it is clever
Any good animation movies?
Is this still accurate for 2016 Sup Forums?
Name a black and white film that is actually as immersive, engaging and as thrilling as color films
Introducing X-23
Which do I go see today?
Has the actor of a main character on a TV show ever died, forcing the show to end? I cant think of any examples of this...
Was it a spiritual and economic disaster?
Is this HBOs next related project?
/got/ general
It's a story about a woman who sleeps with a paralyzed dude and then he kills himself and gives her all his stuff
Jack reacher 2
Time is a flat pizza
Any suggestions for extremely depressing movies?
Tfw Dune will never get a proper movie adaption like LOTR did
What am I in for?
Muh strong women
Name ONE thing she did wrong
Anyone gonna see this?
What's the best episode?
Where is the WarCraft review at?
Watch film
/got/ general
What's the legacy of The Daily Show?
Is wagekino exists?
They are still mad as fuck at James. Some choice quotes
Tyrion: Khaleesi, thank the gods you've returned. We're being attacked!
ITT: God Tier plot twists
Alison Brie loves fans who loves her feet
Is this show really THAT good?
How can anyone be rooting for Cersei?
ITT: Shows that went on exactly two seasons too long
Post your favourite motion picture and other Anons guess your age
What went wrong?
/got/ general
Sure signs you are about to see a shit movie
Was this ever a good show? If so, what are the stronger seasons?
Can you think of a more godly voice? If heaven turns out to be real...
3x3 thread
Cast an attractive African women
What the fuck happened?
Why did he design flat chested sex robots??
When will this actor join the capeshit genre?
Are Sheldon and Penny best friends?
I would murder every last man and woman in Westeros just to catch a whiff of my sister's pussy again
You guys were talking about this a few days ago and I just watched. Holy shit it was awesome
What's going to happen?
Oh don't mind me just got stabbed in my vital organs but just wrapping it up in some cloth healed me right up
Seriously WTF?
Now that the dust has settled. What does Sup Forums think of American Sniper?
Eternal /got/ general
How do you fix this?
What's her name?
How should he die?
Character's people compare you to
"They wanted to do a retro movie. I don’t like that. Every movie I work very hard to make them completely different...
We all know he dies in the next episode for budget reasons, right?
Is she right?
I like Saoirse Ronan because, besides being a good actress...
Have video games surpassed film as a powerful medium for artistic expression?
Why did Ridley Scott stop making good movies?
Why does everything Miles Teller touch die?
Why is X-Men First Class the best X-Men movie?
What makes these movies so great?
This was my favorite series as a kid. I've ignored anything that has come out since the original three movies, though...
Give me some movies where the bad guy wins and there is no redemption for the good guys...
At the cinema
A rainbow appeared directly over Pulse nightclub today
Family Guy
Would you go see a film about his life, /tv?/
What does Sup Forums think of X-men First Class?
Watching 90s teen comedy
Is Sawyer the most based LOST character?
This is my kino
How does tv feel about William Melvin "Bill" Hicks
Who are the most handsome actors? And how do we save pic related's hairline so he remains handsome?
Louis Theroux has said that the Church of Scientology claimed to be 'worried he'd get hurt'
He did nothing wrong
Is she a character actor?
Howard stern
How do you feel about uncut cocks?
/got/ general
You will never drive Tommy's Mercedes at 110mph while he sleeps in the passenger seat
Webm thread
Does Sup Forums like Fassbinder? I find Veronika Voss quite an underrated film
Sony exposed: Bill Murray forced to promote new godawful ghost busters remake
Is this reddit: the show or is it actually good?
Thy year is 2016
Is it good?
What's next for his career?
Eternal /got/ general
Will I forget them?
Thinly-veiled husbando thread
I choose violence
Dammit Mark. Not you too
What is your favorite decade of film?
Fuck you, I liked it
According to national data posted by Showbuzz, Sunday’s installment of the AMC drama drew a 0...
How should he die?
WW2 Movies
How do we fiх Sup Forums?
