Oh my fuck

Oh my fuck.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop being racist.

>he's not fat or goofy


>door to the house opens
>"Uncle Buck is here to FUCK!!!"
>uproarious laughter and applause

How did ABC get away with this?

>Uncle Tom

>mfw I find out about this

I'd figure a uncle comes to help with kids would be general enough to use a different name.

Stop being a cuck

I'd watch it.

That's not Uncle Buck.


is this shooped

>invite a guy over to watch your kids because have to attend your fathers funeral

>when he gets there band together with your family and toddlers to prevent him from coming inside

>white people

It's better

Uncle Bull


>This starring a black man
>Family Feud and $100k Pyramid hosted by darkies
>All on one network

No holographic John Candy, no watch.

>Li'l Scarface
>Ride Along
>Going to Jail Party
>I got This
>The Interrogation
>Block Party

Episode titles sound like they're really sticking to the spirit of the original

I liked it.

Candyman would be too many pixels, really expensive. Should bring back Culkin.

I think the younger daughter is the cutest thing ever. I want to buy her pretty dresses and take her to the park and play hopscotch with her and have tea parties with her and read her books as she falls asleep and play Legos with her and take her to movies and drive her to school and take her to the school and pack her lunch and make her dinner and other cute things with her.

This is actually the unbelievably shitty remake poster


>tfw the families of John Candy and John Hughes were vehemently against this and tried to stop it


But John Candy and John Hughes are dead now, DEAD! AAAHAHAHA!


>not one person has called this Uncle Cuck yet

come on Sup Forums


>I'm gonna shove my load into you whether you like it or not!

What did he mean by this?

>everyone is smiling

Then why are they trying to keep him out?

They're actually working together to realign the door.


When did he say this?


A black guy named "Buck?" Nobody saw anything wrong with that?

If he is the same type of character as the original, then the name is actually fitting, even if it is an old racial slur.

Cause it's a wholesome fun family prank they pull on Buck every time he visits which is once a week on ABC.

So is this what they call Black Washed ?


Charlie's on Thursday night.

It's called exploitation. If you can add 'black' to the title without changing the film it's exploitation, like 'Black Annie'.

John Candy must be rolling on his grave.


>if you do it without calling it that it isn't.
this is like newspeak right out of 1984

When Marci comes over to see Cindy

The movie is about damn near as perfect of a film as has been made. There is not a flat scene in the whole flick. Even the serious subplot is entertaining, and thankfully short enough to not detract from the comedy.
To be fair, I think they tried to do a spin off series after the film first came out.
But still, why?

It's progressive now that we have blacks exploiting themselves apparently.