He didnt understand she meant 'hop on' one of 20 OTHER bikes, not spoon her big butt
/got/ general
DUDE your brother just turned 21 can he get us beer and weed to impress stacey at the party *farts*
ITT Aesthetic & Authentic
Things plebs say
Friendly Reminder that Sensei Seagal snatched an 11-month old puppy's birthday because, quote...
What does the 'N' stand for?
WarCraft general
ITT: Criminaly underrated sequels
What's some essential Christian-kino?
Whats your opinion on January Jones? She plays nice grills
Watch the walking dead
In honor of the BvS Ultimate Edition, what is your favorite Extended Cut Kino?
Jewish history is a history of unethical conduct! First the Pharisees killed Jesus Christ, the only true son of God...
What went wrong?
Whichever user recommended this to me a few hours ago, thanks
God is an asshole
What did we learn today?
Hit me with the saddest film you know Sup Forums
/got/ general
Why did clown posting never take off?
ITT: I don't get it
I just finished watching Heat, absolutely loved it
Characters that best represent the boards of Sup Forums
Who else is /hyped/ for what Based Glenn has to say at fatty fatty boom booms fake funeral
Oh my fuck
Is she the worst Star Wars character ever? I thought she was forced and super cringy...
Kojima core movies ?
Pain & Gain
Sup Sup Forums. Anyone ever want to build a home theater?
Who will play him in the inevitable vidyakinopic?
What did she mean by this?
Independence Day 2
What movies are you watching tonight?
Captain! Sensors are detecting a Star Trek Shitposting thread in the vicinity! We should beam over and kill it!
AMC Threatens Fans With Lawsuit Over Free Speech
Has anyone ever successfully captured the essence of Lovecraftian horror on the silver screen? Has anyone come close?
How did Kyle Reese adjust so fast to 1984? He should've been in fucking shock, regardless of his mission...
Obscure Films You Probably Haven't Heard Of
/got/+/asoiaf/ general
We can do it backwards while you watch foot fetish anime porn
Go to theater
3 months later
What are some good movies about young boys having sexual relations with older women?
Watching trailer for Independence Day 2
Just saw Warcraft
Is he chaotic good?
More jokes!
Any shows that are similar to 24?
People pretend Louis Theroux is based
/poi/ - Person Of Interest General: It's A Wonderful Life Edition
Cast the perfect actress!
Rate me you losers, you can't afford blue ray
Eternal /got/ general
Was Renee the best 24fu?
How would you classify horror like this?
Movie is 3 hours long
Sup Forums, what is the worst adaptation you've ever seen?
Chris Hansen
In my culture I would be well within my right to dismember you
A girl is Mary Sue
Post a movie in our top 10 horror
ITT: post characters that are literally you
/hor/ - recommendations/new-releases/discussion - She Likes You Edition
What's Sup Forums's general consensus on Smallville?
So there are rumors of Disney waiting Miyzaki's death so they can make a "Lord of The Rings" style trilogy about this
Scene set in London
/got/ general
Times Sup Forums was right about a movie you should watch. The Witch was a solid 9/10
What are some good "fever dream" movies?
Is this the most realistic portrayal of alcoholism in film? Really kino acting by Denzel
The big silicon valley theory
Where were the jumpscares ?
Who's excited for HBOs Napoleon directed by Cary Fukunaga and produced by Spielberg based on Kubrick's 1969 script and...
You've pissed off Anton Chigurh and he's coming to kill you...
Eternal /got/ general
Based Louis
ITT movies you weren't able to finish
Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?
What constitutes a fidget?
Do people really consider this better than The Avengers? It's not even better than The Winter Soldier
You ready Sup Forums?
80s movies you wouldn't actually mind being re-made
Win or lose, they're going to make a movie about Drumpf as soon as the presidential race is over
Mark Hamill has been working 14 hours days filming Episode 8
Could a movie like this be released today?
We want the youtube audience
/Cinema mischief/
Letterboxd general /lbg/
The Mountain takes care of member of the Faith Militant Game of Thrones s06e08
James Bond vs Indiana Jones
Redpilled movies
/got/+/asoiaf/ general
Who was in the wrong here?
*backflips through a hail of bullets*
What's his endgame?
When did late night talk shows get so cringey?
What's his endgame?
Did you have a film class in high school? What was it like?
Penny Dreadful
“It’s not a different kind of success story, it’s a global success story,”
This is considered 10/10 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
English character discussing metallurgy
Thoughts on this?
Pop this bitch in
Why they don't kill off this sad motherfucker already?
Characters whose death signalled the demise of a show's quality
/got/+/asoiaf/ general
Hey white shirt, how'd you get your shirt so white?
Look up the highest grossing movies of all time
Post films English language films Sup Forums probably hasn't seen
Name one objectively good thing about this movie
Just saw this movie. It was actually pretty good
Don't touch me motherfucker
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Was this film overrated because it was about a vampire?
The war is lost
RIP sweet Princess
ITT: Actors with varied filmography
Is there are more 80s movie than Scarface?
ITT: Pure, unadultered kino
Eternal /got/ general
Do you think Heather is proud of her slutty little daughter?
Jesus was black, 9/11 was committed by the NRA, Ronald Reagan was evil, Democrats are the good guys...
David Fincher
Just go back from watching WarCraft
Has Sup Forums ever been to flavortown?
Is Dredd capekino?
What's the essential romcom kino?
Ghost Busters talk about their Ideal man
You let this happen
Donald Glover is in talks to join the cast of Spider-Man: Homecoming
They never did a a Pirates movie where Sparrow has to deal with his way more obnoxious and annoying brother...
ITT: What you learned in film school
So now that the carrot has been settled what does tv think about zootopia
James Bond vs Austin Powers
Previously on Big Brother
Ash vs. Evil Dead
Would you like to see movie about The Finno-Korean Hyperwar ?
What was his endgame?
Game of thrones sucks
Apparently Heard added in the documents that the court could have ordered Depp to pay her around $1 million in...
Got: Beric Dondarrion
Eternal /got/ general
Is this comedy kino?
Films about rivalries from the loser's perspective
ITT: Movies that Americans are too stupid to understand
What are some of the greatest movie shots?
Faceless men are heavily featured in advertising for season 6
What's your opinion on him?
Based Kiefer network TV Show
2001 a space odyssey
What role will she be inevitably cast in the MCU or DCU?
Fuck you OP, Go fuck yourself in your fat ass you fucking fucker
Biggest blunder of 2016
William Dafoe is 60 years old
What role will she be inevitably cast in the MCU or DCU?
ITT post the year you first browsed Sup Forums and your favourite movie
/got/+/asoiaf/ general
In a recent interview Mr. Snyder said he is planning on introducing the Multiverse after Justice League Part One...
Movies Sup Forums tricked you into watching
We raised the budget by 50%
"Sad story. You got a smoke?"
Yfw Marvel won
Cringe thread
The "rave" at the beginning of the first Blade movie must be the worst way ever to attract human victims
Without mentioning the villain. What exactly is wrong with this capekino?
Melissa McCarthy Suggests Ghostbusters Remake Critics Live In Their Mother’s Basements:
"I refuse to stop making kino"
Are gratuitous pointless sex scenes the worst thing to happen to cinema?
What was the point of this movie?
Eternal /got/ general
ITT: Well written female characters
Making Bond a woman
Rob Zombie (probably not his real last name)
Man of Steel
It's a Chase kills an African dictator episode
>tfw the cash is in your pocket
Why did it take a kids movie to sum up Islamaphobia better than any other movie or book?
Will there ever be a more high-stakes action scene?
Why didn't they like the jacket? It looks pretty cool
Who /first48/ here?
Why was Rachel the worst friends character?
Hey where's my chop?
Was she supposed to be hot?
Literally the senzu bean of the GoT-universe
/got/+/asoiaf/ general
New Rob Zombie kino
Ben Hur (2016)
What does it take to kill a dragon?
Please I'm craving for any other movies like Chungking Express. Any suggestions?
So no one ripped it?
Why are girl programmers always shown as punks with a bunch or tatoos?
About to watch this for the first time
So is Sup Forums going to buy what is going to be the cheapest 4k video player on the market?
Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER
Scream new episode thread
GOT Episode 9 pattern
Nothing a bowl of soup and a night of sleep couldn't fix
Really makes you think
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Why did Emily Blunt's character let the Mexican guy get away with it when she was an assassin...
Eternal /got/ general
Arya kidding me?
Women in cinema thread
Greetings, traveller
Why was she good in Newsroom and literally nothing else?
What are some essential must watch Japanese tv shows?
Now I am become Kleinefelter, the Thunder of Thighs
Black guy is the heavy weapons guy
It ain't me starts playing
Fine, you guys have finally convinced me to watch this show. I'm just binged season 2 and it's pretty good...
Well, was it neonkino?
/got/ general - Show Me His Body Edition
Could she do well in a starring role, or is she better off with low-key roles?
2 would give their lives to protect you, the others will do anything to kill you
What scene in The Sopranos made you the most mad and why was it the bit when those ratfucks sent Feech back to the can?
What in the fuck did I just watch? This was disturbing as fuck
What is he thinking?
Does anyone else find it annoying when the main mastermind villain turns out to be female?
Conan responds to the tragedy in Orlando by calling for an end to semi-automatic assault rifle sales
How does one achieve this level of cool?
Why is British Humour so superior to American Humour I mean American Humour is literally:
This is literally the worst horror movie ever made
What does Sup Forums think of the new Spidey Suit?
Did anyone else lose respect for Jlaw after her pics leaked...
Post anime-kino
I wish that I had been bitten by a cop instead, to really put the fear of God into the niggers of this city
How can any self-respecting man """love""" a woman who fucks random chads she feels no emotional connection to for the...
/got/ general
Blonde hair, blue eyes Jessica Alba
How does a comma patient survive unattended for 28 days?
The girl has nice cleavage
DC Universe Cast
Why did people hate this movie again?
Why did noone like it?
Letterboxd lbg general
Jlaw is blue for a total of like 5 minutes the whole movie even though being herself was such a huge plot point in...
Brad Bread
Warcraft movie 2016
How do you feel about this?
Ultimate cut out or are they fake?
/got/ general
Why no Warhammer 40k kino?
John Carter of Mars
Bronn is top tier
Human emotions are like computer code
Holy fuck those threads. Those fucking threads for months and months after the first trailer
I really hope this new season will be back to discussing cinema more thoroughly...
How do you become so shit?
Did he do it?
Will this film turn me racist?
Mfw it's actually a great show
ITT: post show-ruining characters
Would you pay $29 for a movie ticket if it came with complementary pre-show meal like these?
Simpsons/King of the Hill reaction image thread #2
When did he become John Oliver 2.0?
Best movies/tv shows to fall asleep to?
I've been looking for some good new comedy movies to watch, but every time I refer to the internet...
Daily reminder that this is the ONLY scripted show in the history of television to stay good after season 10
Thoughts on this upcoming film?
OI M88
Just watched this movie again (I love Keanu)
So you're a Sup Forums mod wow, that site is very popular you must make a lot of money
Do women find Arnold attractive? Or is he just a male power fantasy?
They will never make a better Superman TV Series. Fact
Actresses cry when they have to 10 kilos to get roles
Who wins?
Whom do you prefer?
Why can't Superman be Superman in the movies?
How the FUCK did they get away with this?
Would you say this is an obscure film, Sup Forums?
This was a white blonde female character thing
Snow vs Snow battle preditcs
Russell Crowe twice denied Australian citizenship
A-B-M. A-always, B-be, M-memeing. Always be memeing. ALWAYS BE MEMEING. A-I-D-A. Autism, interest, decision, autism...
Post 10/10 actors and actresses
When did this board become so contrarian?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...